Chapter 662

“Yun Bufan, are you really sure to be able to remove the soul mark on Founder?” Before Zheng Yunfeng was ready to leave, he couldn’t help but confirm it!

Yun Bufan smiled nodded: “You can rest assured, I have full control, but you, if you all come to this Jianhuang Building to get together, then Yi Shuihan will doubt, Ye Hongchen will be secretly wary, this It is the point!”

“You can rest assured!” Zheng Yunfeng smiled and shook the head: “We have gathered together many times over the years. This is very normal, and in the Jianhuang Building, they are not worried at all, because this It is the site of the Sword Emperor, and it is still the restaurant controlled by the Sword Emperor. Yi Shuihan will certainly not be prepared, even the Sword Emperor can’t think of it!”

“That’s fine!” Yun Bufan smiled nodded: “Go, let’s wait for you, remember, as soon as possible!”

Zheng Yunfeng nodded, and then went straight out, at this time, the war madness looked up, the eyes flashed: “Yun brother, this Zheng Yunfeng, can we still believe?”

“Can you believe that it is not the key point? Can you really accept them? The Spiritcloud Peak has a few hundred years of development. There must be some masters, and the sect founder is already a ten-level fairy, the second-generation discipline, three generations of discipline. These are the big boosts!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed!

“And, the war mad brother, with our strength, if the other side wants to plot against us, we are even more hostile, and it should still be possible to escape. After all, Ye Hongchen knows that I am carrying Immortal Mansion with him, he dare not suffer with my browser. So if you really want to deal with me, Ye Hongchen will definitely contact Daozi and Meng Guxin!”

Yun Bufan smiled, slowly said: “Whether it is a dusty or a dream, if you want to deal with us, it will take at least three days to get through at their speed, and we are here for a day. They will not come tomorrow, we will leave the day after tomorrow, and there will be no problem with it!”

“Yun brother, it seems that you have put everything on the plot.” The war madman looked at Yun Bufan and couldn’t help laughing. He found that with Yun Bufan, he almost didn’t have to use his brain because the other party seemed to put something. Everything has been considered!

“War brothers, let’s wait quietly!” Yun Bufan slightly smiled, slowly drinking a small wine!

At this moment, Zheng Yunfeng is as usual, his face is gloomy and back to his own star field, and the two Profound Immortal guarding the Teleportation Formation are whispers. They are all Yi Shuihan people, sent by Yi Shuihan. Monitor Zheng Yunfeng them, but look at Zheng Yunfeng, obviously nothing abnormal!

“Xing Yunfu!” Zheng Yunfeng This is slightly relaxed, only here, is their own person, Spiritcloud Peak’s sect founder Yunling’s place, Yi Shuihan is not too overly, here, is the only person who is not monitoring The place!

Zheng Yunfeng walked in on foot and then walked straight to the hall. At this time, Yunling should be as usual, telling everyone about the cultivation knowledge. Zheng Yunfeng just stepped into the hall, and a hearty laughter rang: Yunfeng is coming, come, just, I just talked about the skills of using swords!”

Great hall Central, a white haired old man smiled at Zheng Yunfeng, Zheng Yunfeng was sour in his heart, he knew that Founder was so completely because he did not want Zheng Yunfeng and the others to worry too much, looked around, Ten people, all of them, Zheng Yunfeng, this took a deep breath, said to Yunling said solemnly: “Founder, I have something to say!”

“Oh? Look at your appearance as if there really is a major event, what is it?” Yunling could not help but wonder, Zheng Yunfeng is rarely like this!

“Yun Bufan, he, come to the sword star!” Zheng Yunfeng looked straight at Yunling, took a deep breath, and Yunling body shocked, then unbelievable: “Yun Bufan, you speaks correctly that Heaven Destroying Yun Bufan of the star field is one of the teachings of my lower spirit, Spiritcloud Peak?”

“Yes!” Zheng Yunfeng was heavily nodded, and Yunling’s face suddenly appeared a bit of anxious color: “This silly boy, how come here, Yunfeng, you quickly told him to leave, this swordsman, he thought it was Where can I be so impulsive!”

“Founder, you listen to me!” Zheng Yunfeng slightly exhaled, watching Yunling solemnly open the mouth and said: “Yun Bufan, he is confident to remove the soul mark of your within the body, complete assurance!”

“What?” Not only Yunling, but other people were shocked. They stood up all of a sudden, and all looked at Zheng Yunfeng. Shen Sheng asked: “Zheng Yunfeng, what you said is true? That Yun Bufan , is there a complete assurance?”

“Yes, I am sure, Yun Bufan, if you are not sure, will never say this, Founder, this is an opportunity, a big opportunity, for you or for our Spiritcloud Peak, it is a Great opportunity!” Zheng Yunfeng excitedly looked at Yunling, and everyone else was excited to look at Yunling!

Yunling slowly stood up, slightly exhaled, closed his eyes, and then smiled: “God me, Yunfeng, where is Yun Bufan now? He wants you to come back to do what we want?”

