Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 116: Maidens (Self-described)

I wonder if it's like this.

"It's not bad!

Gaoh, while roaring in a good mood, Grande slaps the ground with her tail. Yeah, shut up. And the ground is shaking. I have a seismic intensity of about 2.

The delightful Grande and I are sitting in front of a hangar the size of a jumbo jet... I wonder. The dragon hut?

The wall is 3 m thick stone. The ceiling is also made of stone with a thickness of 2 m. It was a nuance that there would be no development on this side anyway, so I made it very widely. The entrance is about 40 meters wide so that Grande can gently enter with his wings wide open. It's about 20 meters tall. The interior is even wider and the width is about 60 meters. The height was made at 35 m. The exterior of the building itself is circular domed, thinning a portion of the ceiling into glass blocks for lighting purposes.

Cleaning the windows is tough, but you might want to ask everyone at Harpy to do it yourself. A dragon that cleans windows... I'd like to take a look.

Come on in.


As Grande waved his tail, he gently entered the dragon hut. Stop swinging your tail, it's dangerous.

"It should be bright inside."

"The glass is fragile, so don't break your tail or anything."

"As long as you don't do it that high on the boulder, you'll be fine."

Grande looks up at the glass part of the ceiling. It's a long way up for me, but if there's a grande that's about 20 meters long, if I jump with my back legs, I might be able to reach that vicious horn.

"But it's not a killing scene."

"It's your nest."

Inside the dragon hut is the only nest dug by the Grande in the back. Why don't you just sleep in here? I thought it would be warmer and calmer to dig a hole in the ground.

Do you want to make it in the dining room?

Good. Where do you make it?

"It would be better if you could wash it with water when it gets dirty. Would it be better if we didn't go inside?

"You don't need to wash it in water. If you smell it, you can clean it up and burn it out with a brace."

"Brace... can you spit out brace?

"What are you talking about? This isn't even a dragon."

"No, I can't even pretend to throw up, so I wonder... can I use magic to purify it?"

"Of course not. Can't you fly without magic?"

"I see... Breathe it out, Breathe. I'd love to see it."

"I can't help it...."

The grande walked gently outside the dome, saying something like that. Are you happy to see something dragon-like, or is your tail in a good mood again? Shh, so don't swing it around.

"Okay? Why don't you take a good look?

Then Grande took a big breath and blew a fierce flame into the sky. It seems to be a burning flame, and even though you're throwing up into the sky, the heat comes from the ground to me.

"Awesome! The dragon bracelet is amazing!

I am also very excited about this. If you point that at me, I'll burn your bones in an instant!

Hmm, if I can prevent it, would it be best to lay down a wall and dive into the ground? I think the brick block is highly heat resistant, but the bracelet seems to have a pretty high temperature, so it seems like it will be burned by the heat that comes around the wall.

Ah, but if you dive into the ground, will you be steamed? After all, it's best to make a big, thick wall.

"Hahaha, yeah, yeah! My concubine is a great Grand Dragon!

Gladly pleased with my reaction, Grande slaps the ground with a bitter bitch and a tail. Shake. Shake.

Incidentally, the guards, Bron and Fitch, are 100 meters away, watching us from the walls of Arihiburg. It seems scary to approach a dragon with a boulder.

Well, shall we make the dining table in the dragon hut?

"Yesterday, Koske. Can't you do something about the dragon hut name?"

"Yeah... somehow. What am I supposed to call it?

"This is a cooler name. It's like a dragon version of a doghouse."

He's right about me, but he doesn't like it. I don't think it's easy to call you by a very lofty name... a dragon dome.

"It's not a hut in the first place, it's..."


If you look up again, it's quite a huge structure. It may be impossible to call this a cabin.

I'll see you at Grande's.

It's not normal.

"Normal would be best."

I'll put it on a big slate carved "Guran" on the entrance later.

After all, the dining table was made in Grande's house by the entrance. I was rebuilt many times for just the right height, but in the end, both I and Grande were satisfied, so it was good. It's shaped like a donation stand in front of the Buddha's altar.

"Would you like a snack?

"Oops, what's up?

"I bought a lot at the alley in Arrihibourg. My hamburgers will be delicious, but I think there are quite a lot of other people's dishes."

Hmm, I'm a little interested.

Raise me up on the bench.


Have it carried on the table by Grande's hand. Don't hold on to it. Grab it more gently.

"Let's start with bread with nuts."


Looking over the table, he stowed bread with walnut nuts in front of his eyes. Grande looked up and smelled the smell. If you suck too hard, you'll get bread in your nose.

Eat it.

"Hmm... hmm, so sweet. And is this nut? It feels a little fragrant."

"That won't be enough. There he is."

The next thing I took out was some carefully baked meat. I didn't ask what kind of meat it was, but it smelled delicious and when I tried it, it was delicious, so I bought the whole thing. I cut chunks of meat at the store and sold them together with bread if I wanted to, but only the whole meat was sold.

"Oh, meat. Uhm, that smells good."

"Eat, eat. There's more to it."

