Six hundredth 49 chapter chasing

“Chī!” “Chī!” A burst of strange sounds, the red blood rain directly penetrated everyone’s spiritual shield, and then directly into their within the body, “Ah!” “Ah! A scream of screams suddenly rang!

“Chī!” “Chī!” A group of blood essences suddenly swelled up. Only this blow has already caused the other party to die and die. Even Divine Beast has died a few times. Little Wei’s mouth is filled with cold smiles: Bloodthirsty, burst!”

“Bang!” A burst of horrible explosions suddenly sounded, and the suspended blood essence exploded suddenly, “Chī!” “Chī!” Some people who were closer were suddenly bombed to crush, soul destroyed!

Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and He Lin Shensheng opened the mouth and said: “He Lin, start!”

“hu!” A thick black fog rose from He Lin, and the blue light on Yun Bufan also flashed at the same time. All the giant dragons including He Lin disappeared in an instant, and the whole magical hall fell into a moment. In the dark!

“Be careful!” The black iron steel bear screamed loudly, and all the survivors were stunned. “Hong long long!” A roar of sound rang, and a voice suddenly sounded: “He ran, he had already charged ahead, stopped. he!”

“Running?” The black iron steel bear slammed, then angered and said: “Bastard, he started, he did not intend to find us desperately, chasing, chasing me, he wants to run, right, his people, It must have been seriously injured, and he alone must be running away!”

“To the Teleportation Formation, he must be out of the ancient domain!” The king of the side suddenly opened his mouth, and the black iron steel bear shook: “Yes, go to Teleportation Formation, fast!”

“hu!” Among the ancient gods, Yun Bufan hurriedly flew: “Teleportation Formation, in the east of the ancient gods, the distance from here is still very far, only hope that the black iron steel bears can be slower, hehe, the wind and thunder wings are not Advance to the point of Divine Artifact, the speed is a lot slower!”

“This ancient divine object, enough for me to upgrade all the magic weapons to Divine Artifact, even if it is not enough, it is basically the same, go back and take a good look at the use of these treasures!” Yun Bufan secretly thinking, speed It is getting faster and faster!

“How is it so fast?” Yun Bufan complexion changed, he felt that someone had caught up behind him, and the horrible murderous aura that could be felt in the distance, Yun Bufan was secretly shocked: “It’s a black iron steel bear, its How can speed be so fast?”

“No, let’s go on, I’m afraid I’m going to be caught up!” Yun Bufan’s heart moved, eyes shined, and later laughed: “Black iron steel bear, since you have to chase me, nothing more than for my storage ring. I am different from you. I want to go out alive. Since we have something to ask for, this ring will be given to you. You don’t have to chase me!”

“hu!” Yun Bufan directly pointed the storage ring to the south, and the ring screamed away. The black iron steel bear slammed, and then the eyes flashed: “Yes, that is the storage ring, Yun Bufan is not at all. Time is in contact with the soul, is it true that he is willing to hand over the divine object?”

“Ning is credible, there is no credibility, let’s take it and say it!” The black iron steel bear has a shape and flies directly toward the south. The storage ring refers to the speed very fast, but the speed of the black iron bear It was faster, and I grabbed the storage ring!

“Sure enough, there is a brand of soul!” The black iron steel bear face suddenly a hi, there is a soul brand, it means that the ring is true, the black iron steel bear is preparing to break the soul brand of Yun Bufan, directly drop the blood recognitionmaster At that time, Kings, Three Great Saints and Green Imperial Capital flew over in a flash!

“Come on!” The king whispered, the black iron steel bear eyes flashed, coldly snorted: “No matter, I first blood recognizing Master, see what is inside, when you give them some treasure, it is not impossible!” ”

Qingdi and Three Great Saints are complexion changed, black iron steel bear coldly snorted, immediately broke Yun Bufan’s soul brand, then blood recognizing Master, then complexion greatly changed, roaring: “Bastard, Yun Bufan, you a bastard!”

“en?” Both the Qing Emperor and the Three Great Saints were complexion changed, and the black iron steel bear panting with rage took out three Divine Artifacts from the storage ring finger, and everyone on the side was surprised: “Divine Artifact ?”

“Divine Artifact, there are three Divine Artifacts, or the worst Divine Artifact, and there is no ancient divine object. The real treasure inside is definitely still on Yun Bufan, bastard, chase!” Black iron steel The bear suddenly became angry and madly rushed toward the east!

“Chasing!” The King, the Qing Emperor and the Three Great Saints were also surprised. Then they hurried out, and at this moment, Yun Bufan was escaping toward the East: “The black iron steel bear got the storage ring, the Qingdi And Three Great Saints didn’t know if he would start with him. Once I started, I would definitely escape. If I didn’t do it, I would catch up with him sooner or later!”

“No, I have to think of another way!” Yun Bufan thought in secret. After a quarter of an hour, Yun Bufan felt the powerful murderous aura. At this time, this powerful murderous aura was more horrible than before. The fierce!

