Chapter 564 Second sword :Unequalled Tyrant

“hong long long!” Yun Bufan squats under the sword, this has been seriously injured, the ten-level Xiandi suddenly screamed insanely, “bang!” The whole person suddenly exploded, blew himself, a ten-level Xiandi blew, Yun Bufan Suddenly bombed out, blood mad!

“No!” Seeing this scene, the cold light was not stunned by Yang Tian, ​​and then shouted: “Hey!”

Yuan Bufan in the distance was surprised. This is not a cold-light Master, but what about him?

“Oh!” The cold light screamed in the sky, and the eyes suddenly fell two lines of tears. The golden light of the body skyrocketed and looked at Yun Bufan who flew out. The cold light madly roared: “Yun Bufan, I want you to pay for it!”

“bang!” The cold light whizzed directly toward Yun Bufan, and the golden light flashed. Yun Bufan kept coughing, spit out blood, eyes staring at the cold light, and his colorful rays of light faintly flashing, Yun Bufan Whispering: “Aoki Shinki, everything is back!”

“weng!” dark green rays of light skyrocketed, Aoki’s needle suddenly floated out and smashed directly into Yun Bufan’s temple. Yun Bufan suddenly became shocked, and his life was constantly rising. His injuries were unexpected. Start slowly recovery!

“weng!” dark green rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan suddenly opened eyes, the cold light rushed suddenly shocked: “What?”

“Cold light, this moment, I have been waiting for a long time, Aoki god needle, can be used three times in a hundred years, and then must be placed in a place where vitality is strong, absorb vitality, this is the second use of my Aoki god needle after reaching Divine Artifact You should be honored!”

Yun Bufan looked cold and looked straight at the cold light. Aoki’s needle has always been one of his trump cards. It has only been exposed until now. One is for the sake of surprise, and the other is because he is afraid of the incident just now. Sure enough, ten. The emperor’s self-destruction, if he used it too early, I am afraid that it is really facing the desperate situation!

“The following battles are almost ok, cold light, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, at this moment, it can be said that the real situation has been decided!” Yun Bufan has a blue flash, blood red rays of light flashing The huge blood jade dragon flew out at once, and the Profound Immortal sages underneath flew past!

“Chī!” “Chī!” Countless lifeblood essence suddenly rises into the body, constantly into the body of the blood jade dragon, Little Wei, bloody scorpion, known as the group battle undying and indestructible blood jade crystal dragon, at this time At this moment, the blood coffin played out its horrible formidable power!

One suck, one pull, is that thousands of corps of blood essence is pulled out, Little Wei’s injury is slowly recovering, while the other person is dead more and more, Little Wei’s dragon roar The sound of the sound: “out of the ordinary, put Jinlie them out, the people here, enough to let them fully recover!”

Yun Bufan laughed heartily : “hahaha, good!”

“roar!” “roar!” Hundreds of giant dragons hovered in the air, and countless blood essences passed through Little Wei’s bloody spirits, and all of a sudden toward the hundreds of giant dragons, suddenly a large group of people constantly Fall down, but the hundreds of giant dragons are slowly recovering!

“This, this is the dragon blood dragon jade dragon dragon?” Yun Bufan also looked at this scene with amazement: “Sure enough, it really is a good horrible ability, no wonder it is known as the undead dragon, this blood jade dragon In the group battle, it is almost invincible existence. It is no wonder that Little Wei’s single-war ability is not particularly strong. In this group battle, she must definitely count the first battle!”

“This, what is this Dragon Race? It’s so terrible?” The cold light was also stunned. Everyone was shocked. At this time, Yun Bufan suddenly shouted: “The owner of the cold light star listened to me. If you don’t want to die, surrender to me immediately. Otherwise, whoever starts again, who will die!”

Suddenly, a large group of people stopped to look at Little Wei with amazement. Little Wei’s eyes looked at the immortals who were still hands-on. In the eyes of killing intent, the claws directly caught the past,” Chī! “Chī!” Several of the emperors of the hands suddenly exploded, bursting into pieces!

This scene undoubtedly shocked everyone, and the cold light screamed: “Bastard, are you pigs? Give me a joint hand and join hands to deal with these Dragon Races, kill me these Dragon Races first!”

After hearing the glare of the glare, the group of Profound Immortal and Xianjun reacted, and each and everyone was red-hot, uniting the emperors, madly glaring Little Wei and the hundreds of giant dragons, all on them. Rays of light slammed up!

“Not good !” Yun Bufan suddenly became shocked and shouted to Little Wei: “Wei Wei, enter Immortal Mansion!”

“weng!” On the Immortal Mansion, the blue light flashed, and the hundreds of Dragon Races including Little Wei were all included in it. The sound of the explosion suddenly blew in Little Wei’s original place, and Yun Bufan suddenly burst into a cold sweat. Although Little Wei’s group fighting ability is terrible, it can’t stand too many people!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” However, just in the moment they attacked Little Wei, at least tens of thousands of people were instantly killed by the forces of Yang Zhengtian’s Lieyang Legion and Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan looked at the situation below. Almost has entered the point of white heat, the loss of both sides is very big!

