Six hundredth 70 chapter full-scale explosive power

“One thousand Xianjun?” Yun Bufan’s face suddenly changed, and it became very ugly. Ten thousand immortals, this is a whole 10,000 immortals: “This leaf red morning’s foundation is so rich, ten thousand immortals, I All the immortals in your hands are only two thousand less! Is this the imperial power?”

“Is this the essence of the imperial power?” Yun Bufan thought secretly, Ye Hongchen on the side had already sneered: “Yun Bufan, you should be honored, I am a million immortals, Wan Jian locks the array, but the first Used twice, when I first used it, I remember it was to kill a Demi-God!”

Yun Bufan’s heart is cold, not to mention this great array, just this Wan Xianjun, 10,000 cents sword, is enough to make him soul destroyed, there is no way to resist, Yun Bufan eyes cold, that floating 10,000 swords, let him There is a feeling of no way to start!

“Did you really want to fall here today?” Yun Bufan thought secretly, but the fairy tales poured into the Immortal Mansion. The first time I found Mo Qilin: “Ink girl, I am in great danger. You hurry to see if we have any way to charge ahead?”

Mo Qilin slowly opened the eyes, then looked outside, 10,000 cents, 10,000 swords directly in front of Mo Qilin, Mo Qilin suddenly shocked: “Good mysterious formation array ah, no, this formation array It will take a long time to arrange it. How can you let it be arranged?”

“This Ye Hongchen is deliberately plotting against me. No wonder, no wonder he was not ready to start from the beginning!” Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled, saying everything and Mo Qilin from beginning to end, Mo Qilin couldn’t help but be surprised: “You usually It’s quite smart, how was he ploted this time?”

Yun Bufan shook the head , faintly sighed : “No wonder this leaf red morning did not appear from beginning to end. It is estimated that when He Lin removed the soul of the soul with the soul mark, he has already discovered it, but has been forbearing until now, it seems to be Arrange this great array!”

Yun Bufan is still wondering, what is the important thing that makes Ye Hongchen look at his own smashing swordsman star without appearing. It turns out that all this is to deal with himself!

“Ink girl, is there really no way?” Yun Bufan didn’t have a heart, and asked quietly!

Mo Qilin slowly shook the head: “It is to concentrate all our strengths, I am afraid I can’t break through the blockade of this great array, 10,000 Profound Immortal, 10,000 swords, too horrible, I have no good way!”

“Yun Bufan, you don’t have to waste your time, I can tell you directly that they have 10,000 people, and I am the array eye of this great array. It is very simple to break this great array. I killed, the formation array is broken, but you have to face it, it is still 10,000 immortals, so whether it is killing me or not killing me, you will die!”

Ye Hongchen looked at Yun Bufan coldly, his voice was cold, full of killing intent, Yun Bufan suddenly murderous aura skyrocketing: “Ye Hongchen, in this case, your great array has been arranged, as long as I don’t run away, don’t touch the base, this The so-called 10,000 cents, I am afraid that one finger can’t move? So, this is a passive great array!”

“As long as I don’t attack and don’t run away, this Wanxianjun must maintain a great array, and as an array eye, I am afraid that I will not fight against me, but will lead me to attack the base and then use the array. Base attack to kill me?” Yun Bufan calmly looked at Ye Hongchen, cold and cold!

“en?” Ye Hongchen’s complexion changed. What he didn’t expect was that Yun Bufan was so calm now, even the complete system of his great array was completely said. Yun Bufan was right, if he didn’t attack Those bases, do not run away, then the great array will not actively attack!

“Yun Bufan, you are really smart, then you should think of it, I just want to delay the time, and why should you delay the time, you should also guess?” Ye Hongchen looked at Yun Bufan faintly, laughing slowly!

“You informed the Taozi and dreams? Now they should be on the road?” Yun Bufan’s eyes are very calm, and very deep, even Ye Hongchen does not understand what he is thinking!

“Since you know, then do you still want to escape?” Ye Hongchen’s eyes flashed, slightly smiling, Yun Bufan shook the head, faint opened the mouth and said: “You also said, unless you kill, otherwise , great array will always exist, then I can’t run at all!”

“Once you kill me, you will face the joint of 10,000 immortals. Are you sure you can survive?” Ye Hongchen’s eyes jumped and faintly opened!

“I’m not sure!” Yun Bufan shook the head, Ye Hongchen’s mouth was a little smile, Yun Bufan followed calmly said: “But, waiting for the dust and dreams to come, I still can’t live to leave? Since it is sooner or later It’s dead, it’s natural to pull a back, oh no, it’s two!”

Yun Bufan eyes in the killing intent skyrocketing, coldly watching Ye Hongchen and Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan suddenly in ones heart trembled, quickly step back, Ye Hongchen is also complexion changed, shouted: “Yun Bufan, what are you doing?”

