Survival in Another World With My Master

Chapter 169 - Return and Reporting

The next day.

Today, the upper limit of the health stamina gauge is reduced by 50% and 50%. I think it will take a few hours to recover, so please work with me. Especially Isla, Grande and Harpy.

Are you guys smoking something you shouldn't smoke from me? Are you okay? If this doesn't go up, if it's not enhanced with various Achievements and Skills, you're not dead?

"I am properly identifying it. Actual safety"

"Oh, yeah."

That's what I'll do. I'm just going back to Arrihibourg from Maywood on the airboard today. Afterwards, I met Silfi, took the supplies from the rear base to the warehouse, delivered the airboards, prototype magic guns and magic crystals to the R&D department, explained a lot, and attended the meeting between Ellen and the Liberation Army using the Golem communicator...?

Well, if you eat properly, the maximum value will gradually recover... as long as you don't fly, jump or run... I'm challenging you how far you can fool yourself.

Everyone takes a morning bath, breakfast is served, and the temporary accommodation is removed. The first PLA soldier to see what I was doing was stunned by the sight. Probably joined the Liberation Army after it captured Kingdom of Merinard territory. Sorry to disturb you.

I bid farewell to the PLA garrison in Maywood and set off on the airboard today as well. There are many pedestrians passing through the boulders between Maywood and Arihibourg, but they run up the grasslands on their shoulders at a slightly higher altitude.

We drove through the carriage of the caravan, and the caravan guards challenged us at the time, but in less than two hours we were able to reach Arihiburg.

Trouble on the road? Maywood and Arrihiburg are on the Liberation Army's front lines. Naturally, there are many Liberation Army patrols, and monsters are being exterminated at that time. Bandits don't come near. The only trouble is that the axles and wheels of the carriages of merchants and pedestrians are broken.

Ride the airboard in front of a gate lined with lines of market entry inspections, keep the airboard in the inventory, pass the market entry inspection beautifully, and enter Arihiburg. The surprise of the existence of the airboard and its disappearance somewhere in an instant prevailed, and the people lined up in the city of Arihiburg without complaining through the face pass.

Don't you feel guilty about not keeping your turn and going inside? No. Our scripture exploration is also an important PLA operation. There's a name for it: we have to deliver this to Sylvie as soon as possible.

So if you appear flashy on the airboard and stay in line, you'll be surrounded by smart merchants. Definitely. We don't have time for that.

Once in Arihiburg, Harpy and Grande will be able to advance from the sky to the Lords Hall. To let them know we've arrived. And with regard to the Grande, my company here is also dissolved for now. He said he would be relaxed for a while, so he would spend some time buried in the cushions around the living room of the lord's house.

The city of Arihibourg was flourishing. This is because there is a well-feathered Liberation Army headquarters, and Ah Lichburg is home to people, things, and money. Well, the source of funding is my field crops, the gemstones I mined, their workmanship, precious metals such as mythrills, elf products such as honey wine, etc.

Looks like the economy is getting better.

"Merti seems to be struggling inside."

"I suppose there's just a lot of hard work to do."

Elf products seem to sell at a particularly high price. I've heard from Sir Leonard and Danang before that elf beer was a hundred times more expensive than regular ale. Since the kingdom of Merinard was nationalized, elf products have stopped coming in, and it seems that elf's honey wine has become a phantom wine. Is it strange that it is worth 100 times more now, that is, 10,000 times the price of Yale?

You trembled when you heard this story. I never dreamed that the liquor I drank every day without any concern was such a luxury liquor. Well, I'm still drinking it after all. Mass production is now possible.

Talking to Ms Zamir like that, she greets a familiar Liberation Army soldier on the way to the Lord's Hall, which is also the Liberation Army headquarters. The Pilnas, who were already ahead of us in front of the Lords Hall, showed us to the conference room.

"You're back. That was really quick."

There was not only Sylvie in the conference room, but also Danang and Merti. Sir Leonard doesn't seem to be here. Maybe he's on patrol somewhere.

"I'm glad to hear that your quest for the Adolese scriptures of the time of the Kingdom of Omit has been successfully completed. This is the original, these two books are copies, and this is what I translated with Isla."

That said, I put a total of four books on the desk in the conference room.

"Schmel and the others searched the ruins with my escort without any problems. The Grande was also very active in investigating the ruins or locating them underground. Give me a reward for my work."

"I'll take care of that."

That's what Merty said and smiled nicely. Are you okay...? Well, are you okay? Melty tightens it, but I think it's the right kind of rating. I'll check with Schmel and the others later just in case.

"I've found a lot of other books, so I think we should turn them over to the experts. I think if I help you, it'll be a lot faster."

Translating the title of the book and the contents of the table of contents will go a long way.

"Okay. Regarding the scripture, I will check the contents later. Can I leave the analysis of the book to Isla?

"Nh, deal with it properly"

"I begged you. Communication with the Virgin is scheduled after noon, so stay free until noon. I don't mind if Schmel and the others disperse. The rewards are available in the Alliance."

"Yes. Let me know if anything happens again."

"Oh, I might ask for another escort in the near future. I will contact you directly or through an Alliance."

Roger. See you around.

Well then, Mr. Koske, I'll see you later.

Bye bye.

That's how the three of them left. I feel like I'm suddenly feeling kind of lonely when three people with big bodies disappear. Those three are easy to get along with personally, and I want to continue to get along.

