Six hundred and thirty-seventh chapter another piece of purple jade

“bang!” “bang!” Two loud explosions suddenly sounded, and Yun Bufan and the apes retreated at the same time, but the Five Elements round was attacked by the tiger, Yun Bufan heart startled : “really strong A big attack is nothing but a tiger!”

“Tiger, join hands to kill him, his baby, a lot!” The ape looked at Yun Bufan, the eyes flashed, the expression of surprise, the tiger is also greedy: “Divine Artifact, Imperial Immortal Artifact, a lot Baby, haha, ok, join forces to kill him!”

“bang!” The great long stick of the apes, the white teeth of the tiger, the Yun Bufan complexion slightly changed, the strength of both of them is just Level 9, but the other is Divine Beast, and the Divine Artifact in the hand The same is not simple!

Yun Bufan’s eyes were cold, the wind and thunder’s wings vibrated, and the roaring sounded, leaving only a glimpse of the afterimage. The axe suddenly burst into shock: “Fast speed, tiger, be careful!”

“The speed is fast and what is used, he is just Level 9, and the tiger is down!” “roar!” The tiger’s eyes are fiercely flashing, leaping high, loudly roared, Yun Bufan suddenly feels that this piece of space is actually It’s incredible to have a feeling of rushing!

“hahaha, he is here, give me death!” “hu!” The huge white teeth, directly in the direction of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan startled, shocked: “He, he can feel my existence, I can’t see it at all at my speed!”

“hmph!” Yun Bufan coldly snorted, his eyes are full of murderous aura. If it wasn’t before the injury with Ye Hongchen, why should he be so timid now, but the most important thing is the awakening of Little Wei, so it is still not hard to fight!

“hahaha, kid, die!” A long laugh, Yun Bufan also flew a silhouette behind him, holding a long stick of apes, when the ape looked at Yun Bufan, that stick, unceremoniously It’s down!

There was a tiger in front, and there was a monkey in the back. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in a cold light: “Picture!”

“weng!” dark green rays of light illuminate, the dragon Dragon Jade Pendant hovering over the top of the head, the dragon god’s scorpion also appeared on the body for a moment, Yun Bufan eyes killing intent skyrocketing: “Zu Dragon Jade Pendant, twenty-four times attack plus Cheng, twelve times the defense bonus, the dragon god, the dragon god body!”

“Tiger, hey, die, domine the world!” Yun Bufan coldly shouted, ignore the ape monkey behind him, the Divine Sword in the hands of the colorful rays of light skyrocketing, a horrible momentum broke out from above, ” Hong long long!”

The tiger suddenly became shocked: “The horrible sword, hey, want to deal with me? Although this sword is terrifying, it can’t be said to deal with me!”

“Chī!” 划shatter void, the tiger’s white teeth stabbed directly toward Yun Bufan’s Divine Sword, “clang!” “bang!” Both collided, and suddenly a horrible explosion suddenly rang, “bang The giant trees around “bang!” were directly smashed into pieces, and in the distance, Little Wei suddenly raised a nine-color mask to block the energy explosion!

Seal heavens Great ecstasy, fortunately Yun Bufan has set up a secret heavens enchantment for Little Wei. Otherwise, the aftermath of this explosion can make Little Wei hurt. “pu!” The tiger’s face was pale, and a large mouth of blood spurted out. , directly fell from the air, fiercely pulled out a big pit, seriously injured!

“What?” The aunt saw this scene, but could not help but feel the coolness of his heart. The killing intent in his eyes was even stronger. The power of this stick once again soared by three points.”Peng!” A stick, no accident hit the Yun Bufan Above the back!

“bang!” Yun Bufan suddenly burst into a smashing golden light, golden light broke out, Yun Bufan’s body was directly smashed out, “peng!” fiercely landed on the side of Little Wei, constantly spit With blood, the dragon god’s defense is strong, and the dragon Jade Pendant’s 12 times defense bonus, but Level 9 Xiandi with Divine Artifact’s full blow, not so good to resist!

“Kid, die!” The ape laughed wildly and yelled directly at Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan was deeply exhaled: “It seems that I can only ask the girl to take it!”

Just when Yun Bufan wanted to call Mo Qilin, Little Wei, who had been recovering from the eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, and a red blood of light flashed in his eyes. The bloodthirsty eyes surprised the apes and there was a moment in his mind. Blur!

“ao!” The angry dragon roar suddenly sounded, and an incomparable gigantic blood jade crystal dragon suddenly appeared out of thin air. The attacking monkey suddenly became stunned: “Dragon? Dragon Race? Dragon Race’s bloody jade dragon? Impossible How can the Dragon Race’s emperor help humans!”

“You, courting death!” Little Wei turned to the body, staring at the ape, coldly snorted, the blood jade crown directly turned into a huge mountain and pressed against the ape, the ape complexion greatly changed, arrogant, angry Roaring: “You are also Divine Beast, why do you want to help humans!”

