Bang! Almost without any hesitation, the body of the Corpse Mang suddenly stopped, and its tail suddenly bloomed, releasing a dense blood aura.

A huge python that weighed several thousand Jin was killed by Jing Wuming in a blink of an eye.

Ye Ling also noticed that when Jing Wuming made a move, his finger slightly pulled, and a strong gale condensed into a substance which sealed all the vitality of the corpse.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and skin them! " Jing Wuming grabbed the corpse python with his big hand and dragged it onto the shore. With the tip of his finger, he easily cut open the skin of the corpse python.

Ye Ling was stunned, and understood the meaning behind this old man's words.

Since a corpse python could survive in weak water, its skin would naturally have the ability to resist weak water. Now that it could peel off its skin and pull out its tendons to create a rubber raft, it could naturally pass through this weak water!

Seeing Ye Ling act in such a manner, a smile appeared in Jing Wuming's eyes.

Both of them were cultivators, so naturally, their speed was many times faster than that of ordinary people. Soon, a small boat appeared in this way.

The two of them sat on the chairs and quickly left, leaving behind a trail of blood on the ground.

This was a trace left behind by the slaughter of corpses.

Passing through the weak water, Ye Ling was ready to lock up the raft. However, it was put away by Jing Wuming. Ye Ling felt relieved upon thinking about it, after all this was not a place that he and his men could come to.

Following that, he passed by many halls, among which were various broken bookshelves. The dust had already accumulated to a very thick extent.

Ye Ling was prepared to take a good look. After all, there might be some ancient books here.

However, Jing Wuming could not be bothered with these things, he just kept walking back.

Looking at Jing Wuming's familiar appearance, compared to the past few decades, he had come here countless times.

"Old Glass, what's up ahead?" Ye Ling was getting impatient. The feeling of being led by the nose wasn't good.

"How would I know?" Jing Wuming retorted with a smile, "I've only been here before, look, this is the place."

While they were talking, the two of them had arrived in front of a huge bronze door.

The bronze door was extremely tall, almost three hundred meters. Each of the doors was engraved with a gorgeous relief.

On the door on the left was an incomparably large scorpion. Its tail was raised high and carried an incomparably oppressive aura. The surroundings of the scorpion were all filled with demons. However, the space it occupied was much smaller than this scorpion.

And on the right door, there was a giant, god-like man. He was dressed in leather, and his muscles were like steel plates. He held a bow and arrow, and on the horizon, there were nine great suns shining.

In addition to this giant god like man, there were also many other humans engraved on the wall. However, each and every one of them was naked. Although their muscles and bones were sturdy, they were still far inferior to this giant god like man.

The demon on the left! There was a person on the right!

The instant Ye Ling saw the giant god, he seemed to recall something. However, he could not recall anything.

"This is the door. You can't enter?" Ye Ling clicked his tongue in wonder. This door weighed no more than ten thousand Jin, how could he push it in?

While speaking, Ye Ling reached out his hand and pushed open the door. He thought that the door had some sort of mystery, and no matter what he pushed inside, he wouldn't be able to open it.

However, what surprised Ye Ling was that he actually pushed the bronze door open.

Didn't he say that he could push it away? Why hasn't this old glass been inside for so many years?

As if he could see the doubt in Ye Ling's heart, Jing Wuming pointed to the inside of the door and said: "Look, what's inside?"

Ye Ling's heart pounded violently.

The interior of the portal was actually filled with the wild power of space and time. The light rays were distorted, forming a huge black hole. Even Ye Ling's eyes looked like they were about to be absorbed and devoured.

Bang! At the critical moment, the old man shut the bronze door and said meaningfully, "This is not an ordinary portal, it is a portal to time and space. If we rush in now, it is very likely that we will be directly sucked into the space-time vortex and perish. I have studied ancient books for so many years, that is the correct way to open this door.

"So, you're asking me to cultivate that vermillion blood?" Ye Ling stared at himself as he pointed at himself. At this moment, he finally understood something.

"Not bad, not bad. Real humans have long been extinct. The density of your bloodlines is too low. Only by refining the vermillion blood can the density of your bloodlines reach the standard. Kid, right now you are already very good at it."

Jing Wuming nodded and laughed, "Now you know, I only want a little bit of your blood, it won't harm your life."

Ye Ling nodded his head. Then, under Jing Wuming's guidance, he dripped his blood on the bottom of the big man's foot.

There was indeed a hidden groove there.

"That pure demon blood?" Ye Ling was stunned once again as he looked towards Jing Wuming.

"Of course it's laozi!" Jing Wuming laughed wildly, causing the corner of Ye Ling's mouth to twitch. This bastard was too disrespectful towards an old man.

However, Jing Wuming was a demi-human, and this was the result that Ye Ling had expected.