“Cold light, you, die!” Yun Bufan knows that the cold light is not dead, this cold light star is difficult to conquer, the killing intent in the eyes soars, the colorful rays of light flash, the powerful momentum, the violent domineering, for a moment Catch the sky!

“Cold light, I have to see when you can support it! King Kong Axe, Water Emperor, Fire Beads, Earth God Shield, Tianleizhu, Locking Wind Bead, Jin Lingzhu, all show me!” Yun Bufan Low The sound snorted, and a ray of light continued to flash!

Plus Divine Sword and Aoki Shino, nine magic weapons, not the Imperial Immortal Artifact is Divine Artifact, and even the ancestral Dragon Jade Pendant’s 24 times attack bonus, Dragon God’s defense plus 12 times defense The bonus, Yun Bufan’s attack and defense, has risen to a very high level in an instant!

“Cold light, eat me an axe! War God, give me a slap!” Yun Bufan whispered, the diamond axe screamed away in the cold light, the gold arm War God suddenly appeared next to the diamond axe, grasping the diamond axe Directly toward the cold light, the axe smashed down!

Cold light cold snorted, disdain said with a sneer : “The soul of Immortal Artifact? Just want to deal with me with a soul of Immortal Artifact? Dream!”

“Bang!” The huge golden light skyrocketed, and the cold light sword ushered in. “clang!” “bang!” A burst of horrible bombings rang, the diamond axe was shaken back, and the cold light was Five steps back!

“Water Emperor, Lan Yan, Waves!” Yun Bufan disdain sneer, whispered, the water emperor’s blue light flashed, the blue face of a blue gown appeared next to the water emperor, and grasped the water emperor And then a wave, suddenly waved!

Coldly surprised, the golden long sword in his hand is also a golden light skyrocketing: “Saint force, Holy Light crossbow!”

“weng!” 璀璨’s golden light skyrocketed, and the cold light slammed down, and several huge golden “ten” characters greeted Yong Bufan’s water emperor, “bang!” wave blasted, water emperor Also flew out, Yun Bufan continued coldly snorted and said: “Avoid the fire beads, melt the world, Locking Wind Bead, wind and fire, wind to help the fire, go!”

“hu!” “hu!” The flames skyrocketed, the wind whistling, the fireballs and the Locking Wind Bead swept through the cold light, but the cold light was very angry: “Bastard, what is this cultivation technique, how can he control the difference?” The power of Immortal Artifact, he cultivated that many kinds of power?”

“Ah! Get me out!” The cold light was angry and mad, and there was a burst of milky white rays of light. The golden rays of light were filled with milk white rays of light, and there was a holy atmosphere!

“Is this the power of the Angel suit? There are some doorways!” Yun Bufan eyes shined, the sword qi directly rips the flame and tears the wind, “bang!” “bang!” Avoid the fire beads and Locking Wind Bead It was also forced to retreat by a sword!

“Yun Bufan!” The cold light suddenly volleyed, and the body shimmered with the white rays of light. The golden long sword was held in both hands, and the eyes were full of anger and murderous aura: “You also pick me up with a sword! Give me a dead!”

“hong long long !” golden light, strong golden light, with the milk of the white rays of light, huge sword, directly smashed down to Yun Bufan fiercely, Yun Bufan complexion slightly changed, the eyes flashed: ” It seems that only one sword can be used, and hope can be successful!”

Yun Bufan actually closed his eyes slowly. Under this tremendous pressure, there was only one sword left in the mind of the world. The feeling, the feeling in the ancient realm, yes, that’s it. The second sword of the overlord!

Yun Bufan with his eyes closed slowly lifted the Divine Sword, and the other eight pieces of the ray of light flashed. Yun Bufan’s face hangs a smile: “The perfect combination of nine powers is not enough. The perfect fusion of Dafabao can be regarded as the real way of overlord!”

“Power of Five Element , mutually restrain , can create a circle, that is, the ring! Force of Wind and Thunder, always with you, but you can learn the inner core of War God and the inner core of destruction. The same, continuous circulation, nine kinds of forces, can be enclosed in a circle, do not collide with each other, this is the way of overlord, invincible!”

Yun Bufan Amazing eyes opened eyes, the eyes flashed and whispered softly: “The god of the gods, the diamond axe, the green wood needle, the water emperor, the fireball, the earth god shield, the heavenly pearl, Locking Wind Bead , Jin Lingzhu, all fuse into the Divine Sword, the second sword: Unequalled Tyrant !”

“weng!” “clang!” The colorful rays of light skyrocketed, and the overbearing momentum went straight into the sky. The whole Divine Sword suddenly trembled, and a whistling sound continued. Yun Bufan looked at the cold light and recently hung a cold smile. Meaning: “Unequalled Tyrant, give it to me!”

“hong long long!” The sky was suddenly shrouded in dark clouds, and the cold light stunned and looked up. Then he grew up in horror and raised his mouth. The huge sword glow of kilometers straightened down to him, with a crazy tyrant Dao Aura. This is the way of Yun Bufan’s overlord, second sword!

“Unequalled Tyrant !”

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