“Founder, Yun Bufan asked me to come, take Founder to Jianhuanglou, and then help Founder to remove the soul mark and escape from the sword star!” Zheng Yunfeng looked at Yunling, his eyes wide open, his voice screamed!

“No!” Suddenly, in the great hall, a Level 5 Xiandi stood up and looked at Zheng Yunfeng angrily: “Zheng Yunfeng, let’s not say if your Yun Bufan has the ability to help Founder remove this soul mark, say If we go, it is tantamount to betraying the Sword Emperor and betraying the Sword Emperor, but the whole sect will be slaughtered!”

“I don’t look at Yun Bufan, Zheng Yunfeng, I ask you, what is the strength of Yun Bufan? The sword emperor is the tenth-level emperor, the soul imprint of the ten-level fairy emperor. If he can be removed, you should be him. God does not become?” This level 5 Xiandi suddenly disdain sneer!

“Zheng Yunfeng, if we go forward, not only betrayed the Sword Emperor, but also sorry Yi Shuihan Senior Brother, Yi Shuihan Senior Brother can wait for us not thin!” That Level 5 Xiandi is a painful look, look With Zheng Yunfeng, the eyes are full of disappointing expression!

Zheng Yunfeng’s face is gloomy, this person knows that he has always been Yishui of Yi Shuihan, one of those who support Yi Shuihan, and he is also shamelessly called Yi Shuihan as Senior Brother. He is tens of times higher than Yi Shuihan. With!

“Founder, you can’t listen to the words of Zheng Yunfeng. The people outside are all Yi Shuihan Senior Brother. As long as we have the action, they will be known by Yi Shuihan Senior Brother. I am afraid we will die when we get there!” This level 5 Xiandi turned abruptly and spoke to Yunling!

Everyone’s face has changed and it has become very ugly. His words are undoubtedly very clear. If you dare to go, I dare to tell Yi Shuihan, then you are the direct dead end!

“Founder, don’t let slip an opportunity, no longer come!” Zheng Yunfeng looked at Yunling, Shen Sheng opened, others looked at Yunling, and his face was dignified. Yunling looked down and meditated, and just the Level 5 fairy The emperor spoke again: “Founder, you have to think about it, one is not good, it is no longer a disaster!”

“I have already thought about it!” Yunling’s low voice sounded, and then looked at Zheng Yunfeng. The voice was opened and the mouth and said: “Yunfeng, you sent a call to order, we said that we all want to go to the Jianhuang Building. Gather, we have a lot of gatherings, and it won’t be irritating to get together!”

“Founder!” Level 5 Xiandi just wanted to speak, Yunling suddenly stood up, the majestic momentum broke out, “bang!” That Level 5 Xiandi was directly blown into pieces, Zheng Yunfeng and the others suddenly felt The mind is deflated, and Yunling has waved his hand: “Yunfeng, go!”

“Yes, Founder!” Zheng Yunfeng retired and retired. Yunling stood up and glanced around: “I hope that you all remember the example of Lao Ba, no matter what, don’t forget, you are the Spirit Cloud Peak!”

“Yes! I will follow Founder’s teachings!” The other nine people have a hint of anger, and Yi Shuihan said that they did not arrange any spies among them, but this old eight is to go to Bajie that Yi Shuihan, which is equal to the spy Now!

“All come back, we will immediately prepare, take everything well, go directly to the Jianhuang Building!” Yunling eyes flashed in the eyes, Shen Sheng open!

“Yes!” Everyone has stepped back. Yunling is faintly sighed: “Opportunity, Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan, if you can’t get rid of my soul mark, I will choose to destroy myself, Spiritcloud Peak, can’t It’s ruined in my hands, they can escape, it’s enough!”

Yunling’s eyes are full of firmness. In less than half an hour, Zheng Yunfeng has assembled all the Spiritcloud Peak people. The total is 1,500 72 people, the lowest Tianxian strength, and the highest ten-level Xiandi. Among them, Profound Immortal and Xianjun account for the majority, and Xiandi also has a small part!

Such strength, the accumulation of hundreds of years, it is no wonder that Yi Shuihan will be reluctant to destroy, this force should be caught in the hand, Yi Shuihan is equal to like a tiger that has grown wings!

When more than a thousand people reached the interstellar Teleportation Formation, the two founders of the Teleportation Formation, Profound Immortal, sneered in a low voice: “Going to the party again, there must be something bothering, forget it, anyway, used to it.” This kind of little thing is not necessary to report to the owner, so as not to disturb the owner!”

This Profound Immortal speaks loudly, but now no one cares about him. After all, the most important thing is to reach the Sword Emperor Restaurant through the interstellar Teleportation Formation and join Yun Bufan!

“weng!” interstellar Teleportation Formation rays of light flashed, more than a thousand people passed through the interstellar Teleportation Formation and passed away directly. Everyone was excited!

“They are coming!” The war madness in the Jianhuang Restaurant suddenly opened his eyes, then smiled: “Yun brother, it seems that we are white worried, they are really willing to go with us!”

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