Supreme Stock God

Chapter 30: "Shen Nong Baicao" and "Qing Nang Jing"

Chapter 30 "Shen Nong Hundred Herbs" and "Qing Nang Jing"

"You, did you plan to use me as a test item early in the morning?" Zhou Hao stared at Doctor Gongsun with wide eyes.

Doctor Gongsun didn’t have any guilt on his face, “Because I want to see someone who can successfully absorb ambergris in my lifetime, ha ha, the reason why you fought me out of control yesterday is actually because I secretly spent 60 years The remaining ambergris has been put into your medicine, although after sixty years, the medicinal properties of the ambergris have almost disappeared, but it can still have an experimental effect." He said to Zhou Hao: "I It was only after seeing that you could bear the medicinal properties of the ambergris sixty years ago that I decided to let you take this last ambergris."

As soon as Zhou Hao wanted to scold him, he heard Dr. Gongsun say: "Actually, I am more than 120 years old this year. According to my own estimation, I will not be able to survive this month, so I am so eager to let you take risks. Therefore, teaching you internal strength is also to strengthen your body to the maximum, so that you can accept the separation of ambergris."

At this point, Zhou Hao finally realized that all of this was planned by Dr. Gongsun. Moreover, when Dr. Gongsun said that he was over 120 years old, Zhou Hao found it hard to believe, "No, yours. It looks like only seventy or eighty."

"This is because I have practiced internal strength, and I have taken a lot of good medicine over the years, so my life is longer than others."

"You said you couldn't survive this month, but I think you are quite healthy." Zhou Hao frowned. Although Dr. Gongsun had designed himself many times, Zhou Hao still felt a little sad when he heard that he was about to die.

Doctor Gongsun smiled bitterly, "At my age, I already know my destiny. Moreover, I have had sequelae after eating ambergris in those days, and I have already earned it today." Suddenly, he saw behind. The simple screen made of wooden planks and thatch suddenly felt a little unnatural on his face. He said to Zhou Hao: "By the way, I forgot to tell you. Since ambergris is the most yang thing, it can stimulate your body. In addition to potential, it is still an extremely strong thing."

"Things?" Zhou Hao murmured, as if thinking of something, his face suddenly turned pale. He looked around nervously, and asked again and again, "Where's Li...Mr. Li?" Dr. Gongsun's dragon's mouth in his body. If he hid elsewhere while exerting his medicinal properties, only Li Ruolan was with him. If ambergris is a strong medicine, what will it do? Zhou Hao didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Doctor Gongsun raised his chin on the screen behind him, Zhou Hao hurried over and saw Li Ruolan, who was holding her knees behind the screen and crying constantly.

Seeing Li Ruolan's body red and blue, and crying red and swollen eyes full of sadness, Zhou Hao was shocked by lightning, and his mind went blank, especially Li Ruolan's desperate and miserable eyes, he wanted a sharp knife. It cut Zhou Hao's heart all at once.

It is true that Li Ruolan is Zhou Hao's first love in the true sense, and Zhou Hao does not want to miss this calm and calm beauty after being reborn. However, the way to get her is definitely not the way it is now.

"Li...Mr. Li..." Zhou Hao's throat was astringent, as if he was blocked by something.

"I'm not your teacher!" Li Ruolan bit her lip, seeing Zhou Hao, and the previously unhappy scene resurfaced in her mind. Although she heard what Dr. Gongsun said just now, she also knew that Zhou Hao was a victim just like herself. However, it is a lie to say that Zhou Hao is not to blame.

"Teacher...I..." Zhou Hao squatted, not knowing how to face Li Ruolan.

Li Ruolan closed her eyes, two teardrops slipped from the corners of her eyes again, her nose hit twice, and then she exhaled, "I know it's not all your fault, but you let me be quiet, I need to calm down a bit."

"Teacher..." A strong guilt wore Zhou Hao's heart, especially seeing Li Ruolan being tortured like this by herself. If Li Ruolan allowed Zhou Hao to atone for his sins, Zhou Hao would not hesitate to agree.

Li Ruolan turned her face aside and stopped looking at him, "Let me be quiet."

Zhou Hao sighed, then stood up and walked out of the screen. After seeing Doctor Gongsun outside, he clenched his fists, but Li Ruolan's voice came from inside, "Don't embarrass him, he will die soon."

To Li Ruolan, Zhou Hao was unconditionally obedient, and suppressed the anger in his heart, but he still scratched Dr. Gongsun severely.

However, he saw Dr. Gongsun approaching Zhou Hao and took out two ancient books in thread-bound from his arms, and said to Zhou Hao: "Now I don't say anything to make you forgive me. There are two ancient books here, one is "Shen Nong" "Baicao", one is "The Green Bag Sutra", forge it to you, it is a gift I left for you before I die."

