"Well, where are you taking me? What the hell is this cave!?

"Fuck you. Walk tight. You want to be a jerk like a goblin? Huh?"

"Okay, okay, okay, stop pointing that mess at me!

Walking around for about an hour kicking the ass of a surviving agent. I was attacked by a goblin on my way to a few beehives, but otherwise I was able to reach the cave leading to the limes without any particular trouble.

I kicked up the cowardly spy's ass and walked through the cave into the sewer. Then the agent lost his temper and began to stare at the surroundings.

"Well, hey, isn't it dangerous to go any further? This is the sewer in Merynesburg, right? The sewers are full of violent slime monsters."

I kicked an agent's ass in silence. That's how it goes for a while. The unpleasant smell of the sewer faded and my nose almost stopped feeling it. This is proof that we have entered the territory of the Limes.

I don't know...

"Welcome back. Who is this guy?

The agent tried to cry again when the lime appeared and shouted. The agent is stunned by the sudden appearance of Lime.

"An agent of the Holy King who followed me and tried to capture me. I brought him here to see if what he said was true."

Phew, we're enemies.

The voice I heard from the trembling lime was as cold as I had ever heard. I can't believe you hear that voice coming from an innocent and cheerful lime... that's a huge gap.

"Hy, hyi......"

The agent's man slipped out in front of the lime who took the girl's figure. You're so cute, you're so pathetic. Slime, isn't she cute? What, sexuality? You're such an idiot.

"Well, it's hard to rely on the limes, but I'm sure the limes were able to" peek directly ", right?

That said, when I pointed to my head, Lime trembled with a smile.

"I can do it. But what about this guy afterwards?

"I'll think about it later."

Really… I'll do it.

"Anyone who ultimately serves his purpose. I just want you to pay attention to the accuracy of the information."

Well then, poison is good. I won't follow you! "

"Oh, please."

The shape-shaped lime tangles with the agent at an unnoticeable speed, sealing his body movements and mouth and taking him to the back of the sewer. The agent's man is already panicking. Looks like he's scratching the algae with a loud voice, but it's impossible to escape the lime's constraints in a physical way. Silfi and Merti have magical powers around them, but I think they're going to solve the problem.

Then you can walk a little while watching an agent tangled in limes scratching algae. I saw the light ahead. The limes' rattles.

"Oh, welcome back... to that guy?

"Are you a prisoner?

As soon as I entered Negura, Beth and Poiso called out. Grande seems to be sleeping softly on a bed spread out like a bed. Maybe he was asleep all the time just because I wasn't there.

"Poison's a prisoner, as expected. Apparently, some mainstream people from the Holy King's kingdom have sent in suspected links between Ellen and the Liberation Army. He said," He's more of a hired contingent agent than an Adolese mainstream agent. "

"I see. So you just have to find out if that's true?

"That's what happens. It doesn't matter if he dies as a result. They saw me and the gun, and I can't put him back where he was."


The agent, whose mouth was sealed by the lime, opened his eyes to my words and began to moan and rage as much as he could. However, to that extent, Lime's restraint is completely unwavering.

"Lucky you tracked me down. You're not the lucky one, are you?"

"Well then, I'm going to peek inside Miso. Should I leave the treatment of prisoners to you?

"Yeah, but I can't just let him out alive. Even if you play with your brain and perform memory processing, you may be able to extract information using magic and poison methods."

"Okay. Then I'll keep it. It won't take that long."

The poison who received the agent from the lime drags him away. I thought the agent might be out of control, but the moment Poison touched the agent, he lost power and was taken without resistance. I wonder if you put a sedative or something in there the moment you picked up the agent from Lime...? Poison is really not alarmed, is he?

"I'll leave it to Poison to wake up the grand..."

Suddenly she got tangled up from behind as she stepped out to wake up the grande sleeping on Beth. Beth is right in front of me, so she's probably lime.

"What's wrong?

"Are you wrinkled?

That said, Lime stretched out a few tentacles and touched my eyebrows and rubbed them. Not only that, I started touching and rubbing my cheeks, neck, shoulders and whole body.

"I'm going to asthma. When that happens, don't be so awesome.

Lime dragged me into his body without asking if he felt anything from my appearance. Someday, the lime that was enlarged just pulled me out of my neck and took me in. I can't help it.

How many of them were there?

"... three people"

Well then, two of you. Well, it doesn't feel good, does it? I think we should try not to worry too much. Because nobody gets paid. "

"Is that what it is?"

"That's what it is. It's also a problem to worry too much."

"Is that what it is?"

"That's what it is."

It's hard.

Get a full body massage from Lime while Beth receives counseling. Are you still excited or something right now? I'm surprised it has less shock than I thought. After all, I don't think the Achievement is working. Soon after that, her armor was removed and she was in her underwear.



Apparently, he just made it easy. It feels so good that your body is getting sleepy even after rubbing it. Ah, it's healing.

"It will take some time for Poison to pick up everything from the prisoners. You must be mentally tired, so get some sleep."

"Ah... okay."

I feel the calm tone of Beth's voice echoing directly from my ears into my brain. Well, the magic of this world is not going to work for me, so it must be the power of Beth's voice, which is neither magic nor anything.

"Good night."

I hear a rolling voice of lime bells in my ear. Besides, it smells good. Does this smell kind of smell...? Such an idea passed my head, but my head, which was already powered down, did not turn any further, and my consciousness fell into the darkness.

"... hah!?


As soon as I wake up, my hands will bury in something soft. Somehow, my hand, poking at me to get up, was buried in the lime's body, which was my bed.

I'm sorry, I was asleep.

"Hmm, that's pretty good. Hey, you feeling better?

"Hmm? Oh... yes, I feel like I'm feeling kind of refreshed."

The awakening was refreshing. Whether there was a spiritual shock when I took care of the chaser with my own hands, I felt somehow restless and calm, as if it were a windless lake surface. I don't think I had any dreams in particular... but did the lime's total kneading and the best sleep environment give me a huge relaxing effect? Something bothers you before you go to bed...?

It's a screw-up, Koske.

"If Grande told me..."

"My concubine is not a jerk. As a dragon, I'd rather get up early. I just slept a little bit today."

"It's a big dragon timescale to sleep a little from morning till after noon...."

Looking around with that, it looks like there's only lime and grande on the wand. It seems Beth has gone somewhere.

"Hasn't Poison come back yet?

"Did you just come back?

"Oops, I told you I could do anything to back up Koske's information. I'm going to find out if there's any other information I can exploit. But I told you it would take time."

"Well... then, I think we should leave the interrogation to Poison and let Grande and I go back to Arrihiburg one step ahead. Interrogation results can be shared on a Golem transmitter."

"Isn't that right?

"Hmm, that might be nice. Should we go back soon?

"Well... I'm sorry I can't say hello to both of you."

Nice to meet you ~

That's how Lime shaped his hand with his whole body and raised his thumb. Hmm, it looks super strong if I punch it like that.

"Okay. Well then, I'm sorry, but please give them my regards."

"Okay. Come back?

"Oh, I'll be back soon. Grande, please."

Hmm, leave it to me.

Say goodbye to Lime, then follow the tunnel with Grande and head outside via the sewer. On the way, Grande, who was walking next to me, somehow looked up at me as he walked.

"What's wrong?

"Hmm... no, it's nothing. Slime... no, I just thought spirits weren't a big deal."

So Grande shook his neck and gently slapped me around the waist, as if he cared about me.


As I lean on Grande's suspicious attitude, I move forward.

Well, it wouldn't bother me. We need to get back to Arihibourg as soon as possible. It's hard on Grande, but if you fly away, you'll be there by sundown.

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