Chapter 383

Chapter 383 Deal Finalized

Ye Qing’s voice fell, and Garcia was silent for a while. After a long time, he said: “If this is the case, then I will prepare these goods for you as soon as possible.”

Garcia is struggling now. He found that he didn’t seem to have any reason to refuse the guest’s request, and he did not dare to refuse. But he didn’t dare to imagine what would happen if such a large number of firearms spread from his hands.

Under the balance of the two phases, Garcia can only believe that the sheriff and the people brought by Hill, a regular visitor, will not use these weapons to do any harm to the world. Although Garcia is a businessman, he does not hope that this batch of weapons will cause any tragedies!

But compared to Garcia’s many thoughts, Ye Qing asked naturally: “Then Mr. Garcia, when can I pick up this batch of goods?”

Garcia looked a little ugly, and he said angrily: “This gentleman, you don’t want two guns. You can buy at least fifty guns for the remaining amount you spend this time. I don’t dare to assure you when I can be ready.” After that, he looked at Hill and continued: “Let’s do it. This gentleman, please go back and wait. I will confirm the information here. , Will inform you through Hill and his group. Hill comes here quite often.”

Hearing that, Hill also nodded and turned to Ye Qing and said, “Then I will try my best to arrange people to buy here during the next period of time, and I will pay attention to the news of this batch of orders for you, Mr. Ye.”

Now that it’s all about it, Ye Qing naturally has no meaning to refute it. He can also understand the difficulties of the shopkeeper. After all, he bought a gun instead of ordinary goods. In fact, the ability to buy so many guns in such a small shop this time is far beyond his expectations.

It can only be said that in this era, the American people’s demand for guns is still terrifying.

“Let’s do this, I will pay half of the order part first, and I will pay the rest when the goods arrive.”

Seeing Ye Qing agreed, Garcia was also relieved. The cash on delivery offered by Ye Qing is also very reasonable, so he said: “Besides, Mr. Ye needs me to demonstrate the shooting of these guns for you. Although the shooting of pistols is very simple, but these rifles are very simple. The way to use it is still more complicated.”

Ye Qing didn’t think too much, and directly nodded in agreement. He has experience in using firearms on the island, but that is a weapon of the 21st century. This guy from the nineteenth century may be more complicated to use.

Then Garcia handed some rifles to Ye Qing and took them to a clearing outside the town. There are some boots on the clearing that seem to have been used many times. It seems that Garcia often takes people here to demonstrate.

Garcia picked up a Springfield M1863, put it on the ground, and then performed a series of operations that made Ye Qing a little headache.

First, a strange container was used to hold the gunpowder, then the gunpowder was poured into the barrel, a bullet was inserted, and a long special stick was used to raise it into the barrel.

After this set of operations was completed, Garcia raised the gun, pulled the trigger, hit the hammer, and with a “bang”, the bullet hit a distant target.

This ancient front-loaded gun that can only fire two or three shots per minute makes Ye Qing, a young man from the 21st century, a little unbearable. But Garcia seemed a little smug.

“This kind of gun can theoretically kill an enemy one kilometer away.” Garcia put down the gun and said, “Of course, this has a lot to do with the person who uses the gun.

Subsequently, Garcia also demonstrated the use of several other rifles.

The performance of several front-mounted rifles is similar, but new rifles such as Henry M1860 still let Ye Qing breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Henry M1860 is still front-loaded, he can load several bullets into the barrel at one time by pulling out a section of the barrel. When shooting, after firing one bullet, push the trigger forward. The cartridge case will be pushed out of the barrel.

This kind of continuous bead rifle still allows Ye Qing to see the shadow of some later generations of rifles.

After a little hands-on test of two bullets, Ye Qing gave Lei Ding and the others the opportunity to test the gun. Compared with his calmness, these Chinese guys had already looked at these weapons with fiery eyes. He even kept using his not-so-proficient English to communicate with Garcia about his gun use experience. This strong thirst for knowledge is probably more serious than when they were learning English

A lot.

After all the bullets that Garcia had brought out were used up, the few people walked back behind Ye Qing unsuccessfully. Cheng also bowed apologetically to Ye Qing, seeming to apologize for their overexcitement.

Ye Qing naturally didn’t care about this, smiled and nodded and then revealed the matter.

And Garcia also broke away from his previous worries at this time. Now that he has decided to do this business, Garcia no longer thinks about it. In any case, he who made this big business now seems to be making a lot of money.

“Then sir, if there is no problem, this deal is set.” Garcia put the gun away and said to Ye Qing.

Ye Qing then replied: “That’s it, you will load all the guns and bullets for me, and find someone to carry it for me. I will pick it up later, and let the person you find follow me back to the construction site.”

Gallia has nothing to do, he just can’t pack up such a large number of guns for a while. Thanks to Ye Qing, Garcia left with these guns.

However, Lei Ding, who was standing behind Ye Qing, was a little anxious. He immediately asked: “Mr. Ye, shall we not go back to the construction site immediately?” Colleagues showed what he had gained from this trip, and couldn’t wait to let more people join them.

Ye Qing turned to look at Lei Ding with an anxious look, and said with a smile: “What’s so anxious about this. Now that they are all out, just buying some guns is too boring.”

Next, “Let’s find a place to have a meal first.” Ye Qing looked at Hill and asked: “Hill, recommend some good food in this town.”

Seeing this, Hill shrugged with a smile and said, “Okay, you just come with me. I have been here many times, and I still know some delicious restaurants.”

Ye Qing, who received a response, once again looked at the five Chinese young people who followed him, and said: “In addition to eating, I want to buy you some clothes. Seeing that your clothes are a bit worn out. With this opportunity, Buy a few new ones.”

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