Chapter 426

Chapter 426 Passy

Under Anne’s explanation, everyone also understood what Anne did when they did not arrive.

For Annie, when she is alone, it will be more convenient to do things, especially the work of investigating stepping points. If you bring Lu Xueyi, it will undoubtedly be more troublesome.

Soon after Lu Xueyi left, Annie waited quietly for a while, and found that no one appeared directly, she cautiously walked out of the cave, centered on the dog that appeared suddenly, and simply probed it again. It was obvious that she could find it. There are no traces of human footsteps. Only this dog walked and stopped in the footsteps.

When Annie came back and found the dog again, she unexpectedly saw that it was walking into the trap they arranged.

Without much thought, Annie walked straight forward and came to the shepherd “64 Zero” sheep dog, trying to stop this guy’s behavior. And aware of Anne’s approach, the shepherd dog not only didn’t alert or ran away, but immediately turned around to look at Anne, ran to Anne’s side, circled Anne a few times, and then squatted on her. In front of him, he kept wagging his tail.

This made Annie feel a little at a loss. She is a pilot and has no experience in dealing with military dogs. She has never kept pets before joining the army, so she is not used to contact with creatures like dogs.

But after all, dogs are humans’ best friends. This kind of creature will give people a natural goodwill in most cases, not to mention that this dog itself is a pet dog, and there is no separation between humans, and it makes Annie like an iceberg. Like characters all smiled subconsciously.

When the two got closer, Annie discovered that although this guy was a pet dog, not a wild dog, the hair on his body was already very messy and covered with all kinds of weeds. It seems that it has not lived well on this desert island.

This also made Annie understand that it was just looking for food.

After figuring this out, Annie thought for a few seconds whether to find something to sniff this guy.

And watching the dog wagging its tail, Annie found it hard to watch him starve.

After sighing, Annie turned and walked into the cave. The fish that Lu Xueyi had processed was laying on the ground. The shepherd dog also followed Anne and walked into the cave. After spotting the fish on the ground, it was obviously excited, and its tail wobbled even more. But even so, it still cleverly stayed behind Annie, and didn’t rush forward to eat.

Such behavior makes Annie more satisfied with this pet, which is unexpectedly good.

When Annie was preparing to feed, the professor walked out from the cave.

He and the professor and others described their actions just now in detail, and the group fell silent. Only Annie was still feeding the shepherd dog with interest.

Today everyone’s fishing harvest is very good, and it’s not a burden for a fish to come out and feed it.

Fish is one of the least valuable resources on this desert island.

Before long, the professor walked to Annie’s side, squatted down, looked at the shepherd dog, his eyes quickly fell on the collar around its neck.

The text on the collar was fairly clear, and the professor quickly recognized the content on it. It should be the dog’s name-Percy.

“It’s a great guy.” At the same time, the professor confirmed the gender of this guy and said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, the professor stood up and said: “So it seems that this dog has probably got off that boat. This desert island can’t have a collared collie.”

Annie nodded and added: “Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that there will be a group of humans on the island. Of course, this possibility should be very small.

The professor also agreed and said: “But we don’t have to worry about this unverifiable thing.” With that, Passy walked from Annie’s side to the professor’s body, and began to circle the professor. This made the professor a little bit uncontrollable, and smiled: “It’s really good.” As he said, the professor squatted and touched Passy’s head. Passy also looked very useful.

At this time, Lu Xueyi said: “But why did we discover it today?”

The professor had already squatted down and interacted with Passy very proficiently. At the same time, he did not forget to explain: “After all, our camp is quite far away from the sea, and this guy can’t come straight to us. I think it. It’s a coincidence to be here.”

The fat man stood aside, wrapped his hands around his chest, and said with a smile: “It’s not that the smell of our cooking is too fragrant. If it smells it, I will rush over.

Hearing the fat man’s words, the professor suddenly said, “As for the taste, I think it may be because the materials we brought back have a familiar smell on them. It was this smell that brought it over.”

Lu Xueyi also reacted and nodded, “This is reasonable. Although there are coincidence factors, more of it is inevitable. Every time we move things back to the camp, we go through the same road and move the materials again. There are so many that the smell left in this way leads Passy to our camp.”

“So this guy, how are we going to deal with it?” Finally, touching Passy’s head, the professor stood up and said to everyone quite seriously.

Lu Xueyi said without hesitation: “I think it can be accepted. From now on, it is really good. Moreover, the shepherd dog itself is a very high IQ dog breed. We can train it to look after the house for us or do more. work.”

Lu Xueyi liked dogs very much, not to mention that Passy was more well-behaved than usual pet dogs.

Not to mention the professor, he had raised a dog in his original life, and seeing Parsi at this time can be said to be cordial and abnormal. From his familiar movements, it can be seen that he still likes Parsi very much. Western.

Annie leaned against the rock wall of the cave and said in a low voice, “I agree to keep it.

Seeing that the three of them had expressed their opinions, Aunt Ge, who had not spoken all the time, smiled and said: “Every family in our village will have a watchdog in the yard. We are on this deserted island, which is much more dangerous than in the countryside. , You really should have one.”

The last fat man naturally didn’t have any opinions. He just pretended to be distressed and said: “It seems that I will eat less in the future. There is an extra mouth at home.

“It seems that everyone’s opinions are unified.” After listening to the fat man’s words, the professor also smiled as he wished and continued, “In this case, from today onwards, Passy will be counted as one of us.”

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