Reach out to the chunks of meat removed and remove the items from the inventory one after the other, looking at the grande that starts to squeeze the whole thing. Big pot soup is like cup soup to Grande.

"How was it?

"Mmm! It was delicious! How dare you despise the cuisine of the people? But my concubine thinks Koske's hamburgers are the best."

"Hakoyama Nail"

I'll give you an extra-large hamburger made for the Grande. It's big in a wide sense, not in a high sense.

Grande dazzled the appearance of an oversized hamburger and started eating it with one hand. Hmm, it feels like you're feeding your pets and snacks. Too big for a pet.

"By the way, Grande is a dragon, right? How often do dragons eat?

"That's right... that's pretty awkward. You can eat as much as you want, and if you don't, you won't eat for a long time."

"I see....? Does that mean you get fat every day if you eat fluffy?

I trembled with Grande's mouth wide open as he tried to feed on my hamburger. Eventually, I'll start eating hamburgers at a much slower pace than before.

"I don't have to say no, maybe?

Imagine watching Grande say such a thing with a distracted eye. Look at the fat grande in Bukubuku.


"You laughed!? Lord, you just laughed!? What did you imagine!?

"Hey, imagine a fat grande in Bukubuku?

"That's not going to happen! My concubine is not a self-managing maiden dragon!

With a roar, Grande slaps the ground with his tail. Now it seems to be a bad gesture.

"Let's trust Grande there. So, how often do you actually eat it? That's how you eat three meals a day, right?

"Ugh, um, is that so... twice a day...?


"No, no, not once..."

Grande creates an atmosphere that is heartless or supple.

Well, how about two in the morning and two in the evening? You can eat less at once. "

"Yes, that's right! Reducing the amount of food eaten at once won't be a problem!

"Two extra-large burgers... no, about three?

Well, that's it, first of all, bye.

"For your information, how long have you been eating?


Grande slips away from my question. [M] Looking at it as it is, I wonder if it has lost its roots, and Grande snapped with a slug.

"I baked and ate this much boar about once a week."

I'll show you how big a horse is with my own hands.

Yeah, with that amount, if you eat three extra large hamburgers twice a day, a total of six, you'll definitely get fat.

"It's not okay. I exercise as a concubine."

"If you don't have to go hunting for rice anymore, you won't be exercising any more.


Grande is silent on my words. No, I'm fine. If the fat grande can no longer fly, the biggest trouble will be the grande.

As a matter of fact, I'm only a little worried that you'll work on strategic bombers and air carriers in the battle against the Holy King.

If Grande were to spin over the target and use it as a refueling point for Harpy and the others, it would be disastrous, wouldn't it? Grande's wings will fly us to Arrihiburg and Merynesburg in a few hours. The dragon's tactical airship and all that.

Nevertheless, Grande is a dragon. Friendship with me... or just being fed with my bait, there's no reason to be involved in a struggle between the tribes unless you're indebted to me. I don't think I can force it.

"As for me, I think I should work for that."

"Working or a concubine?

"It would be helpful if I and some other people could fly to the Omit Wilderness in the south and the Black Forest in the south. There are production bases and so on."

"Gunu, the black forest... well, that's good."

Grande heard the word "black forest" and looked a little disgusting. Speaking of which, do you think there are dragons living in the depths? Do you know anyone?

That would be great.

In the middle of most of Omit's wilderness is a hub for food production. It would be very helpful to be able to carry large quantities of food from there. I wish I could finally exchange products with the village of the Black Forest Elves.

Grande may be more strategic as a means of transportation than simply as a combat force. My transport capability and Grande's high-speed mobility. If these two come together, will that make the Holy King's kingdom cry?

"What are you up to?

"I'm planning something. How do I use the grande to feed on hamburgers?"

"Though rare, trying to use a concubine on a small person is a one-sided pain. I'll bite you if you say something too cheeky."

"How about Grande, who's being fed by this little man...? I mean, if you bite me to death, you won't be able to eat the burger."

"Mmm... that's gonna happen."

"I guess so. That's why I'm offering Grande something delicious. Grande lends a little help to the consideration. Let's stay in that relationship. Nothing. I'm not trying to force you to hate food."

"Isn't that true...?

The grande glanced straight at me. No, it's true. Ha-ha. I won't force you. I might persuade you to be tenacious.

"At the very least, I don't intend to use the Grande as an arrow in a struggle between people. I promise."

This is true. I have no intention of having Grande fight the Holy Kings directly. I'm going to ask you to help me or a small group of transporters, but I'm not going to let the Holy King's army storm around or spit on the braces directly. I would like an air carrier to give it a try.

"Hmm... don't make a mistake with that promise. Even if you can't eat a hamburger at that time, I'll bite you to death."

"Oh, I promise. Here, have some honey. You liked it, didn't you?

"Let's have it. Hmm, sweet dew."

I also take out the bottle of honey wine and drink the same as Grande. This sweet liquor is quite delicious when you get used to it.

So, what do we do tomorrow? As I watched the grande tilt the barrel deliciously in front of me, I thought of tomorrow's schedule as this.

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