Six hundredth 40 four chapter 5th-layer bursting spider

“hahaha, dead, dead, finally dead, crab Yedo, you finally died in my hands!” The king suddenly smiled and looked up, his eyes turned down two lines of tears, Yun Bufan stopped, Then the eyes flashed!

“Peng!” The king suddenly stunned to Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan looked at the king with amazement. The king was deeply exhaled: “Yun Bufan, you saved my life. If it weren’t for you, maybe I am still controlled. Oh, but I beg you, kill the bear king, save my big brother!”

“You big brother?” Yun Bufan glanced, eyes shined: “You mean, Peng Wang?”

Nodded, there was a sadness in his eyes: “The bear king and the crab ye did not know where to get to know a super powerhouse, and the super powerhouse seized me and the big brother with absolute strength, forcing us to let the bear king and the crab Yeah, the soul is branded, otherwise it will let us soul destroyed!”

“I and the big brother have been practicing for a million years, so that they are flying up to God World. Now, at the moment, they are willing to die, but in the face of that powerful, we have no rebellion at all. The bear king is planted in the soul of the big brother. The soul is branded, and I am controlled by Crab Yedo, which is why the four kings of the demon king suddenly headed by Xiong Wang!”

Yu Wang looked at Yun Bufan and took a deep breath: “Now the crab Yedo is dead, even the dead has no time to launch the soul brand. I am very lucky, I am free, but the big brother is still being bear. The king controls, Yun Bufan, I beg you, help us kill the bear king!”

“Help you kill the bear king?” Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes, then shook the head: “Hey, you have to know that the strength of the bear king is much stronger than the crab Yedo, not that I don’t help you, but that I am fundamental. Can’t kill him!”

“Impossible!” The king suddenly stood up and was very excited: “The masters in your Immortal Mansion, as long as they come out two or three to kill the bear king, the bear king is absolutely dead and seriously injured, plus me and the big brother. With the self-igniting soul lifespan to make the strongest attack, the bear king also absolutely does not have the slightest time to launch the soul brand, must be soul destroyed!”

“Yun Bufan, I know that you have a lot of enemies. As long as you are willing to save the big brother, my king can send a soul vow. In the future, he will lead the whole demon world, and will return to your Heaven Destroying domain to help you Heaven Destroying against Immortal World. The enemy!” The king looked straight at Yun Bufan, his eyes filled with firmness!

This is undoubtedly a huge temptation for Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan is a bitter smile shook the head: “Hey, I don’t help, but I really can’t. In fact, since entering here, my Immortal Mansion has been completely isolated from my soul, so I can’t call those people in Immortal Mansion!”

“What?” Yu Wang’s eyes are gray, Yun Bufan shook the head: “Hey, let’s go, go to the next level. I think the passages that other people encounter should be different from us. I can promise you, if there is An opportunity, I am sure to kill the bear king, if I destroy the bear king, it is not too late to send a soul vow!”

“Yes, they must be on the next level!” 猿王 eyes shined, followed by Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan’s rays of light flashed, the three crystal balls appeared in the hands, and secretly sighed: “If not gone The other three channels are estimated to be trapped on this 2nd floor!”

Three crystal balls were pressed up, and the whole door opened open. In front of Yun Bufan, it turned out to be a black space. Yun Bufan brows frowned, stepping in step by step, suddenly felt a whirlwind, and suddenly appeared in a huge In the hall!

“This great hall, just the black space, is the Teleportation Formation?” Yun Bufan looked at the great hall in front of him, and couldn’t help but sneak a bit: “Random Teleportation Formation, definitely a random Teleportation Formation, is this 3rd-layer? Look where the 4th-layer is, don’t know how many layers this temple has!”

“bang!” “bang!” “bang!” Yun Bufan just went out without two steps, and heard a burst of bombing sounds, Yun Bufan turned and looked, but the eyes were flashing: “It’s they, it’s actually Three emperors!”

Daozizi, Ye Hongchen and Meng Guxin are a lot of people. They are besieging a black monster with a long horn. This monster has never been seen in the fairy world. It is estimated to be a monster of God World!

“Where? It’s the entrance. It seems that this great hall is simple, but this monster is really difficult! It seems that it is necessary to kill this monster to go down!” Yun Bufan secretly guarded, the wind and thunder wings behind it Can vibrate, once this monster is killed, there should be treasure will stay, the best time to snatch it!

“Yun Bufan!” Just when Yun Bufan discovered the dusty trio, they also found Yun Bufan, and the three looked at each other with a hint of vigilance in the eyes of Yun Bufan Immortal Mansion. Mo Qilin and He Lin and the others, they are also very alert!

