Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 105: People Who Think They're Not Ordinary to Each Other

"Anyway, I'd like to go somewhere where I can calm down and talk... but unfortunately I don't know a convenient place like that."

"I'm unlikely to be able to show you the King's City now. You want to go outside?

Golden eyes are pointed from the back of the hood covered in the deep eye. Hmm? I wonder if Merti had such a prominent eye color...? Well, I feel that the atmosphere is somewhat different.

Well, now is a good time. You can ask me more later.

"If you want to leave, you should leave separately. I'm out of time, so I might get caught up in the gatekeeper."

"Should I go first? But before that...."

Suddenly Merty hugged me from the front. Her rich tits hit my chest, but unfortunately I can barely feel it because of the leather armor. What a pity.

"I'm glad... Mr. Koske is safe. In any case, I'm really glad that Mr. Koske is safe."

"Ah... yeah. I'm glad to see you, too, honestly. I didn't think anyone would risk coming this far."

I also gently hugged Merti and slapped him on the back. So she was satisfied, or she left me. Your face turns a little red and the color of your eyes turns gray... eh? Nande?

"Merty, are your eyes...?

"Huh? Oh, was it golden? I'm a little excited... no, my eyes change color when I get emotional."

"... that's a strange figure, right?

Is it attack color? It seems better for Merti not to be angry.

"Yeah, Mysterious, right?

Merty smiles gently and with a smile. There is no sense of intimidation or urgency. It looks like you had doubts about me the other day, but for some reason it seems to be a lot easier.

"I don't know, Merty. Where's the horn...?

Merty's head should have had a fine winding angle, but his hooded head showed no sign of it. Are you sure it's removable? Or is it retractable?

Oh, I'm hanging up.


"That's all I can do to find Mr. Koske. I was insisting that Sylvie would come, but she has nothing to hide. Isla and Harpy were making noise, but it's more than Sylphie. I hardly look like a human if I drop a horn, and I can hide it with my hair, hat, or hood."

"No, but you... horns are important."

"Of course. I've been dating since I was born."

"Perhaps it will grow again...?

"No? Deer Wesen grow and change every year, but basically they don't."

Say such a thing with a cheerful expression.

"I mean, isn't that a lifetime wound...?

"That's right. Dropping horns is the highest penalty for a race with horns. There is blood and nerves, so amputation can cause severe pain and bleeding, and in some cases it can lead to death. If you survive, if you get an infection from that wound, you almost certainly die, and if you have a family member or a species with horns like you, you'll be pointing to the back of your finger forever."


I opened my eyes to what Merty had told me to do nothing. It is a complete lifetime wound. Is that what you've been doing just to find me?

"Nah, why is that...?"

"Given the various conditions, I was qualified. Besides, Mr. Koske has to be in the Liberation Army, and there are a lot of people waiting for Mr. Koske to return. And then...."


"I wanted to thank Mr. Koske."

Merty smiles. Ah, this is Akan and Tsuya.

"I did it on my own... but Mr. Koske wouldn't abandon me, would he?

"Well... I see. I feel responsible, painfully."

"Am I right? So that's what I'm going to do."

"I wonder if Merti is a Yandele attribute..."


Merty leaned his neck at my unfamiliar words.

"The nature of love and affection going too far, taking radical actions involving self-harm, or aggressively attacking rivals other than yourself... a little different?

"I'm not going to attack anyone else. I said it would hurt myself, but I just did it because I needed it."

I see. No. Either way, it feels like a sacrificial Han with a high level of behavior and calculation. It's not Yandele. "

"The calculations are expensive... that's not all I came here to do to find Mr. Koske."

"Of course you do. I can even feel respect and awe for coming alone to help me without risking or sacrificing, and honestly, I can feel it right now. If I were a woman and Merty was a man, I'd think Cun was dead."

"Even a boy can die.

"Unfortunately, Sylvie is the only one I'm going to kill."

Thank you for your meal.

"You're welcome."

"And then you can eat me, too.

"We will consider it positively and indefinitely."

I did it.

Melty smiles and holds his hands tightly and poses. Hmm, it's kind of light.

"Who are the Sylphies?

"I've told you."

"Perfect handle on the boulder."

"Of course. So, why don't you move on?

I see.