“What?” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, killing intent Flashing: “Nature is killing you, what else can you do? Since I am sure that I will die, it is natural to pull you to die together, Ye Hongchen, have you a sword emperor I am dead even if I am dead!”

“bang!” Yun Bufan’s momentum has skyrocketed, and a burst of dark green rays of light broke out. Aoki’s needles flew out at once. For Yun Bufan’s huge vitality Divine Artifact, Ye Hongchen and the others can I know it!

“Not good, he is really desperate!” Ye Hongchen’s face suddenly changed, and then opened to the mouth and said to Yi Shuihan: “Water cold, you first enter my Immortal Mansion, this Yun Bufan, is ready Desperate, I am waiting for the innocent to take care of you!”

“Yes, Master!” Yi Shuihan, but the red rays of light on Ye Hongchen, Yi Shuihan was directly included in the Immortal Mansion. Ye Hongchen looked at Yun Bufan with a dignified look and looked alert!

Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, then suddenly with a smile: “Ye Hongchen, your strongest, should be the power of fire? Do not hide, let me see your true strength, I think, you, road dust Son and dreams, should you hide most of the strength?”

“Yun Bufan, I didn’t expect you to reach the 10th Emperor!” Ye Hongchen felt the powerful momentum of Yun Bufan, and his face could not change: “The strength of Yun Bufan, why makes me feel a bit like Old Ancestor , Could it be that he also reached Demi-God? Impossible!”

“weng!” The nine-color ray of light has skyrocketed, and Yun Bufan is holding Divine Sword. The eyes are cold and flashing: “Ye Hongchen, you will pick me up with a sword and try to defeat the world!”

Yun Bufan suddenly shouted, the nine rays of light rushed into the sky, a horrible hegemonic momentum suddenly broke out from him, rays of light flashing, Tu Divine Sword directly into a huge sword glow, fiercely rushing toward the leaves Your majesty!

Ye Hongchen’s eyes flashed, cold said with a sneer: “Yun Bufan, you have forgotten, I am the sword emperor, use swords in front of me? Do you think your skills can pass me high?”

“bang!” The flames of the sky burned directly, and Ye Hongchen was magnificent. A long chain of fire directly entangled the sword of Yun Bufan. The sword of Ye Hongchen was very skillful. This sword used fire. The force is entangled, and it can be self-destructive. It can be said that it can remove the opponent’s attack and can injure each other!

“Wrap it? Can you live in it?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed coldly, coldly snorted, and Divine Sword’s colorful rays of light skyrocketed, “hong long long!” The mighty domineering suddenly erupted,” Chī! ” A sword smashed into the fire chain, “bang!” Ye Hongchen’s fire chain exploded all the time, turning into a sparking star!

“What? His strength, impossible!” Ye Hongchen’s eyes were full of blood red madness, staring at the sword unbelievably, and Yun Bufan’s sword has already crashed toward him!

“Bastard!” Ye Hongchen snarled and angered, and the flames skyrocketed. Sword qi skyrocketed, a fire red word glow directly wrapped his Divine Artifact, and the Yun Bufan sword ushered in!

“bang!” Yun Bufan This violent sword directly collided with Ye Hongchen’s fire red long sword. A powerful explosion sounded loudly. The powerful air waves flew directly, and Ye Hongchen was suddenly stared. Wide-eyed, eyes full of fear!

“hu!” Ye Hongchen’s silhouette was directly blown out, and the mouth spurt blood came out. Ye Hongchen looked at Yun Bufan with amazement. Yun Bufan looked at Ye Hongchen with a leisurely look, and his face did not change at all!

“How could it be, how could it be so horrible? He is a ten-level fairy, a ten-level fairy, but his strength, why is it so horrible, I feel, how do I feel that he is stronger than Old Ancestor, he, he Is it Demi-God powerhouse?” Ye Hongchen has had a trace of fear at this time. A sword hurts him. How horrible is the strength of Yun Bufan?

Deeply took a breath, Ye Hongchen’s flames skyrocketed, Yun Bufan eyes shined: “Oh? Are you going to work hard? I have been waiting for you!”

“hong long long!” A violent momentum erupted from Ye Hongchen, Ye Hongchen was red with eyes, and even the flames in his eyes, looking straight at Yun Bufan, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said : “Yun Bufan, You are the first opponent to let me make the best effort, that is, the road dust and the dreamless heart have not forced me to make the best!”

“That’s because they also hide the strength!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and he sat with a smile!

“Yes, they also hide the strength, but you, your strength, is beyond the expectations of all of us!” Ye Hongchen’s momentum once again skyrocketed three points, coldly open!

“Sure enough, Ye Hongchen’s real strength is also Demi-God!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed!

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