Chapter 627—The Devil’s Lord Goes

Among the secret rooms, on the bench, there is a complete set of Angel suits, armor, long sword and wings, and a lot of them. Yun Bufan looks at He Lin said solemnly: “This god is the Angel family.” Something? How can I find the Angel suit?”

“This, I am not sure, otherwise, ask the girl?” He Lin is also full of confusion, then eyes shined, said!

Yun Bufan glimpsed, then nodded: “Alright, don’t charge the Angel suit and gods first, I am afraid that there is any conspiracy in it, maybe look for the ink girl to ask!”

Yun Bufan’s fairy tales poured into the Immortal Mansion. Among the Immortal Mansion, Mo Qilin is now arranging the bamboo leaf green. Since getting the bamboo leaf green wine, Mo Qilin has always wanted to upgrade its strength. Nothing outside to practice, Mo Qilin just got it into the Immortal Mansion and urged him to practice!

Yun Bufan saw this scene, could not help but shake his head and laughed, then gave Mo Qilin sound transmission: “Ink girl, we found a treasure, Angel’s Angel suit, but found some surprise, I want to ask you!”

Mo Qilin, who is training bamboo leaves, has a flash of light. At any time, the colorful rays of light are on, and a flash has disappeared. It appears directly next to Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan’s fairy retreats back and looks at the side Mo Qilin. Suddenly smile, I myself Immortal Mansion, can not sleep her!

“Is this?” As soon as Mo Qilin appeared, he saw the sacred command suspended above the Angel suit. It was not complicatedion changed: “Angel inheritance seed, how come you have this kind of thing? Where did you come from?”

“Angel inheritance seed?” Yun Bufan stunned. He looked at Mo Qilin and asked: “Ink girl, this thing, we call it a godly order, it is given to me by the spiritual treasure cabinet. As for where we are now, it is ancient. God domain, it is said that this god command is to lead others to the ancient temples, and no, it brings us here!”

“God command?” Mo Qilin startled, and then sneered with sneer: “Angel is really thinking about it. Fortunately, you first found me. Otherwise, you take this Angel suit, you are put into the soul. When the shackles are in place, I am afraid that even your Master will not save you. This is the unique method of the Angel family!”

Mo Qilin opened his mouth and spit out, and the power of a group of nine colored light sprang up, directly encircling the gods, and then the nine rays of light skyrocketed, “Chī!” “Chī!” The gods ordered to start slowly. Slowly melted up and turned into a peanut-sized golden seed!

Yun Bufan and the others suddenly startled, Mo Qilin coldly said with a smile: “This is the soul shackle seed, once you pick up the Angel suit, it will disappear directly, enter your within the body, lock your soul, Make your soul completely loyal to the Angel family!”

“This is the unique method of inheritance that Angels are about to fall. Once you are shackled by the soul, you will get this Angel suit, which naturally becomes the discipline of the original owner of this Angel suit, because of the soul shackles, You can’t betray the Angel family in your life, so the power contained in this Angel suit will be all yours!”

Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed, and then followed with a smile: “Now, the soul shackle seed has been ruined by me. This Angel suit can be regarded as a real unowned thing, anyone can use it, kid, this set The Angel suit, also the suit of the four-winged St. Angel, seems to have been a battle of ancient annihilation, and the four-winged Angel who died here is indeed quite a lot!”

“so to speak, whether it is a millennium or a cold light, they all got the inheritance of the Angel family, and they were shackled by the soul, so they can also be regarded as Angels!” Yun Bufan blinked in the eyes, then complexion Changed: “Not good, this god command, is the spiritual treasure cabinet handed over to me, is it, they are also controlled by the Angel family?”

“It’s hard to say, it’s possible that every real Angel will use a secret method to develop a soul shackle seed in the fall, and then find a good discipline through various channels, and the seeds of this soul shackle can change. Myriad Transformations That, the spiritual treasure pavilion can even come out with this thing at random, so it can be seen that they have eight eight-nine controlled by the Angel family!”

