Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 125 - Completing the Golem Workbench


"Are you okay? Do you touch the tail?

Three more days after the tragic night, Grande worried that he had run out of sperm and roots and went to prepare Grande's breakfast. Yeah, I appreciate your concern, but touching that bumpy tail won't heal you at all. I just want to thank you for your feelings.

"I think you and your friends should know that this is bullshit."

"I think you're giving me a break."

There's just too many of them. It was really hard for Melty to hide or something, but Isla was kind to me. I mean, does oneechan like playing or something? Isla has always been like that when she and I got along recently.

"I mean, I'm satisfied. They'll be nice to you. It's just hard on my body."

"I see... is it the blood of my concubine?

"It's okay. I don't want Grande to feel painful so lightly."

"... I see."

Grande cheeks the burger and taps the ground with a bituminous tail. Grande is still in a good mood for hamburgers.

My body's spiciness will heal if I rest a little. It's not that serious a problem. Yeah, that's right. It's not a serious problem. At least I don't remember sleeping because I wanted to go to bed. When I wake up in the morning, I'm very happy that Isla is sleeping with a warm body, or wrapped in Happy's natural duvets.

However, I'd like Merti to do a bit of a favor... is that a beginner, or is it hard to get used to... she's going crazy, isn't she? I need you to calm down a little bit, or I'll have to be able to control it. Well, Sylphie and Isla were like that at first, and they'll get used to it eventually.

"So, when do we leave?

"Tomorrow morning. If you eat breakfast, you will be asked to fly. You'll have to stop by somewhere along the way."

"I don't mind. It's interesting to see the dwellings of the concubines and the little ones up close."

"When you get close, it's important."

"That's right. Magic, arrows, throwing spears. It hardly works, but sometimes it hurts, so it's troublesome to get close."

Grande grunts. I feel like I've been talking to Grande a lot lately when I'm tired. Is this what pet therapy is about? It's a little too big for a playful animal, Grande.

For now, that's what I'm asking you to do tomorrow.

Um, I'll see you in the evening. I don't know what I'm hunting today. "

Leave Grande and head to R&D. I've been looking to build a golem workbench in the last three days, so I'd like to finish it before I leave.

In conclusion, the creation of the Golem workbench was in a hurry.

"This is the newly developed Magic Stone Reactor"

"Whoa... that's a box."

Isla took out a silver-coloured cube. It's just about the size of a Rubik's Cube, and Isla can hold it with one hand.

"Yeah, but the contents are amazing. It contains a magic circuit made of pure mythrill and three large magical stones. The exterior is also made of Mithrill. Monetary value alone is immeasurable."

Yeah, I guess so.

The big Magic Stone is the size of the ping-pong balls I first made. Considering that there are three levels of goods that a country can buy, the value is certainly immeasurable. Besides, they use plenty of pure mythrills inside and outside. The National Treasure Level is also a disgusting product.

"Above all, its performance. It creates magic without power."

"That's crazy."

"Yes, it's crazy. If you use it incorrectly, it will blow a wide area. Within four days of walking around the center of the explosion, it becomes a new place. What impact would such an explosion have on the world....."

"I'm really scared."

It's about 30 kilometers a day on foot, right? Within four days, a radius of 120 kilometers blows up? Does that mean the world won't perish?

"Suddenly I was afraid to have it."

"I already gave it to you. I won't take it."

Ira pulls herself back with both hands. To take a closer look, the faces of the other R&D departments are solidified in the corner of the room and set up a pot shield that was made one day. No, no matter what you do, if this thing explodes, it won't be as protective as a piece of paper.

"But I thought you could make something a little lighter than this mess.

"If you have the best ingredients, it's the alchemist's nature that makes you want to make the best."

"I don't know...."

Looking at the faces of the pot shield, the hand with the thumb up from the gap in the shield stretches out. You're sick!

"Anyway, if you put it in my inventory, it won't be very rare."

