Six hundredth 72 chapter finally escapes

“What to do? What should I do? Bastard, this bastard, it is so crazy, no wonder, no wonder he just didn’t kill me, but what should I do, is it killed by my great array?” Ye Hongchen was in a hurry. Now, he doesn’t know what to do!

At this time, Yun Bufan once again smashed dozens of swords toward the surrounding Xianjun, and then flew directly toward Ye Hongchen. Ye Hongchen’s eyes were red, and he said in a hurry: “Bastard, bastard, he is not Leave room, really leave no room, completely kill me!”

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” Another dozen explosions continued to sound, Ye Hongchen was directly blown out of the air, spit blood, his face pale as paper, Ye Hongchen was terrified in his heart: “No. And if I go on like this, I will die, Yun Bufan, he must kill me and kill me completely!”

“Even if there is no great array, you can run where you can get it. The blockade and attack of 10,000 cents is enough to kill you. As soon as I withdraw this great array, Yun Bufan will want to escape when he runs away. The combination of 10,000 cents, the real Deity will fall!”

Ye Hongchen secretly thought about it, seeing Yun Bufan attacking those princes again, Ye Hongchen gnawed his teeth, suddenly shouted loudly: “great array scattered, scattered!”

“weng!” A burst of red rays of light skyrocketed, Ye Hongchen’s red light flashed, and the Wanxianjun was also a ray of light, the original mask was gone, the entire great array disappeared suddenly, and Yun Bufan’s mouth was blown up. A smile, great array, finally automatically lifted?

“Escape, escape, as long as you escape, that is your death!” Ye Hongchen stared at Yun Bufan, and kept urging the other to rush!

However, Yun Bufan’s approach was to make him stunned. I saw that Yun Bufan didn’t mean to run away. Instead, he rushed over to him again. Ye Hongchen understood this. The other party always wanted to kill. Yourself!

“Bastard!” Ye Hongchen couldn’t help but scream, but just a moment, Yun Bufan had already arrived in front of Ye Hongchen. One sword and one sword continued to squat, Ye Hongchen complexion greatly changed, silhouette retreated backwards, eyes filled with panic The color!

“He, why is he still going to chase me? How is this possible?” Ye Hongchen couldn’t believe it, couldn’t believe that Yun Bufan was still chasing him, which is absolutely unexpected!

“Ye Hongchen, are you stupid? Under the siege of Wanxianjun, I will die. Since you can’t die in your own hands, then you will die in my hands. In that case, even if I die.” However, you can also smile!” Yun Bufan suddenly laughed, and the attack in his hand suddenly made a three-pointer!

“Ink girl, although the great array has been broken, I can’t charge ahead. What should we do now?” Yun Bufan’s heart is also anxious at home, after all, he can now be in the other’s hands, his life. Now it can be said that it is not under your control!

“That, that side, did you see it? The defense there is the weakest place in the entire great array. When you get there, call me, both of us, with a full blow, we should be able to break the great array charge. Ahead, remember to get the best strikes, after all, people are not enough, just two of us!”

Ye Hongchen pointed to a gap in the center of the great array, and the sound of the opening, Yun Bufan looked at the gap, the eyes flashed, slowly nodded, Mo Qilin said with a smile: “Take Ye Hongchen to that position, go to not let He has doubts, can you escape, just look at this attack!”

“Good!” Yun Bufan screamed, and the attack in his hand became more fierce. This can be painful for Ye Hongchen. In the parry, he clearly felt that Yun Bufan would only be strong if he attacked, and he would be seriously injured if he did not die. Yun Bufan’s attack, every time he can’t take it, his body blew!

“What does he want to do? Why didn’t he kill me directly?” Ye Hongchen had a bad feeling in his heart. Yun Bufan’s approach was really abnormal, but he also didn’t know what Yun Bufan was doing. What to do!

Yun Bufan eyes in the killing intent skyrocketing: “When it is, this gap, can not charge ahead, just look at it now, ink girl, ready, I am ready to attack!”

Yun Bufan looked at the side gap, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. And this Wan Xianjun didn’t dare to do it. Wan Yechen also killed him, but they would die too!

“Good!” Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light flashed, “roar!” A huge scream suddenly sounded, nine rays of light skyrocketed, and Yun Bufan was coldly drink: “Ye Hongchen, die, Unequalled Tyrant !”

“hong long long !” terrifying matchless’s sword glow, directly smashed toward Ye Hongchen, and Ye Hongchen suddenly complexed greatly changed: “What? This sword glow, this Yun Bufan, really wants to kill me completely, hehe, is he?” Are you really ready to die with me?”

