Six hundredth 52 Zhangbing under the city

Immortal World, Qiu Tianxing, among the star government, Liu Chongguang looked anxiously back and forth. Under his seat, there were twelve emperors who were also anxious. These twelve emperors were originally belonging to the thirties. The forces of the six kings were conquered by Liu Chongguang, and now control the twelve Level 2 stars controlled by Qiu Tianxing!

“Report!” A spy rushed in and rushed in. Looking at Liu Chongguang with a look of horror: “The star master is the army of Lieyang, the squadron of several hundred dragons, that is the army of Lieyang the Great, has already captured us three Twelve stars!”

“Twenty-two stars, Lieyang Legion?” Liu Chongguang’s face screamed and snarled: “Bastard, Yang Zhengtian, turned out to be Yang Zhengtian, a bastard, thirty stars, and I was controlled by Qiu Tianxing. 48 stars, this is the attack on us right away!”

“Star owners, we must find a way, otherwise, I am afraid that I will die sooner or later!” One of the seven emperors stood up and looked anxious. He was the strongest of the powers of the king who was conquered, but For the current Yun Bufan, it is also a 蝼ant that’s all!

“Looking for a solution, thinking about a solution, what else can you think?” Liu Chongguang snarled loudly: “Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan, how can he have Yang Zhengtian’s support, and Yang Zhengtian’s Tianyangxing has a total of hundred thousand Yang Legion, all brought over, isn’t his own territory not to be used?”

“Star master, you can find the messenger!” Another Level 5 Xiandi stood up and looked anxious, and at this time, the commander ran again: “Report, star master, dealt with already captured Thirty-six stars!”

“What? So fast?” Liu Chongguang complexion greatly changed, then said solemnly: “The messenger, yes, you can find the messenger, I believe that adults will not let us fail this!”

Liu Chongguang had a black mist on his body. A black lacquer appeared in his hand. Liu Chongguang whispered and his black light flashed. Then there was a black mist, and a man shrouded in a black robe suddenly. Slowly condensed!

“See the messenger!” Liu Chongguang, including the twelve immortal Capital, respectfully bowed down, this black robed man faint nodded: “Get up, Liu Chongguang, what are you looking for?”

“The messenger, that Yun Bufan has already attacked, what should we do?” Liu Chongguang looked anxious, black robed man nodded opened the mouth and said: “We already know this thing, rest assured, I have already informed the left and right They will help you!”

“Chī!” black robed man When the words are finished, it is turned into a black mist, disappeared. At this time, Liu Chongguang slowly exhaled, and then loudly said: “Have you heard it? Have you heard it? Will bring people to help us, now, integrate all forces, and let me block Yun Bufan outside the star field, waiting for the arrival of the right and left protection law!”

“Yes!” The twelve emperors and the others are respectfully complied, and they retreat. Liu Chongguang’s eyes flashed: “Yun Bufan, I didn’t expect you to cut off one’s means of retreat, then I will see you. Can you kill me!”

“The last star field!” Outside Qiu Heavenly Star City, Yang Zhengtian looked at Qiu Tianxing, and smiled at Yun Bufan on the side. Yun Bufan was also nodded, slightly exhaled: “It’s really easy to hit it all the way, I am Now that we have discovered the difference between the imperial forces and the king-level forces, it is no wonder that the birth of an emperor-level force will be so simple!”

“The imperial power is not so easy to achieve. The immortal army that we add up is only 400,000, and the imperial power is at least a million. You can imagine how terrible the Three Emperors are in Immortal World!” The sky is slightly exhaled, and the smile is shook the head!

“A million immortals army?” Yun Bufan suddenly sucks in a breath of cold air, Yang Zhengtian nodded, calmly said: “Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, which is why there is no fourth royal power The reason, the million immortal army, this alone, is not what ordinary people can achieve!”

“A million immortals army!” Yun Bufan is also heavily nodded: “It is really difficult, even impossible to achieve, the three emperors, really worthy of the three emperors!”

Although the strength of the Three Emperors is not a Peak powerhouse, their status is undoubtedly very terrifying. It is not for others. Just because of his millions of troops, I am afraid that only the forces of the Five Emperors will unite to produce a million troops!

“They are coming!” Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes and looked over the city. Hao Hao Tang Tang and Liu Chongguang took the lead. Twelve emperors followed behind and flew directly in the direction of Yun Bufan!

“Yun Bufan, why did you attack me Qiu Tianxing?” When Liu Chongguang came to Yun Bufan, he looked at Yun Bufan straight and screamed out loud!

Yun Bufan smiled lightly, shook the head: “No reason, just want to attack you, Liu Chongguang, you guys, do you still have to resist me? I don’t have much time, don’t want to waste time on you, or surrender, or Be killed!”