Yeah. Nice to meet you.


I put the Magic Stone Reactor in my inventory. Nothing particularly unusual seems to have happened. Won't you wake up to magic the moment you put the Magic Stone Reactor in your inventory? I was expecting a little, but it doesn't seem to be going so well in the world.

"So let's see if we can upgrade this workbench to materials."

"Yeah, that's right. No matter how high-performance a golem workbench is made, there is no point in using Korske. I still think the workbench used by Koske needs to be upgraded by Koske himself."

I'm sure it will be.

But that's strange, isn't it? While you were in the Elves, you pulled the grain powder out of the pebbles Merti brought you. What kind of reasoning works when it's OK and the Golem workbench is NG? Hmm, I don't know.

"Let's try it anyway."

Nh, that's good.

Remove the modified workbench from the inventory and open the menu to find the upgrade item.

Improved workbench upgrade -: Magic furnace × 1 Magic wood × 10 Magic clay × 20 Magic iron × 5 Magic steel × 10 Mithrill × 20

"You! You just upgraded!


Ira laughs at me with a pleasant voice. Finally! We seem to have the ingredients, and now we can finally step up the workbench.

There are a few requests for Mithrills, but there is no problem if the amount secured in the previous trial of Mithrill Tsuruhashi is combined. There is no problem because we have produced some kind of magical materials in mass production when we built the licensed workbench.

"Alright, let's upgrade!

"Nh, fun."

"Ah, it'll glow, so be careful."

"Block Against Flash"

That's why Isla covered her face with her favorite triangle hat. That's cute.

"All right, let's go!

The moment I chose the upgrade item, there was a fierce flash. I feel like I've run something powerful, but was it an illusion? There is no particular scattering of R&D equipment. I'm not feeling well...


Ira was lying on her back and turning her eyes. Some of the faces of the R&D department who had a pot shield in the corner of the room seemed to have turned their eyes and fell.

"Well, what's wrong!? Are you okay!?

"Well, I was just surprised by the incredible magic waves."

"Magic Wave"

Previous upgrades have not observed any magical species that emit incredible light... but is it the influence of the Magic Stone Reactor? That's all I can think about.

"Instead, we should check out the new workbench in Koske."

"Oh, wow... are you sure you're okay?

"It's okay."

I was relieved to see Isla walking on her feet and sitting in a chair close to her. It doesn't look like she's injured or feeling sick.

"Which one... ho"

It looks very mechanical. The part actually driven is made of golem, or the color of the soil remains the same, but the materials that reinforce the work bench everywhere are made of magic iron and steel, emitting dull light. And there seemed to be a lot of mythrill used in the parts where the core cutting was performed.

For example, blades for actually cutting workpieces, tables for fixing workpieces, and drive portions are made of durable Mithrill.

Open the Craft menu.

"You don't seem to have more than I thought?

The number of things you can craft doesn't seem to change much. Let's actually make something... a mechanical part that takes time and is troublesome. A normal workbench is a hassle that takes about 30 seconds per workbench, but what happens?

"... oh!

The creation time per piece is less than two seconds. The reduction in creation time is remarkable, this. It seems like the items that took so long to process could be made faster and in large quantities.

"How's it going?

Ira listens while she sits in the chair.

"Pretty good. Work efficiency is out of step. If we have all the ingredients, we can produce a lot of ammunition."

Until now, it had been a neck to acquire nitrite, which is the ingredient for gunpowder, but in big cities like Arihibourg, there is no problem with toilet soil. Mass production is not a dream if we can reduce bullet craft time dramatically. I don't know if I will, but...

"The freedom of item creation may be on the rise. Hmm, there's a lot I want to try! That sounds like fun! Thank you, Isla."

Nh, good.

Isla nodded and smiled as she said so in a few words.

I have to give Isla something back in the near future. During your trip with Sylvie, Isla will be happy to have souvenirs.

Looking at Isla's smile, I decided that in my heart.

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