There were very few demon clan members nowadays. The real demon clan members were originally demons, but they were knowledgeable in the changes of yin and yang, directly transforming into human forms that could vaguely be seen in the city.

Although demonic beasts could be seen everywhere, they were not able to change their sacred art. They were just mutations created by the combination of a trace of the demonic bloodline and a wild beast.

However, demonic beasts were still so powerful. From this, it could be seen how powerful the real demons were.

Puff … Jing Wuming made a small cut and pressed the blood on the scorpion's upraised hook.

After doing all this, Jing Wuming retreated again and again, looking at everything in front of him with excitement.

He had been looking forward to this moment for far too long.

Buzz buzz …

The two bronze doors suddenly began to tremble. Then, the bronze doors actually opened!

"Let's go!" Jing Wuming brought Ye Ling through the door as he flew straight into the mansion.

On the other side, the two Heaven Martial Warriors and the youth from the Skeleton Association had arrived by the river.

The river was gurgling, and everything was quiet.

Just as the two Heaven realm experts were about to fly over, they were stopped by the young man.

If Ye Ling was here and saw this scene, he would definitely be shocked!

Because the two of them had just slaughtered the corpse python, the ground was already covered in blood! At this moment, the banks of the weak water were completely clean, without a single trace of blood! Just like how it was before Ye Ling came!

Who was it that had erased the traces?

"This is weak water, it doesn't float. If you fly over there, you will only die." The youth quietly said, and then reached out his hand!

Gulp … A blood-red skeleton appeared with a loud bang, like a battle spirit, and plunged into the weak water.

This phantom was invisible and intangible, but it was not affected by the weak water.

Just as the two Tianwu experts were about to say something, the water ripples suddenly exploded and a huge corpse python was lifted up!

It was the battle spirit!

Dong! The corpse fell heavily onto the ground, splashing water everywhere. This caused the two cultivators to feel a bit of fear. There was nothing else but this weak water was too terrifying; they didn't want to be touched by even a drop of it.

"Peel the skin and pull the tendons, and turn them into rubber rafts. This thing can withstand the attack of weak water. " This youth was like a prophet. He actually said the only way to get past the weak water with just a few words.

The two Tianwu experts understood and quickly dealt with the corpse python.

The Undead Python was only at the late stage of the Black Tortoise. However, it was instantly killed and its flesh was flayed.

The three of them used the method they just used to get through the weak water. In the end, the Skeleton Society's youngster even took the raft.

If Ye Ling saw this from here, he would probably be greatly shocked. Wasn't this brat too similar?

Are you sure this isn't a duplicate?

The three of them walked for a while, and very quickly, they arrived at the bronze door. The two Sky Martial Cultivators frowned; they could feel that the bronze door was unceasingly emitting a sense of strangeness.

It was as if this was a space and time of nothingness. No one knew what was behind the door, but was it life or death?

In reality, the Heaven Martial Cultivators had a strong premonition about the situation. What they did not know was that this premonition was actually quite accurate. The space behind this door was chaotic, it could be a place filled with people, or it could also be a place filled with killing intent.

The Skeleton youth's footsteps finally stopped. Under the black cloak, two pairs of eyes condensed into substance as they fiercely swept towards the bronze door.

The door on the left was the god-like giant from before, and the door on the right was an incomparably large scorpion with a sharp hook upside down.

The signs that the young man saw were exactly the same as what Ye Ling was thinking!

It was as if the two of them existed in a world of mirrors. They were completely similar, yet different!

The youth bent over the bronze door and stretched out two white palms, continuously stroking, knocking and sniffing with his nose.

This strange sight did not cause any dissatisfaction to the Heaven Martial Warrior. In fact, if not for this youth, they would have already suffered a lot.

"This is the Void Door." Then, the youth slowly spoke up, "The space here is in chaos. Only a Bloodline Inheritance can open this door."

"What bloodline inheritance?" Commander Yang froze for a moment, then hurriedly blurted out.

"I must obtain a purebred demon clan bloodline and a purebred human bloodline." The youth quietly said, unexpectedly having the feeling of not missing anything.

"I have the demon clan's bloodline!" He reached his hand out and took out a bronze tube filled with faint green blood. "Back then, I met a Bamboo Rat Demon in the Nine Yin Demon Sect's forbidden area. Although it was weak, it was definitely an orthodox monster."

With that, he handed the tube of blood to the youth and asked, "Mister Nu, do you think this blood is good?"

The youth sniffed it with his nose, then nodded and said, "This blood is good. Although it's just a little Fighter, it's still orthodox."

Elder Yin's face lit up, and then he became worried again. "But, where can we find the pure human bloodline?"

After all, everyone knew that the real human race had been completely annihilated in history. Although it couldn't be said that they were extinct, at least they were extremely rare, and it wasn't that easy to find them.

Not to mention finding it here. But now, the three of them had to open the portal!

"Use mine." The youth quietly said.

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