“Yun Bufan, do you think that Qiu Tianxing is so good to attack?” Liu Chongguang suddenly sneered, but his heart secretly prayed that the two guards came faster, Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Liu Chongguang, what is your bottom line?” Clearly, you Qiu Tianxing, I don’t know if I take it, but today, you can’t live!”

“Weng!” Yun Bufan’s colorful ray of light flashed out, and the strong domineering out of the body, directly facing the opposite of Liu Chongguang and the others, Liu Chongguang and the others suddenly shocked, Yun Bufan long sword pointed Finger towards Liu Chongguang, loudly shouted: “Liu Chongguang, I give you three time to breathe, surrender, or die?”

Liu Chongguang was shocked, then loudly said: “Yun Bufan, there is the ability. You wait for me to come and say, you are so ignorant of our masters here, come to sneak attack, what kind of person are you?”

“Oh? Your master?” Yun Bufan stopped, then astonished laughed: “Liu Chongguang, do you still have a master?”

“weng!” Liu Chongguang’s body suddenly black light lit up, a black mist filled, the man shrouded under the black robe suddenly appeared, Liu Chongguang was overjoyed: “The messenger!”

The black robed man’s gaze is looking straight at Yun Bufan, his eyes filled with the unforgettable resentment, Yun Bufan glance, brows frowned: “Who is this person? Why is it so resentful to me, and I am against him, even There is also a familiar feeling!”

“Yun Bufan!” The black robe messenger yelled at Yun Bufan gnashing teeth, and Liu Chongguang suddenly sang: “The messenger, don’t know if the left and right guards have arrived?”

“Left and right protection?” black robe messenger faintly sighed: “Dead, they are all dead!”

“Envoy, then we?” Liu Chongguang suddenly complex greatly changed, black robe messenger said: “How do you choose to casually, escape, war or death, surrender!”

After the black robe messenger finished, he stared at Yun Bufan and then turned into a black fog, which dissipated directly. Liu Chongguang and the others suddenly stopped, and Yun Bufan frowned, remembering the last glimpse of the black robe messenger. He always has a kind of unclear meaning, the meaning of the road is unknown!

“Liu Chongguang, what about your master?” Yun Bufan like a smile yet not a smile. Looking at Liu Chongguang, Liu Chongguang and the others, looking at each other, his face pale, then a bitter face, toward Yun Bufan said with a bitter smile: “We , surrender!”

Yun Bufan suddenly smiled and looked at Liu Chongguang indifferently: “Call all of your hands, come over to meet, go to Emperor Xian, go down to Profound Immortal, immediately into my army, then set off immediately, attack the cold light star !”

“Attacking cold light stars?” Liu Chongguang and the others were shocked, but when they saw Yun Bufan’s cold eyes, he immediately said: “Yes!”

“Fortunately, this time did not waste too much time!” Yun Bufan watched Liu Chongguang retreat, slightly exhaled, Yang Zhengtian also said with a smile: “I have been waiting for this day for a long time, just strange is Why didn’t the spiritual treasure cabinet and the Three Emperors have a little movement!”

“They, there is no time!” Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes: “I exchanged their losses for the cost of all my injuries. It was this little time, the cold light star attacked, the whole Immortal World The Northeast will belong to us. At that time, it is impossible for the Three Emperors to destroy us easily!”

“You, have you been plotted for a long time?” Yang Zhengtian looked at Yun Bufan with shock, Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “When you were in the Hall of Devils, before you came in, it was already in my calculations. In the middle, below, it should be time for the cold light to be destroyed!”

Cold light star, cold light eyes cold, magnificent, from the ancient gods, he is the weakest one, almost no injuries, but Yun Bufan’s big move, he is through the Hongliu channel has all understood!

“The Great, all the stars that my cold light star controls, the 280,000 army, are all ready!” Spring Elder in the Four Great Elders looked at the cold light and screamed!

The cold light is slowly nodded, and the sound is cold and cold: “The order is going down, the Elder Hall and the Temple of Honor are all ready. This time, it is the life and death of my cold light star. I can pass it, that is when Yun Bufan is destroyed. If you can’t get through, then we will die together in this cold light star!”

“Yes!” Spring Elder retired and retired, and the cold light turned suddenly. He looked at the twenty-four emperors behind him and whispered: “You, I was pulled up by hand. Now, 280,000 troops, you control one person. Ten thousand, my task for you is to block Yun Bufan from their offensive at all costs! Remember, it is at all costs!”

Twenty-four Emperors did not hesitate, calmly nodded, and there was a sad feeling in the cold eyes: “Maybe this battle, some of you are alive, some people are dead, and may even be completely destroyed, but at least, we have been brilliant!”

“The Great, Yun Bufan, he has already been under the city!”

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