Merti is ahead, and I'm going to follow him at a distance without leaving. Eventually, he arrived at the castle gate, and Merti, who was walking ahead, went out first after a brief check.

I thought I might rub it a little, but Ellen turned her hand to the gatekeeper when she let me stay in the cathedral, and she managed to dive the Melinesburg gates smoothly without any particular blame.

Meet Merti, who was waiting at the gate before leaving the street for the entrance to the tunnel.

"Where are you headed?

"Who has an escape tunnel underneath the castle?

"I've heard of existence, but I don't know the details. It's a rumor."

"I see. That tunnel is on its way. Do you know anything about the sleigh that lives in the sewers?

"Are these the limes? They're alive... well, they're not going to die, if you think about it."

"You're invincible, Limes."

"That's right. If it's one-on-one, I don't think it's a bit of a winner if it's three-on-one."

"Eh... can you win one-on-one?

"Yes, you can win.

"I see...."

You're kidding, right? How can you beat those limes who don't think you can defeat them? Melty? Don't make me angry.

You mean, really? I don't think a normal organism can fight... but it's more like a techeli li than a slime anymore. From an intellectual point of view, it's a Road Class one.

Struck through the woods and moved to the point of interest. I thought I might be lost, but fortunately, the rock that hid the entrance was characteristic, so I managed to find it.


"Yeah, here it is."

Remove the torch from the inventory and go deep into the dim cave.

"It's time to enter the territory of the limes..."

Well, I couldn't say I did. Because I was crushed by something soft coming down from my head, wrapped up and swallowed. Only about three people know how to do such a thing.

"Koske! It was tight!

"Oh, wow... will you let me go?


"Isn't that right...."

I was rejected with all my strength. In the meantime, the lime was wrapped around my body, not under my armor, but under my clothes, rubbing my whole body. In other words, it is like clothes put in the washing machine, and the head is circling out of the lime body.

"You've been missed a long time...."

"Too much. Is Koske ours... ours?

"What is it?

"What is it?

The body that envelopes me (?) The lime from the upper body tilted his neck. Even if they see me, I don't know.

"Anyway, nasty."

"I see... was it delicious?

"It's delicious, isn't it?

I'd like to keep it with my partner.

"Very well. Let's go back to the limes!

"Um, I can walk on my own, so could you let me go?



It will take you a few minutes to get captured by the lime. We arrived at the home of the nostalgic limes.

"This is certainly Mr. Koske's base."

Merti nods as he looks at the improved workbench and blacksmithing facilities that remain in place. And I said...

"I'm drowning! You're suffocating me. Stop looking at me!

"Don't even call me! I was really worried!

Beth was hugging me. That's fine, but I want you to stop pushing a slime of good elasticity into my face. It really suffocates because it covers my face without any gaps.

"Next is me."

Lime, too.

"The lime is after me because I've had it before."

"I want you to mix it with me."

"Then it's after that."


That's how the limes... for some reason, the allergenically treated Merti was muddled with it, and by the time they were released, they had become nervous.

"Ah... where do we start?"

"I want you to talk to me from the beginning. I wonder how they got in touch with the limes."


I sat on a lime shaped like a sofa and started explaining the situation.

Kidnapped by Cubi, placed in a cell in the basement of the castle, used what was in the cell to make a stone axe, broke through a stone floor and escaped to the tunnel, and met the limes and prepared to infiltrate Melinesburg to build a Golem communicator.

"So why did you say hello to the Adoldies?

"It has a strange and complicated fate...."

If you've heard that it's difficult to get Mythrill products from a money changer who went to exchange counterfeit Imperial currencies, tell them that you wanted to donate at an Adolusian cathedral to get the Mythrill rosary, which you would surely get at risk.

"How about taking risks in the words of just one money changer...?

"It's been almost a month since I disappeared. I thought the Liberation Army or Sylvie and the others might be doing something rude if we didn't get in touch as soon as possible. I mean, you took more time than risk. As a matter of fact, I think I was right because Merty came all the way here."

"Ugh... that's for sure."

"Well, unforeseen things happened there."

When I went to the cathedral to get the Rosary of Mythrills, I thought that day was just the day the Virgin would preach, and the knight of the church would be miserable.

When I looked at it and turned my heel back, I could see that it was a suspicious one, so I had no choice but to join the prayer and finally give blessings from the Virgin. The man behind me suddenly attacked the Virgin with a poison dagger, and he was stabbed by aggressive help.