Ye Hongchen’s body is full of flames. He knows that he can’t stop this sword, but even if he can’t stop it, he can weaken some of the opponent’s attacks. That’s good!

“Chī!” Just when Ye Hongchen was fully prepared and calmed, the attack of Yun Bufan’s sword suddenly shifted its position, and together with a shining ray of light clouds, directly toward them, the piece of Xianjun Attacked the past!

“bang!” “bang!” The piece of Xianjun has no backhand power at all. It directly flies out and even has a large part. On the spot, it is turned into a crush, and the crowd surrounded by the densely packed, suddenly There is a huge gap!

“Go, go,” Mo Qilin suddenly opened, pulling Yun Bufan directly, and rushing through the cracked hole, Yun Bufan slightly paused: “This great array, broke open, and finally broke open!”

“hu!” “hu!” Yun Bufan and Mo Qilin, hurriedly flew out, and at this time, Ye Hongchen reacted and suddenly screamed: “Not good, they are going to run away, no wonder, no wonder it’s not going to kill. I, forced me here, they have already planned it, the master is just Demi-God, the horrible Demi-God!”

“Kill, kill me for him, fast!” Ye Hongchen screamed and screamed wildly, and the remaining nine thousand sensaries, all of them ray of light, slammed directly toward Yun Bufan and Mo Qilin. !

“Not good, this attack is too dense, and I can’t do it all at all!” Yun Bufan’s face changed dramatically, although he escaped, but in just one second, the other party had already attacked, but he had not escaped and was attacked. The scope!

“Ink girl, you should go back to my Immortal Mansion first, otherwise this attack will affect you!” Yun Bufan has a flash of blue light, Mo Qilin is shook the head, she is soleodly: “This attack, no Block it, then it’s still dead, Yun Bufan, you pull me running, these attacks, give it to me!”

“Innate talent Divine Ability, Moyu Qilin!” Mo Qilin suddenly screamed, and the green rays of light suddenly slammed. Mo Qilin’s body suddenly jumped three times, and Mo Qilin’s low voice sounded: “Mo Yujing wall!”

Yun Bufan: “This is Mo Qilin’s innate talent Divine Ability?”

“ka!” “ka!” The crystal wall of the dark green layer suddenly lit up in front of Mo Qilin, forming a huge protective barrier. Yun Bufan is eyes shined: “No, in this case, Mo Qilin is absolutely It will be seriously injured, and for me, it can be considered a loss of a master. At this time, Mo Qilin can’t be seriously injured!”

“Phoenix earrings!” Yun Bufan eyes shined, the huge fairy sensation into the Immortal Mansion, directly found Little Wei: “Very only, fast, come out, use Phoenix earrings to help me with a terrible attack!”

Phoenix earrings, when Yun Bufan got from the ancient gods, Little Wei once said that it has three horrific effects of absolute defense. As long as it does not reach the attack of the gods, it will not break, but the defense will be up to three. Breathing time!

In today’s situation, only one breathing time is required, and Yun Bufan can escape directly!

Little Wei knows that Yun Bufan must have encountered any danger. If he didn’t think about it, he directly took out the Immortal Mansion. Yun Bufan pointed to thousands of attacks in front, said with a bitter smile: “I don’t know how many thousands. Is there a equivalent of a god attack, but you are careful!”

“Reliably, the absolute defense of Phoenix earrings can’t stop it, it can also weaken most attacks!” Little Wei smiled nodded, his body fire red rays of light skyrocketed, Phoenix earrings rays of light flashed, Little Wei low Sound shouted: “Feng Xiang nine days!”

“Hey!” A huge fire screamed suddenly and screamed, and suddenly appeared in front of Mo Qilin’s ink jade wall. Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise: “The magic of the Phoenix family, this is good, even if this magic weapon resists Can’t live, my ink jade wall can definitely be completely blocked!”

“Only, you can go back to Immortal Mansion!” Yun Bufan’s face is dignified, Little Wei is also nodded, blue light flashes, Little Wei disappears directly, and Yun Bufan is looking at the horrible thousands of attacks in front of him!

“bang!” slammed, called the heavens and extinguishing the earth, and the huge fire screamed, and countless flames rose. “Chī!” “Chī!” But still can’t resist this horror The attack, under this huge attack, slowly turned into a point of ignition, disappeared!

The horrific attack continued to bomb the Mo Qilin’s Moyujing wall. “bang!” The entire wall of the jade crystal suddenly trembled, and then the dark green rays of light skyrocketed. At this time, Yun Bufan has brought Mo. Qilin hurried out and disappeared!

“Finally, still blocked, escaped!” Yun Bufan looked at the pale Mo Qilin, slightly smiled, exhaled!

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