"The "Qing Nang Jing"? Isn't this a medical book written by Zhonghua Tuo?" Zhou Hao was taken aback. "But historical records show that the "Qing Nang Jing" written by Hua Tuo has been burned by his own hands. "

Doctor Gongsun shook his head, "At that time Hua Tuo was imprisoned. In order to prevent his medical skills from being lost, he wanted to hand over his writings to the jailer who guarded him. But the jailer was afraid that he would be guilty of it, so he dared not accept it. In desperation, Hua Tuo was about to burn the "Qing Nang Jing" he had written. However, what the world did not know was that the jailer couldn't bear to see Hua Tuo's desperate look at the end, so he stopped Hua Tuo and promised to keep it for him. "Qing Nang Jing". It was only that half of the "Qing Nang Jing" had been burned at that time, and only the lower half was left. I also got it by chance."

Zhou Hao took the "Qing Nang Jing" and opened it and saw that only a small part of it recorded medical knowledge about medicine and acupuncture, while the rest was similar to the human meridian diagrams that Dr. Gongsun gave him earlier, with drawings. Many people with different actions look like martial arts secrets.

"What is recorded here is Hua Tuo's own "Five Animals Opera"." Dr. Gongsun explained: "This is a deep martial arts that both internally and externally cultivate. It can not only strengthen the body, but also resist the enemy. My martial arts is I learned from it."

Zhou Hao had also heard of the "Five Animals Opera" and knew that it was created by Hua Tuo. However, Zhou Hao's knowledge of the "Five Animals Opera" has always been limited to that it is just an aerobics.

"The'Wu Qin Xi' circulated outside are all tangible and insubstantial." Dr. Gongsun said: "They don't have this corresponding inner strength mental method-'Yi Qi Lu', so they lose the essence of the'Wu Qin Xi', and they can't show it at all. The effect of'Wu Qin Xi' comes." He looked at Zhou Hao, "Now you can feel the way I taught you before, is there a strong qi flowing in your body?"

Zhou Hao did as he said, and as expected, he felt a warm air current flowing in his body's odd meridian and eight channels and the internal organs. Just listen to Dr. Gongsun said: "The qigong we Chinese practice is actually to maximize the power of the human body. Now that you have absorbed ambergris, the potential in your body has been fully stimulated. Therefore, if you When you come to practice qigong, you will have a unique advantage."

"Is it like in the novel that the two channels of Ren and Du have been opened up?" Zhou Hao asked with some excitement.

Doctor Gongsun smiled and nodded, "You can also say the same, because of the medicinal properties of Ambergris, your strange meridian and eight meridians have been opened up. This is what people who practice qigong dream of."

Zhou Hao thought to himself, then I can be like those chivalrous warriors in the novel.

"Before you die, I can help you learn the whole set of'Wu Qin Xi'." Doctor Gongsun said to Zhou Hao: "Although you have very powerful power now, you still don't know how to use it, so this set of'Wu Qin Xi' is right. You are still very useful."

Zhou Hao nodded. This time, Doctor Gongsun taught him martial arts from his heart.

I also saw that Dr. Gongsun gave the "Shen Nong Hundred Herbs" to Zhou Hao, "This "Shen Nong Hundred Herbs" is far more precious than the "Qing Nang Jing" because this is a work summed up by Shennong after he tasted the Hundred Herbs. After more than ten generations of research and supplements, it finally condensed into this "Shen Nong Baicao"."

Zhou Hao was taken aback when he heard this. A copy of "Qing Nang Jing" was already rare in the world. He didn't expect that this "Shen Nong Baicao" had a bigger background, and it was actually left by Shennong.

"It records the efficacy and properties of various herbs, as well as many formulas for curing diseases, which were lost thousands of years ago. All my medical skills are derived from this "Shen Nong Baicao". It also told me about the ambergris. Whether you have the ambition to study medicine in the future, I hope you can take good care of it."

After receiving this "Shen Nong Baicao", Zhou Hao saw that it recorded various Chinese herbal medicine materials, accompanied by pictures, and there were many additional annotations on classical Chinese, so it was not too difficult to read.

"The comments inside were completed by me in a lifetime." Dr. Gongsun added.

Although Dr. Gongsun repeatedly designed Zhou Hao, he was able to spend his entire life studying the "Shen Nong Baicao". Zhou Hao still admired it very much, and the reason why he would use Zhou Hao as the test product of ambergris seems to be a good result. Because of the enthusiasm for medicine and human research. So strictly speaking, Dr. Gongsun is the kind of crazy scientist. Even if his methods are not so brilliant, the results of his research are worthy of respect.

Suddenly, Zhou Hao thought of a question, and asked Dr. Gongsun: "By the way, if I unfortunately die after taking Ambergris, what do you plan to do with these two books? Will you give it to Teacher Li? "

Doctor Gongsun shook his head, "That girl is not suitable. If you really die, then I will bury these two books and wait for someone to find out later."

Zhou Hao cursed secretly in his heart, thinking that this old man was so unreasonable, he would rather leave it to the illusory "destined person" rather than give it to Li Ruolan for her to pass on. Perhaps many traditional Chinese medical techniques have been lost in this way.

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