"So what's going on with the Holy King?

"It seems that the story of the Virgin is coming together in the direction of attacking us and reclaiming the territory that was taken from us. The archaeologists seem to be calling for peace, but they seem to be completely pushed by the mainstream."

"Well, I guess so. I don't think the Holy King has any reason not to."

We took the southern half of the Kingdom of Merinard and settled down. However, its size is not significant given the size of the mainland of the Holy King's kingdom or the size of the territory of other subordinate countries of the Holy King's kingdom. Apparently.

As a matter of fact, the Holy King's kingdom has hundreds of thousands of troops... it's true that the total number of Liberation Army combatants today was less than 5,000. If you go on a few, you think you can crush us by marching 30,000 people.

If you actually attack with that number, you'll be crushed, normally. As far as the Liberation Army is concerned, I don't think that will ever happen. My wife produces it day and night when it's time to go.

"And it seems that the position of the nostalgia in the Holy King's country is getting worse. Well, from the mainstream, they're heretical traffickers who deny their doctrine and make friends with subhumans."

"Isn't it too sudden?

"It seems that the mainstream is rapidly expanding its power to hope that the Virgin of Truth is not in the Holy King's country. It's too much trouble for the Virgin to go back to the Holy King's Land."

"When did that happen....."

Does that mean that Ellen is still being targeted by mainstream people at this moment? Like when I was stabbed. Come on, it's not like you're sitting around like this. Don't you think it's bad if we don't go and get him? What do you want me to do, get Grande to carry you? And then what, you're gonna get into Ellen's room and grab her? How did you do that? Whatever.

In fact, if you use my abilities, you won't be able to sneak into that castle and kidnap Ellen. If we can get Ellen out of here, we can track down the cavalry on the airboard.

So why didn't you tell me that this was happening? If I had known sooner, I would have done anything.

"The Virgin is right."

Sylvie exhaled and looked me straight in the eye with her hands on my cheeks in quick motion. Silfi's amber eyes stared straight at me.

"Actually, the Virgin herself stopped me. If you ask me about your plight, I'm sure you won't be able to stay still."


It was completely read. Ellen smiled at me with her nose and said, "Fu, that's exactly what I expected."

"But what are we going to do? In such a situation, the plan to drive the nostalgia and turn the Holy King's Land upside down is a blister."

"That's true. That's why we're having that conversation after noon today."

"Nuu... what is Sylvie thinking?

"Abandoning the Virgin and the Nostalgia is nothing. I think it's okay to draw them in because they're enemies of the enemy. In fact, the doctrine of the nostalgian" correct Adolphy "would be a good weapon against the Holy King."

The Holy King is a religious state. If you make a huge rumor that the religious doctrine of the base is actually wrong, you will be able to greatly wobble around Adolphus, the backbone that supports the framework of the Holy Kingdoms. In addition, if there is a real Virgin who supports the "correct Adolescence", the effect will be even better.

It may be more effective if researchers from neutral third countries can be invited to prove the content of the scripture and the scripture itself to be authentic.

"Saints and archaeologists have a purpose. I believe that it is only worth being prepared to bring some risk to my side. Perhaps we can expect less human rebellion than the Holy King. We are only Liberation Army. Most of the members are subordinates. Even now, when we regain the territory of the kingdom of Merinard, we will have to deal with more people than we believe in Adolphus. The Virgin and the Nostalgia will be very helpful at that time."

That's how Sylvie let go of the hands that were on my cheeks. Looking at Merti and Da Nang, Merti nodded and Da Nang sighed with wrinkles between his eyebrows. Melty agrees, Danang disagrees passively.

"After restoring the kingdom of Merinard, it is not too realistic to expel or kill any of the Adolese. There are people who were born in this land and are already rooted in the Kingdom of Merinard."

"That's true....."

Even though Danang is reasonably convinced, there is something emotionally difficult to convince him. He's not here, but I think that's what Lord Leonard looks like. He's been murdered by the Holy Kingdoms, too.

"Anyway, I think so. I know you disagree, but in reality it's impossible to keep fighting until one of us is destroyed."

"With Koske, we can make scorched earth without leaving the holy kingdom."

"If you do that, you'll be beaten up by other countries around the world...."

"Nh, I just jumped into the question of whether it's realistic or not. I don't think that's going to be a good outcome."

Isla nodded honestly after being pushed back by Silfi.

"But if you think about doing Koske, you can make that choice. If you want to do that, you're probably alone. That's why Koske must be more careful than we were before. Too much power will destroy you."

Ira stares at me with her big eyes. I nodded mysteriously back at the gaze. Until now, fortunately, I have never been so angry with the people of the Holy Kingdoms that I have forgotten about myself, but this is not necessarily the case in the future. Isla must be telling you not to overdo it.

"Okay. Be careful. We're meeting after lunch, aren't we?

"Oh, yeah."

"Well, I'm going to go to the R&D department to cool off my head a bit. I have a lot to give you."

Nh, I'm coming too.

Isla walked up to me and grabbed the bottom of her clothes. I feel a strong will not to let you make a mistake and go straight to Ellen from now on.

"... see you later."

"Ah, I'll make lunch with my arms wide open."

That's what Sylvie said, smiled, and sent me and Isla away. Let's try to get a little calm by lunch. It's best to immerse yourself in something at times like these.

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