Yun Bufan was shocked. When he turned around, several people were really black iron steel bears. The black iron steel bear looked at Yun Bufan’s eyes. It seemed that he was going to swallow him. Yun Bufan suddenly burst into shock: “This black iron bear, How could it be so fast?”

“No, the boots under his feet!” Yun Bufan noticed at this moment that the boots under the black iron steel bears had a burst of black rays of light: “No wonder, his boots must have an amazing effect!”

“Yun Bufan, you are afraid to fight with me, you are courting death!” The voice of the black iron steel bear violently rang, Yun Bufan is eyes shined: “Teleportation Formation, unfortunately, the black iron steel bear can definitely catch up What should I do, what should I do?”

Yun Bufan was in a hurry and then gnawed his teeth: “If you fight, you will fight together. I hope that the strength of the black iron steel bear will not be too horrible. It will be calculated at the cost of serious injuries. I am afraid it is difficult to escape Three Great Saints and The pursuit of the Qing Emperor, after all, they must not be afraid of the sand barrier!”

“No matter, first come out of the ancient domain of God, Mo Qilin is completely without loss. At that time, the sand barrier, if you encounter Sansheng and Qingdi alone, you can definitely fight, even let Mo Qilin kill each other!” Yun Bufan had a cold gaze in his eyes, and then he looked at the black iron steel bear with a sneer in his mouth!

“How? I still want to do it to me?” The black iron steel bear eyes are full of disdain, Yun Bufan said with a sneer: “Yes, it is to do it for you, then how, black iron steel bear, you pick me a sword try !”

Yun Bufan does not retreat, the nine rays of light flashes, the dragon Dragon Jade Pendant floats on the top of the head, the Dragon God wears on the body, twenty-four times attack, twelve times the defense bonus, Yun Bufan The sword smashed toward the black iron steel bear, with terrifying matchless domineering momentum!

The black iron steel bear’s eyes flashed coldly, coldly snorted, huge thorn black stick directly to the Yun Bufan sword, “clang!” The crisp collision sounded, the black iron steel bear was brows frowned: “This A sword, why is the strength so weak?”

“peng!” Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword suddenly disappeared, and the black iron steel bear’s stick hit the left shoulder of Yun Bufan. The black iron steel bear was not good, and at this moment, Yun Bufan’s body However, it was quickly rushed out, the speed was very fast, and with the vibration of the wind and thunder wings, Yun Bufan suddenly went to the Teleportation Formation!

“This, he was again ploted against him, he, he wants to run away!” The black iron steel bear suddenly became very angry, then coldly snorted and said: “Yun Bufan, even if you want to escape, hard hit me, you think you Run off?”

The black iron steel bear swiftly smashed past, Yun Bufan toward the black iron steel bear coldly smiled: “Run and run away, you don’t know if you look at it?”

“The Witch of God!” Yun Bufan suddenly burst into a black fog, witchcraft, wizarding witchcraft, and the powerful skills of the wizarding family, Yun Buzhi, Yun Bufan suddenly smashed toward the Teleportation Formation Go out!

“What? 遁 ?? Spontaneous burning lifespan and soul 遁 !!” Black iron steel bear eyes filled with anger, crazy roaring said: “Bastard, I am not willing!”

“Weng!” Teleportation Formation rays of light flashed, Yun Bufan’s silhouette has disappeared directly, and at this time, King, Qingdi and Sansheng rushed over and saw the raging black iron bear No need to ask, they also know the result!

“Chasing, you go to chase him, he is seriously injured, absolutely not far away, now is just a Level 9 fairy Imperial Capital can completely kill him!” Black iron just thorn suddenly turned, opening to the Qing emperor and Sansheng Shen Sheng !

“hu!” Without the black iron steel bear, the Qing Emperor and the Sansheng had already flew to the Teleportation Formation, and the rays of light flashed. The three of them also appeared directly in the ninth tower of the Jiutao Desert. !

The four men looked at each other and the Qing emperor said: “He must have entered the hurricane barrier. We are a little bit less. We wait for the bear king and the three emperors to come out, and then go to find them separately. The black iron steel bear said a casual one. Tenth Emperor can deal with him, this is a great opportunity!”

“weng!” After a while, a burst of rays of light flashed, the Three Emperors and the Bear King and the others were also transmitted from the ancient gods. After seeing the Qing Emperor and Sansheng, they were all slightly glimpsed. !

“Dun Sheng” has escaped to the Jiutai Desert. He was seriously injured and should have entered the sand barrier. Among us, anyone can kill him. Now, I Proposal, we send a soul vow to chase Yun Bufan separately, after killing him, get the divine object, we are divided equally!”

“Okay, I promised!” Sword Saint first opened, then Wu Sheng and Qingdi also agreed, the Three Emperors naturally will not have objections, the eyes of Xiong Wang flashed in the eyes, after a while, also said solemnmnly: “Okay, I also promised!”

“Well, go, separate chase!” Daolouloudly shouted, rushed directly to the other side of the sand barrier, the three Great Sage people, the Qing Emperor and Xiong Wang also broke into different sand barriers!

Chase, start!

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