“Be careful with Yun Bufan!” The voice of the road dust rang in the minds of Ye Hongchen and the dreamless heart. Ye Hongchen and the dreamless heart were nodded. Yun Bufan looked in his eyes and sneered in his heart: “Was it useful? Is it? You are not afraid of my Immortal Mansion!”

“bang!” “roar!” The huge monster suddenly screamed, and the green rays of light flashed from the body, and the green mist broke out. “Roar!” The huge monster was angry and roared, Yun Bufan Eyes shined : “This monster is about to die!”

“Kill it!” The road dust furiously shouted, Ye Hongchen and the dream of the lonely heart also made a full shot, “bang!” The huge monster in the triple attack, finally burst into a crush, Yun Bufan eyes shined: ” It’s this time!”

“hong long long!” roared, Yun Bufan’s silhouette turned into a shadow, directly smashed toward the explosion center of the huge monster, where a crystal clear ray of light shimmers, you can see at a glance It is a rare treasure!

“Yun Bufan, are you dare?” The three dusty men were angry at the same time. The three men attacked Yun Bufan together, and Yun Bufan laughed, hiding sideways, and rushed to the front of the treasure, grabbed it, and then grabbed it. Going past the entrance!

Yun Bufan was prepared, the speed of the wind and thunder wings broke out to the apex, and the road dust they just tried to kill the monster. When the new force was not born, Yun Bufan just sprinted over and took it. Treasure, and then directly under the 4th-layer, is the three emperors, can only watch!

“Bastard, if he wants to die, he must die, chase!” The sound of the violent anger of the road screamed, Ye Hongchen and the dreamless heart also chased it all the time, and just when they just chased it, there were several The silhouette of the road appeared on this floor, and several people looked at each other. Then they saw the entrance and rushed to the excitement!

“This is, 4th-layer? Don’t know if they are chasing down the dust? But how does this 4th-layer seem to be a cave?” After Yun Bufan rushed in, he found that the 4th-layer turned out to be a tunnel, surrounded by The dark green stone exudes a brilliant green light!

“One road? There is no other way? Then keep going!” Yun Bufan found that this green tunnel had only one road, and he couldn’t help but feel a little surprised and kept going!

“Someone!” Yun Bufan felt the corner of the corner had a silhouette, then stopped, and then eyes shined: “Is it? Black iron steel bear and black bear king, haha, I hope they can kill!”

“Little black bear, let this seat let go, how? Just two of you, still want to start with this seat? Hey, act recklessly!” The black iron steel bear chilling sound, the bear king suddenly violent, aside Peng Wang stopped him, shook the head!

Black iron steel bear disdain said with a sneer: “If you don’t look at the same Divine Beast, this seat has already killed you!”

“It’s on the face of this shrine!” Xiong Wang also sneered: “Three Great Saints, they are all in front of us. If you are still preparing to waste time, it is estimated that the last layer of treasure will be Fall into their hands!”

“hmph, wait for the shrine, you pray not to touch me!” Black iron steel bear coldly snorted, hurriedly rushed toward the front, the bear king was cold with said with a smile: “I also hope that God Fu, you can still be so eager, Peng Wang, let us go!”

“This bear king, it seems that he is not afraid of the black iron steel bear!” Yun Bufan brows frowned, then a shock: “Is this the bear king already informed the horror master behind it? If this is the case, I am afraid that the master will be in the ancient times. Waiting outside the gods, it seems that I have to be careful!”

“This 4th-layer is strange. There is no monster, just a straight road? That is, entrance, should I go in?” Yun Bufan looked at the entrance hesitantly, then gritted his teeth: “Puzzle, maybe the last one The layer is 5th-layer !”

Yun Bufan got into it all at once, suddenly a burst of bombing sounded in his ear, Yun Bufan was surprised, then a glimpse, the space of this 5th-layer is very small, but there are dozens of densely packed White spiders, and these white spiders continue to breed small spiders, and those little spiders continue to explode!

Sanhuang Sansheng, Black Iron Steel Bear and its Divine Beast team, Xiong Wang and Peng Wang, Yang Zhengtian, they are all here, a red spider blasted at the foot of Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan was suddenly blown up. Going out, mouth spurt blood came out, pale!

“This? Such a strong formidable power? What is this?” Yun Bufan looked at the little spiders in shock. When he saw the little spider crawling toward him, Yun Bufan directly waved Divine Sword, each And everyone smash!

“Kill those big spiders, killing small is useless!” The black iron steel bear on the side suddenly screamed, and a huge white spider in front of it was smashed, and it was blown up and down again. This spider is too dense!

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