
"GURRRRRRRR! Bring me the liquor, human!

"Gyaooooooon!? (Brother, are you going to stop improving?!?

Moving yesterday to the square where the dragon family was received, relying on the ringing noise, there was a rattling grande and two brother dragons holding it down on the ground.

Yeah, first things first.

Get your filthy feet off the Grande now, motherfuckers.

I'm so excited.

As far as Grande is concerned, it is not difficult to imagine that he tried to stop his brother's dragon, who was trying to work with the body. If you look closely, there are scratches on the scales everywhere. I can't forgive this, can I?

"If you're not being mean, hahaha!

Give me the liquor! Now!

Why are you so loyal to your instincts... 'Intelligence: Like an animal'? Grande and Grande Mom are relatively rational... and Grande Dad was, well, rational compared to these guys.

Don't just wonder if their heads are Krupper or if the male dragons are instinctive overall.

"Say it again. Get your feet off the Grande now!

Point your fingertips at two fucking lizards kicking Grande in the foot.

Hey, Koske.

"Sylvie, I can't get along with someone who would kick my friend in the foot, no matter what the dragon."

"Hmm... that's right. I feel the same way."

"I guess so. I'll talk to you for a second, so Sylvie can keep an eye on you. If that's the case, I'm glad you could help me."


Sylvie nodded and sent me away. It is as if they were ready to put their arms together and royalty, and to observe the situation.

"Selling fights to Ko, Koske, and Stream Stone to my brother..."

"Idiot, my brother, who kicks his sister in the foot, is a garbage scum. Above all, I can't forgive someone who kicks a friend in the foot. So step back now, you fucking lizard. If you don't obey, I'll blow you up."

"How can a poor human be? Just give it to me."

"Wine! Wine!

My brother Dragon A grunts as if he were laughing at me and exhales as if his brother Dragon B was excited with Goff Goff. Yeah, no, these guys.

"Last warning. Step back from the Grande. Otherwise, I'll blow it up."

My brother Dragons did not obey my words, but rather put his strength into his feet stepping on the Grande.


Grande shouted out a distressing voice.

Yeah, I'm gonna blow it.

I took something out of the inventory and set it up. Grenade launcher with a large rotary magazine. It is loaded with six 40mm multipurpose grenades and has an armor penetration capability of about 50mm.

Somehow r

"Fly away."

Pushy, pushy, pushy, a slightly distracted firing sound sounds continuously, and a multi-purpose grenade that jumps out of the grenade launcher flies in the air with an arc.


The flying multipurpose grenade landed on his brother Dragon A's face and neck without coming off a single shot, causing an explosion. I wonder if this was unbearable for the boulder, but my brother Dragon A's neck turned wide upside down.

"Oh, my God."

Another shot, three shots. Driftstone and his brother Dragon B tried to avoid this, but now they're aiming for a bigger body. That figure couldn't have been avoided, and my brother Dragon B, who had three multi-purpose grenades on his torso, stepped back.


"Hey, Koske, my concubine's broken."

I'm sorry about that.

I apologize honestly to Grande for complaining while taking the reload action. I don't have the strength to beat them with my bare hands, so I have to rely on these things. I'm sorry about that.

"Sure you are, you human! Buy that fight..."

Poshun, Poshun, Poshun, Poshun, Poshun, Poshun.

"Ouch! Ouch! No, no! It hurts! Stop it!"

When I silently fired six shots at my brother Dragon A, I began to cry over whether the multi-purpose grenade would work on the boulder or my brother Dragon A. Blood is spilling from the impact site, so it seems to be effective against the dragon with an armor penetration capability of about 50 mm. Perhaps we can take down the dragon with our anti-tank rocket launchers.

I'll do it like this, so let it go.

My brother Dragon B surrendered lightly after seeing the tragedy of his brother Dragon A, who had taken three shots and six shots in a row. It is a fully submissive pose with a gentle roll on your back.

I take the reload action silently and point the gun at my brother Dragon A again.

"I'll do the same. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"... both of you apologize to Grande. Then I'll forgive you."

"Grande, I'm sorry. Take it easy."

I'm sorry I stepped on you, sister.

