Six hundred 99 chapters, they are here.

“haha, cloud brother, 50,000 people, all have been arranged properly, we can start immediately!” A large piece of black pressed silhouette, a full 50,000 yangyang Legion, lined up, quietly suspended behind Yang Zhengtian, Yang Laughed heartily, a strong flame broke out and looked at Yun Bufan laughed!

Yun Bufan is also laughing nodded: “Well, since they are all ready, then we will start immediately, Yang big brother, Lieyang Legion, you are more familiar with me, how to arrange it, you will arrange it, I will go directly to the landlord with He Linxian You brought people directly to send us, we attacked the landlord star in one fell swoop!”

Yang Zhengtian laughed: “Cloud brother is assured, there is a spiritual treasure cabinet to pass the news, for the case of the landlord star can be said to be well-known, these 50,000 people, you can definitely defeat each other, directly win the landlord star!”

“Okay, let’s go, these 50,000 people will be handed over to you!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled, then flew directly toward the interstellar Teleportation Formation, and Yun Bufan nodded, a flash, disappeared directly!

After a while, He Lin’s voice rang in Yun Bufan’s mind: “Young Master, interstellar Teleportation Formation has been fully established, I have reached the landlord!”

Yun Bufan slightly paused, then shook his head and smiled, stepping into the interstellar Teleportation Formation, the interstellar Teleportation Formation rays of light, the silhouette of Yun Bufan disappeared directly, and the entire Tianyangxing left Yang Zhengtian and his 50,000 strong Yang Legion!

When Yun Bufan disappeared into the interstellar Teleportation Formation, Yang Zhengtian’s face finally showed a cold smile, then looked at the 50,000 people behind him, and shouted: “You, all gave me the plan, only succeeded. , no failure, all the distribution of the landlord star, I have drawn the map of interstellar, each of you has a hand!”

“Five thousand people, I have divided you into five teams, the first team, directly dealing with all the Emperor Star guards in the East, Legion, the second team to deal with all the Southern Emperor guard Legion, the third team to deal with the West The Emperor Star guards Legion, the fourth team to deal with the Northern Emperor Star guard Legion!”

In the Yang Xiang Heavenly Eye, there is a flash of light: “As for the fifth battalion, you will follow me and surround the entire landlord’s house. This time, we must take a hit with the tyrants. There must be no accidents! ”

“Yes, the Great!” A whole 50,000 people screamed in unison, and Yang Zhengtian shouted loudly: “Go, go to the landlord!”

“weng!” Yang Zhengtian took the lead, 50,000 people, divided into five teams, respectively entered the interstellar Teleportation Formation, interstellar Teleportation Formation rays of light flashing, less than a moment, Liyang Legion a full 50,000 people, all All disappeared!

On top of the Emperor, Yun Bufan and He Lin stood around the interstellar legendary, and the two looked at the lively land of the Emperor. They all whispered: “This Tudor is one of the stars of the Five Emperors. very good!”

“Young Master, where are we going now?” He Linchao looked around, the huge gods suddenly rushed out, and after a moment looked at Yun Bufan said with a smile: “According to my investigation, this landlord, There are actually two Demi-God, four ten-level Emperor, and eight Level 9 Emperor’s Peak!”

“Two Demi-God, four Ten-level Emperors and eight Level 9 Xiandi?” Yun Bufan is also very surprised, this strength is already more horrible than a real emperor, at least equivalent to the emperor One third of the forces!

“Go, let’s go to the main house of the star. I want to arrange a seal heavens near the main house of the star to block the scent of the star house and the outside. Otherwise, wait for Yang Zhengtian and his singer Legion. At that time, it will inevitably attract the attention of these powerhouses. If you want to think about the other landlord, I will probably have to spend more time!”

Yun Bufan smiled and said, after all, the other party is not ready now. If the seal heavens is set to isolate the atmosphere, then the other party will not know the arrival of Yang Zhengtian and Lieyang Legion. When they are here, they are unintentional. I am afraid I can take up a lot of opportunities!

Once the other party knows the arrival of Yang Zhengtian and Lieyang Legion, it may be a hard battle to wait for them. A hard battle, no matter whether you win or lose, the losses to both sides are great. Yun Bufan doesn’t want to see it, at least not now!

“Young Master, will your seal heavens be enchanted by the other party, so they will be alarmed?” Flying in the air, He Lin looked at Yun Bufan and asked!

“No!” Yun Bufan shook the head: “My seal heavens is a fusion of nine powers, unless the other side has nine powerhouses that are also cultivated at the same time, otherwise it is impossible to sense my nine strengths. !”

“Nine kinds of power?” He Lin smiled and shook the head. Generally, I have never heard of anyone who has cultivated nine kinds of strengths at the same time. Except Yun Bufan, I am afraid that is Mo Qilin!

