"Now, let's pass on our request. First, Merynesburg will be liberated from the control of the Holy King by our liberation army. In the meantime, the Holy King's Army stationed in Merynesburg will disarm everything. On top of that, I'm going to collect all the weapons in the armory."

"Is that all?

"Basically, yes. Our aim is to recapture the territory of the former Kingdom of Merinard and rebuild the Kingdom of Merinard. There is no difference in treatment between subhumans and humans in the Kingdom of Merinard. They are all equal tribesmen. So we don't rule out anybody just because we believe in Adolphy. However, in the name of the Kingdom of Merinard, we do not tolerate discrimination against subhumans on the grounds of their faith. If that's unacceptable, I need you to leave."

Sylphie pointed her amber eyes at Ellen, adding the word "forcibly."

"I see, I understand your request. Are you sure you don't want to commit genocide or looting against citizens?

"Basically. But whoever has treated a subhuman harshly shall be recompensed accordingly. We know that the people of your holy kingdom are abusing innocent subpopulations by calling them" indoctrination. "

"... not all the people of the Holy King are dyed for such acts."

Ellen wrinkled between her eyebrows in Silfi's words and muttered quietly.

Correction, that is, to put it bluntly, is an alteration to the way in which abusive behavior towards subpopulations has done good.

According to the teachings of the Adolese bishop school, all the subhumans are born sinners who were branded as sins by the Lord God Adol. Therefore the righteous Adolphs shall punish them, and shall help them to atone for their sins, and so on. It seems that no matter how many orders you make, what you do is just abuse. It's natural to kick a punch. It seems that they are working hard to the point of falling without water or food, and that acts that are very unspeakable to fruit are also being carried out flatly. I haven't seen it in person.

"Of course I do. It is true that such acts are carried out by powerful people, such as nobles and merchants, or by high-ranking Adolese clerics who are supposed to be pure and innocent. By the way, I also know that the reason the Holy King invaded the kingdom of Merinard twenty years ago was because he wanted elves to increase his magical powers."


Sylvie's irony clouds Ellen's expression even more.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about that to the pure Virgin. Just understand that we don't intend to kill more people than we need to. I will not tolerate any looting or slaughter of Liberation Army soldiers. Then I'll be just like you."

"Dear Silfiel,"

Merti called out to Silfi to open his mouth and interrupted the words ahead. Still, Sylvie tried to say something, but swallowed it with the power of will.

"Our grievances accumulated over the past twenty years are by no means small. But that's it, this is this. Let's fill in the details."

That said, Merti began discussing the deactivation of the Holy King's Army stationed in Merynesburg, the temporary rule, the defense system, and the policing system.

In the meantime, with regard to the power of the Adolescent or the Holy King, all armaments were confiscated after disarming. However, security guards in Merynesburg were excluded from receiving light armor, batons, canes, and other traps. The sudden absence of guards is likely to significantly deteriorate security in Merlinesburg.

With regard to policing in Merynesburg, some of the PLA's infantry would also appear to be serving with the Merynesburg Guard. My guess is not only that, but I'm also thinking that we can get people out of Happy's scorn and monitor the incident from above. With a Golem communicator, we can move without waiting for a citizen to report it.

In addition, for the time being, specific governance stories such as limiting night-time outings within Merlinesburg and arranging to minimize the impact of Merlinesburg on economic activity were also filled with details.

"So what happens to our disposition?

When the discussion was over, Ellen cut it out. We are, in other words, Adolese people, including Ellen, who has been the leader of Merynesburg until now.

"... as I said earlier, we're not going to take anybody's life just because we're Adolese priests. Nor should they have a hobby of flying everyone's neck and entertaining them, nor should they wish to do so to cause anxiety to the citizens of Merynesburg. Basically, I want you to spend the rest of your time under our surveillance. I think the part that will gradually change the way we do things will come out."

"Are your people convinced of such a disposition?

"That's not your concern."

In response to Ellen's question, Sylvie stood up.

"Let's disarm first. If you don't want to kill any more people, persuade the soldiers to do well. Leonard will lead half the infantry and gunmen to take control of Merynesburg."

"I understand."

"The other half and Zamir, Koske, will go with me to the royal castle. I'll have the Virgins come with me. Guard Captain Gustave will accompany Leonard."

"Hey, I understand."


An armored middle-aged man was Mr Gustave of the Merynesburg Guard. It appears that his guard did not go to battle with the Holy King's Army and was tasked with intercepting at the walls of Merynesburg.

However, seeing roughly 2,000 regular troops ground meat in just a few minutes, he chose to surrender sooner.

Or, worse yet, a coward, or, better yet, someone who can make a sober decision? Honestly, I can't make any judgment at the moment. However, if he chooses to fight thoroughly, it is expected that the guards and Merynesburg themselves will suffer considerably, so I think his judgment was wise.

"We will accompany you to the royal castle."

I see. Tell Isla and the Wizards to come to the royal castle as soon as they have a life-saving plan. We will be escorted by the infantry and gunmen who will accompany us. And tell the Happy scouts to scout the perimeter and the bombers to monitor Merynesburg. "

Silfi nodded at Merti's words as he flipped the instructions. What Merti is saying about us is that of the civilians who accompany Merti. They had little work to do so far, but from here it was their battlefield.

"What, it's over?

After eating pancakes, Grande looked at the stairs and shouted.

"Oh, it's over."

"Hmm... after all, why are you guys so in love with each other? My concubine didn't know what I was talking about."

"The war started twenty years ago. It'll be a long story."

"Hmm... I can't live a hundred years, but I don't know what it means to kill each other with my own clan."

Grande stood up from his seat and spread his wings with an unrelenting expression.

"Isn't Koske going into the city? My concubine seems to be bored with me, so I'm going to play in the nest for a while."

That's how Grande winged and flew away into the sky in an instant. The face of the Holy King who saw it round his eyes. Perhaps you could correctly recognize that Grande is the incarnation of the dragon. I'm sure it's that look. It looks like a dragon, but I wouldn't call it a little girl, but it's a thin girl.

"Now, let's get started. I want you to accompany me. Koske, give me the airboard."

Copy that.

Regardless of the troops that control Merynesburg, we're not going to make it to the castle on foot. It's quite a distance.

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