"Uh-huh. I forgive you."

All right, hold still.

As a precaution, I buried two of my brother's dragons in stone blocks, collected enough blood from the wound into a 500ml glass container, and then healed the wounds.

Sylvie was somehow gazing at the series of tasks I was doing. What is it?

"The wound has healed. I know you saw it, but I got some of your living blood as a nuisance. Is that good?"


Released from my restraint, my brother Dragons nodded honestly as he sat side by side.

So, it was food and liquor.


"I was always taken care of by Grande yesterday, so I behaved with food and alcohol in the sense of greeting the family that came home and reunited. I usually serve alcohol and food to Grande, but it's not one-sided. Me and Grande have an equal relationship. I'm offering food and alcohol in exchange for some work."

"" Haraku?

My brother Dragons leans his neck at the same time. Kh, it's a little cute. The looks are vicious, though.

"That's right. They hunt medium and large monsters and bring them in, and they give them blood and scales."

I see.

"For today, I'm offering food and wine as a sign of rapprochement."

"If you want to eat or drink from tomorrow onwards, hunt down the medium and large monsters that inhabit the back of the black forest and bring us food and wine. Even so, it's not as big as it is, so please use something the size of Wyburn."


"Besides, it's just for the time being. In less than a week, I'll be back in the city where the people of the North live."

"I see...."

My brother Dragons snapped. I want to do something about it, but I don't think I can support the stomach of two dragons with the productivity of the Elf Village, and I can't help it. I'm tired of feeding my brother Dragons, even if it's just Grande. Well, why don't we talk to the elders?

"Now, that's it. Let's make up."


"We're making up!

Oops, my brother Dragons roars. Shut up. Shut up.

I'll set up a stone block to make a dining table for my brother's dragons and serve him a large cheeseburger and beer barrel.

"Yummy! Oh, my God! Better than yesterday!

"Cheeseburger. It's the special one who added cheese to the hamburger."

"Chizubagaa! Ugh!"

"Alcohol... alcohol..."

My brother Dragon A hits an oversized cheeseburger, and his brother Dragon B sticks his head in a large barrel of honey wine. Is A okay and B okay? Is it an alcoholic dragon?

"Would you like some grande?


I'm going to give Grande an extra-large cheeseburger to show him something bad about his teeth. After this, I'll have Sylvie and I fly, so I won't serve any alcohol. I'm afraid of drinking and flying.

"Oh, my God, it feels so bad."

"Beh, it's nothing."

Grande starts eating the oversized cheeseburger in a slight distraction from me. You always eat it with a big mouth and a kind of elegance. What's wrong with him? I see it flickering even though I'm distracted. It's not like I'm in a bad mood because my tail is hitting the ground.

"Everything seems to be going well."

Sylvie approached from behind to tell me if things had settled down.

"As you can see. Well, I'm glad we managed to make up. I'm glad you didn't make it."

If my brother Dragons had been assaulting us with the intention of killing us from the start, it might have been dangerous. Well, at that time, I was going to use the stone blocks to build a bulwark and strike. The weapon was not a six-packed grenade launcher, but an anti-tank rocket gun or an anti-tank recoilless gun.

"Fufu... Koske is strong. I didn't know you had two dragons in hand. The legendary hero is blue, right?

"Because the weapon is only strong. Because I'm a weak fucking junk myself. I'm so weak compared to a warrior in this world, me."

"Koske underestimates himself. Will I win if I fight from a distance?"

"I think I'll lose in an instant."

If we get close enough to make a brawl, we're dead, me. That might be tough on a big guy like Grande. Interpersonal battles against the Tong Demonstrators in this world are impossible.

"Fufu, really? Do you want to try it again?

"Please don't... never fight Sylvie."

Stop hugging and whispering in your ears from behind. Because the irritation is strong. In other words, even though Silfi is hugging me, the leather armor hardly conveys a happy feeling. "[]/(exp, v5m) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) in a)


With Sylphie and Icha, Grande forgot to eat cheeseburgers and somehow watched us have cancer. If you and I look at each other, we'll lose sight of each other and start eating a little extra big cheeseburger. Something's wrong with Grande.

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