"Why are you shielding me... why don't you just let me miss it and stab you?"

"Seiju, tingle?

"Koske seems sweet to women."

"It is."

"I see...."

"Because it's not. That's not why. The guy in the back made a strange noise and pushed me back, so I just pushed my elbow in aggressively."

"That's what I'm going to do. So, what poison was it? The antidote I gave you, most poisons are...."

"He said it was basilisk poison. Besides, it's inconvenient for me to get stabbed in the liver."

Melty erupted. The limes had stopped thinking and looked pokanic. What the hell?

"Why are you alive? If you don't die right now, it's crazy.

"Koske is good."

"Well, we're not nearly human life force, anyway."

"Hmm, you're really alive...?

"Would you guys stop looking at that beast? Well, that's what the Virgin said. Something like an oil bug."

"Even an oil bug can't beat a basilisk poison."

"You want to say something more? Hmm?"

"Well, anyway. And then what happened?

"Nuu... well, let's continue."

Been asleep in the cathedral for a while. The fact that she was kindly nursed by an Adolese Virgin and Sister. And she tells me that the Virgin has spotted her as a rare person.

"Did you find out!?

"I found out at first glance. Is it shiny? It seems to be in the eyes of the Virgin. He said that God's blessing could be seen as light. Since I've been preaching at the cathedral, it's been like I've known he wasn't normal."

"That's nasty... so what happened?

That's what I'm talking about.

I told her the details of the myth that Ellen had received before she came to the land, and as long as I remember interacting with her. After that, Merti and Slime's daughters' faces, which seemed to be tight at first, gradually cooled down, and finally, it was as if three eyes other than lime could be seen by female enemies.

"Mr. Koske... again?

"I'm not bad! It's bad luck with the god who gave me that god! I'm not bad!

"Koske, mote motte?

"Isn't there too little outlook?

"It's a terrible sketch."

"I'm not in a coma. I didn't do it."


Melty stares at me with a jito's eye. It won't be interesting for her. I understand.

"Anyway, right? The main point is that we found out that the Holy Kingdoms and Adolescents were not a single rock, and that we were able to build a pipe with people who might be said to be pro-Asians, right?

"... well, that's certainly a useful connection."

"How are you going to get in touch? You don't think Koske's going to see you anyway, do you?

"Yeah, that's it. I want the limes to help me."

"Are you cooperating?

"Yes. I'm going to leave the high-power Golem transmitter we're going to build here, and I need you to get in touch with Ellen... the Virgin Eleonora through it."

"Ellen, hey... well, that's good, but how exactly?

"Do you have a parcel with royalty? Ellen's getting in there alone somehow, so I want you to meet me there."

The slime daughters looked at my suggestion.

"I don't want you anywhere near that place, if you can."

"Of course. Just for the first time. Discuss and decide where and how to approach Ellen at that time."

"Then what?

"Just once."


Glad the Slime daughters agreed. Absolutely not, but I have to go to Merynesburg to see Ellen again.

"Mr. Koske, what are you going to do?

"I haven't thought about it specifically yet, but we can't fight until we kill all the Adolphers in the Kingdom of Merinard, can we? At some point in time, we have to make peace, and Ellen and his denomination should be the best contact."

"Well, that's true."

"Ellen's sect is also a mainstream Adolese anti-Asian oppressionist. It seems that they are not friends with each other. The power of Ellen's sect should benefit the Liberation Army."

Maybe so.

"Besides, there is a suspicion that the survival of the Omit kingdom, which was destroyed by the Elves centuries ago, distorted the original teachings of Adolphy..."

"Is it true Adolescence?"

"There seems to be a temptation over there to investigate the Omit Great Wilderness, the site of the Kingdom of Omit, in order to investigate the area. In some cases, we may be able to turn Adolphus over the Holy Kingdoms."

"I see...."

Merty nodded and thought about my explanation. I want to throw an honest circle because it seems that Merti will do this kind of conspiracy and politics better than me.

"That's all I can explain... Now, let's build a Golem transmitter."

"That's right. I want to tell Sylvie that Koske is safe, so please do your best."

Leave it to me.

Let's start with alloying Mithrill's rosary and copper. I want to hear Sylvie's voice as soon as possible. Let's hurry.

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