Surprise Hotel

Chapter 200 - The Prince of Peace

The leader of the alliance was "back from the dead" and the whole world celebrated.

After that, Lu Zheng completed another "Imperial Expedition" and led his legions to recover the southeastern border controlled by Wu Qu, successfully achieving unification.

It was said to be an expedition to regain the lost territory, but in reality, it did not cost a single soldier.

Wu Qu's army was almost wiped out in the battle of the plains, and all that remained were the guards and the people of the city.

When Lu Zheng's army came to the city, the other side surrendered without saying a word.

Just like that, the entire Eastlands reached an unprecedented unification.

On top of the display of the monarch system, the progress of the camp construction had finally reached one hundred percent.

However, after experiencing frequent warfare, the happiness index of the people had dropped significantly, but of course part of it was due to the increase in the number of people, incorporating camps in which the happiness index was already low, pulling down the index.

Because the leader's voice was high, the monarch's faith didn't drop much, and remained at around 80 percent.

The next thing Lu Punishment needed was just an excellent performance to govern this continent into a peaceful and clean land.

The first step is to maintain law and order in the region. Some people think that they can do whatever they want just because they have just experienced the chaos. Security was strengthened and laws were spread throughout the region.

When the new bill was being revised, a small contradiction arose.

Some of the higher-ups who had renounced their status as monarchs of the camp believed that as people with special contributions, they believed that their children and grandchildren should have the privilege of immunity.

But this one was rejected by Lu Zheng without authority.

The Son of Heaven had to be punished with the common people even if he broke the law. He believed that a good leader should be upright and sit upright, there should not be such a thought. If the family culture is good, future generations will not be wicked at all, so the appearance of this privilege is building a foundation for future generations to be wicked and must be stopped.

Moreover, the world is based on the people, and if you cannot protect the basic rights of the people, then there is no way for them to have a better life. If you want to improve the happiness index, you must make the people feel secure and feel that the system and leaders are reliable.

"If the law cannot push open the door of privilege, it must also not be able to step into the hearts of the people, and the prestige of the management will be greatly diminished." Luthor even called for this quote to be inscribed in a book and made into a monument to be erected outside the House.

The people could not refute this, and this decision was finally passed unanimously.

Secondly, the issue of livelihood.

After the post-war restoration, supplies were scarce and energy was in short supply.

After deliberation, Zi Wei felt that the idea of vigorously developing military power should be abandoned for the time being and let the people fill their stomachs first.

The Ministry of Agriculture, headed by Erdongchuan, took on a great responsibility and set up large test bases in various regions to grow crops.

This was followed by a unified currency, a unified pay system, a unified industrial and commercial system, and a unified education system....

At this moment, Lu Zheng suddenly felt like returning to the era of the Great Qin, witnessing the "same rail, same book, same language".

As expected, history is always similar, and the current situation is an inevitable result of a long period of time.

At the same time, Lu Zheng also recalled the failure of the First Emperor, which was the excessive construction and taxation.

So he suggested that, in the first three years of the new alliance, in order to help the regions to recover their vitality, taxes should be waived. First build up water conservancy, thicken agriculture and mulberry, and then support the people and the army with agriculture.

The specific details would then be agreed upon one by one by the Speaker's Court, and then implemented, and the counties would be autonomous.

"Since the entire Eastlands is unified as one, we might as well change the union body to a national system." Zi Wei said, "So, what should we call it? The First Eastland Empire?"

Lu Zheng smiled and shook his head, "We are not an empire, not with the hegemony of the emperor as our leadership core, but with all the people. Why don't we just call it... the Eastland Democratic United States of America."

"To the people, united by the people...that's a good name!" Old Jason exclaimed.

"What shall our leader be called, if not an emperor? Such a big event is going to go down in history!" The communications minister said.

"Even a title like monarch has strong hegemonic overtones that contradict what we envision." Luthor is also thinking.

"As a leader, what you have to do is to rule the domain, work for the welfare of the people, and guard the peace." Old Jason tapped his fingers on the table, "Why don't we just come up with a more traditional name and call it the Peace Imperial Guard?"

"The imperial guard, in my ancestral culture, means amulet. It has a meaning of protection and a meaning of praying for the people." Giant Gate echoed, "I like that name. From this moment on, our Lu Torturer will be the peaceful imperial guard of the Eastland Democratic United States!"

Applause rose like a tidal wave, and everyone expressed their approval in this manner.

Zi Wei quietly tugged on Lu Zheng's corner in private and whispered, "Don't forget your promise."

"What promise?"

"You said that I just had to trust you with the rest. I gave up even the monarchy for you, how did you decide to make it up to me?" Zi Wei inquired.

Lu Zheng smiled lightly, cleared his throat, and said loudly, "I'll add one last thing, as I told you earlier, our United States of America is not centered on monarchical hegemony, so the Peace Imperial Guard also needs to be replaced. We change the leader, not the system, and the peace imperial guards change every three years. While the original Peacekeeper is in office, everyone can elect another prospective Peacekeeper, and once the previous leader abdicates or something unexpected happens, the new leader can immediately fill in. What do you all think of this proposal?"

The peace imperial guards changed their positions.

This meant that everyone here had an equal chance of becoming the Peaceful Imperial Guard, and of course the crowd raised their hands in approval.

After that, Lu Zheng helped the crowd with a wave of analysis, "Among the people here, in terms of governing ability, the original giants belong to the original giants. However, the path of the newly established United States of America can be described as difficult, the giants are more suitable for managing the military, not suitable for plunging into ruling the country too early, then the remaining most qualified candidate should be Zi Wei."

"I also agree that Zi Wei should be the next Imperial Protector of Peace, after I rebuild the legionary system and do a good job of defending the East Land's enemy strategy, it won't be too late for me to take her place." Giant Gate nodded. Actually on he still preferred to stay in the army, it was still a headache to make so many resolutions every day, and in the past the camp management was mostly done by Qing Yi for him. And at this point, it was clear that Kiyoshi had no desire to run for the position of Peace Imperial Protector.

"I also agree."



Almost no one raised any objections, and everyone knew in their hearts that the first two terms of the Imperial Peacekeeper were the most difficult to do. Although the Eastlands had been unified, there were still many remaining challenges. When the two imperial guardians who plied the thorns in front of them hammered the system into iron and solidified the state of the country, then it would be much easier when they took the throne.

"Well, since there are no objections, then I declare our prospective peace imperial guardian, Lady Zwei." Lu Zheng clapped her hands as she streamed a smile towards Zi Wei.

Zi Wei also comprehended her meaning.

Even though there was no way for her to leave victorious in this mission. But Lü Criminal had left her with a huge "outsider", and when she was pushed to the position of Leader of the Eastern Lands, then whatever new mission she faced next wouldn't be too difficult for her to book.

Zi Wei would smile, but her heart was a little sad.

Hey, such a reliable man, it's really too late to meet him....

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