“Bang!” The blood jade crown was pressed down. The monkey died to resist the oppression of the blood jade crown. The little icy eyes looked at the ape monkey coldy: “He is my man, but he dares to hurt him.” No matter whether it is Divine Beast or a person, you must die, and you will be killed!”

“Chī!” Blood red claws split between the voiid, directly into the blood jade crown of the monkey head, the blood jade crown suddenly red blood of light skyrocketing, the momentum is more magnificent, “bang!” a horror The sizzling, the apes were directly pressed down!

“Chī!” The ape was directly crushed into a smash, and the tiger in the pothole suddenly turned pale. At this time, Little Wei’s cold eyes just looked at it, and the tiger was shocked and fled quickly. !

“Escape? Can you escape? Just, your blood essence can make up for the out of the ordinary injury!” “hu!” Little Wei’s silhouette flew straight up, and suddenly flew toward the tiger, one claw Grabbed it down, the tiger’s body trembled, and a thick blood essence was drawn from the tiger within the body!

Little Wei’s red light flashed directly into the human form, and anxiously flew toward Yun Bufan. The tiger’s blood essence is Divine Beast blood essence, and the energy contained in it can be said to be pure and incomparable.

Little Wei took a shot on Yun Bufan’s chest and whispered: “Out of the ordinary, you absorb the power of this Divine Beast blood essence to recover your injuries. I solved the three rhinos, this Divine Beast Blood essence can help you recover quickly!”

“Good!” Yun Bufan nodded, the colorful rays of light slammed up, the Divine Beast blood essence on his chest boiled in his with the body, Yun Bufan bit his teeth and spread the huge power among them. Internal organs !

“Dare to kill us, it’s courting death!” Little Wei blinked in the cold, and the blood jade crown directly pressed against the rhinoceros fighting Nine Heavens. “bang!” banged, and the rhino was suddenly pressed. Bottom, however, this rhinoceros is crazy with a bloody jade crown, and the mouth is constantly flowing out of blood!

The rhinoceros’ defense and strong vitality are undoubtedly more than a few times stronger than the tigers and apes. Little Wei is slightly surprised, then coldly snorted and said: “It’s futile to struggle again. Your speed is not fast, so you can’t escape. It’s better to die than to die!”

“Chī!” Little Wei’s blood red rays of light flashed, the blood red power poured into the blood jade crown, the blood jade crown suddenly rays of light skyrocketing, “bang!” The rhinoceros under the pressure suddenly fried To crush!

The blood jade crown, originally the Paragon Divine Artifact, is a dragon soul of the blood jade dragon dragon. It can be said that it has become the Divine Artifact of Little Wei. Little Wei can definitely play the bloody crown 100% of the formidable power, plus him. It is also Divine Beast, and it is also the king of the Dragon Race. The strength is even higher than the 10th Emperor. It is more than enough to deal with this Level 9 Divine Beast!

“haha, I don’t play with you anymore. You are thick and thick, just don’t know what your soul defense is? Attracting spirit seizing soul!” The left eye of He Lin’s death suddenly burst into a strong Black rays of light, Death God’s Scythe blew out two blade glows, the left eye of the god of death is split into two, directly merged into it!

“hong long long!” He Lin, who also has the tenth-level Emperor, uses Death God’s Scythe and the left eye of the god of death. It is definitely the same level master who kills all the souls, and the two rhinos are Divine Beast. But after all, it’s just Level 9, and the power of the soul is not what they are good at!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” The two rhinos trembled fiercely, then with the body, a burst of black smoke, crashed down, a little Wei shook the head: “To kill them, fundamentally No need to spend so much effort!”

He Lin kept panting, his face was pale, and the sweat of the big ball was dripping on the ground, chuckled: “You can’t rely on less Mistress, then I will be useless!”

He Lin sat down with his knees. Although he was not injured, the strength of the body was almost exhausted. Little Wei couldn’t help but smile. If this continues, if there is another wave of Divine Beast siege, they probably don’t want to leave!

“Hey, what is that?” Nine Heavens suddenly pointed at the corpse of the tiger. The little Wei stunned and turned to look at the past. Under the corpse of the tiger king, there was a faint purple rays of light!

Before killing the tiger, Little Wei only thought of the injured Yun Bufan. It was too late to see if there was anything special about the tiger. But now, she also found out that under the body of the tiger, it was a bit faint purple rays of Light !

Little Wei walked over and directly smashed the tiger’s body, but then it was stunned. Under the corpse of the tiger, it was a jade piece with light purple rays of light and a jade piece of jab size!

“This, this is not the purple jade piece that Chiaki Snow and Silver Moon got? What is the magical effect of this purple jade piece?” Little Wei stunned the purple jade piece, and then secretly thought: “wait out Of the ordinary Wake up and let him see!”

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