“Come on, the landlord of the landlord star, this defense, but also enough to be strict, but unfortunately, the strength too weak!” Yun Bufan looked at the star of the house, coldly smiled, this guardian front door turned out to be Xiandi Powerhouse, it can be seen that the dream is still very important to this Tu Duan!

“Young Master, Yang Zhengtian, they should come over!” said Yun Buyang, who is on the side!

Because this space tunnel was opened by He Lin alone for eight years, so it has his power, he can feel Yang Zhengtian whether they have entered the interstellar Teleportation Formation and entered this space tunnel!

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light flashed, and bursts of light flashed. A huge enchantment shrouded the entire star house, and Yun Bufan whispered: “Yang Zhengtian, they should be here!”

“weng!” interstellar Teleportation Formation, rays of light flashed, Yang Zhengtian first appeared next to the interstellar Teleportation Formation, and then the interstellar Teleportation Formation again rays of light flashing, a whole 10,000 people appeared at the same time, Yang Zhengtian shouted: You, go to the East, speed!”

Then there was a burst of rays of light, and 10,000 people appeared. In just a quarter of an hour, the 50,000-strong Legion appeared on the top of the land, and then surrounded the south, south, west, and west, leaving only one. Ten thousand people are behind Yang Zhengtian!

According to the message from the spiritual treasure cabinet, the defense of the landlord is divided into four aspects. The four guards of the southeast and the north, Legion, are very close to the star house. Once there is any movement, the four guards Legion will not The slightest hesitation is surrounded, so the four guards Legion are very important!

“Go, you follow me, go to the star house of the Emperor Star, and immediately encircle the star house!” Yang Zhengtian looked at the last 10,000 horses, then shouted loudly and flew directly to the main house. Grab it!

In the land of the Emperor, the two middle-aged man stood in the center, under their hands, there are twelve masters, all of whom are powerful, the two middle-aged Man, but it looks very similar, it looks like a twin brother!

“Everyone, like the situation of Yangxing today, who can you talk to me?” The middle-aged man on the left, looking at the twelve people underneath, asked with a deep voice!

“Adult, Tianyangxing, there has been no movement for eight years. I think that Yun Bufan should be stabilizing his own power. It should not be possible to commit my mysterious star!” After a moment of silence, one of the ten-level Emperor Slowly stood up, Shen Sheng said!

The middle-aged man is shook the head: “According to Yun Bufan’s acting style, he can’t stop like this, from the cold light star to the Qingdi star, from the Qingdi star to Tianyangxing, he has been constantly The acceptance of the five stars of the Five Emperors, so his next goal, is probably my landlord, or the Golden Emperor!”

“Adult, the Golden Emperor did not have any news. According to our spy returns placed in the star house of Tianyangxing, Yang Zhengtian has been retreating, and Yun Bufan has not appeared. It is estimated that they should all Is practicing, or conserve strength and store up energy!” Just now the tenth-level Emperor continued to respectfully said!

“We have been paying attention to Tianyangxing for eight years. It is afraid that Yun Bufan has any big moves. But now it seems too abnormal. For eight years, Yun Bufan has no movements. This is the strangest place, so we Must be careful!” And at this time, the middle-aged man on the right suddenly opened, his voice was low and hoarse!

This middle-aged man has an entanglement, and it is different from the middle-aged man on the left. The middle-aged man on the right is completely cold and has a face, and the killing intent on the body is involuntarily facing the fourth. Under the break!

As soon as he spoke, the bottom 12 people became very respectful. One of the Level 9 Xiandi whispered and said: “Hai Daren, according to my intelligence, the Yun Bufan and the spiritual treasure cabinet should have been united, so I I am sure that Yun Bufan will definitely start with us!”

“The Golden Emperor is near the Qingdi Star, and the Qing Emperor Yun Bufan has conquered it, but as far as I know, he has only left 20,000 Lieyang Legion, so he is unlikely to attack the Golden Emperor, the Golden Emperor left. On the side is the azure star, on the right is my landlord star, that Yun Bufan just took the cold light star and the sky star, completely control the two stars, then his next goal is definitely my landlord!”

This level 9 is stunned and silent. Everyone is in deep thought. As the level 9 said, the Qingdi star is not controlled by Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan will not do it. Grasp the things, to deal with the Golden Emperor, the biggest possibility is to deal with them the landlord star!

At the same time, outside the main house of the Emperor of the Earth, a piece of black pressed silhouette was quickly surrounded, and Yun Bufan, who was hiding outside the Emperor’s star, looked up with He Lin and looked at the black crushed silhouette. There is a smile on my face!

“Yang Zhengtian, they are here!”

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