Yun Bufan complexion changed, can not help but feel very anxious, if the spiritual treasure cabinet is controlled by the Angel family, then they are really troublesome, the spiritual treasure cabinet, plus the so-called Sayādaw, I am afraid it will be very scary!

“If the spiritual treasure cabinet is really controlled by the Angel family, it is just a hassle!” Yun Bufan frowned, and now the fairy demon two worlds, I am afraid that it is the beginning of the war, and I give it to the spiritual treasure. The pavilion sent that many treasure to participate in the auction, it seems that the spiritual treasure cabinet is preparing a lot of Xianshi!

Once the terrorist war is going on, the most expensive one is undoubtedly Xianshi. You know that there is a pure Qi of Immortal Spirit among the immortals. Once the other immortal army has the supply of Xianshi, it is completely a will never exhausted. Slaughter troops!

“In this ancient god domain, there should be quite a few such Cave Mansions. You can look around and ask me if you don’t know what to do. If you find this god command again, it will ruin his soul. Take the Angel suit, which will enhance our power!” Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed!

Yun Bufan glimpse, then nodded, said solemnly: “At present, it can only be so, He Lin, this set of Angel suits, you will use it first, and then have a good change, but you practice dark Attribute cultivation technique, weapon or Death God’s Scythe is the best for you, then this mid-grade Divine Artifact, keep it!”

“Yes!” He Lin grinned and took the Angel suit. Angel sword was handed to Yun Bufan, Angel armor and wing were recognized by his blood, and received the body, Mo Qilin nodded: Kid, I can tell you, you can help him in the Immortal Mansion, the descendant of the Warrior God!”

“He got the weapon of the Warrior, but the best for himself is the best. He is trying to use the power of War God to turn the War God axe into a pair of gloves, which requires a lot of divine objects, but The best is undoubtedly the dismantling of Divine Artifact, you can give it to the extra Divine Artifact!”

Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed: “Once he got the most suitable glove, because of the War God axe, a large number of divine objects, his gloves will never be lower than the War God axe. Not only can he improve his combat effectiveness now, but he also has potential in the future!”

“Oh?” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed, and then Helin said solemnly: “He Lin, you first brought this Angel sword to the war mad, by the way, let him take the Angel sword that gave Qian Qiu Xue Convergence, after all, there is a snowy crescent in the snow, but the Top Grade Divine Artifact is much better than the Angel sword!”

He Linyi, this makes Mo Qilin not more convenient in the past, anyway, Mo Qilin also wants to enter the Immortal Mansion, as if to know He Lin’s doubts, Yun Bufan said with a smile: “I still have something to ask the girl!”

“weng!” Yun Bufan flashed blue, blue Immortal Mansion flew out, He Lin disappeared out of thin air, Mo Qilin looked at Yun Bufan indifferently asked: “Kid, what else do you want to ask me?”

“Ink girl, Lord of the Devil, should you know?” Yun Bufan watched Mo Qilin scream, Mo Qilin suddenly complex changed greatly: “Do you know the Lord of the Devil?”

“The soul of the Lord of the Devil, the last time I got a bit, and then swallowed by He Lin, but not at all special memory, it seems that he deliberately erased his memory!” Yun Bufan said slowly, In the eyes, the flash of light flashed: “And just before, I thought his soul had been shattered. Who knows that he even felt it in the crab!”

“But this time, the crab came to the ancient gods. I and He Lin carefully examined the power of his soul. The soul of the devil’s Lord disappeared again. Ink, girl, how do you look back? What?” Yun Bufan is puzzling, is the soul of the demon Lord swallowed by Crab Yedo? Or the soul of the devil’s Lord swallowed the crab Yedo?

Yun Bufan, the soul of the demon Lord, is sure that it is absolutely injurious and incomplete. If such a soul does not have a boarding body, it will definitely be soul destroyed. The broken soul of the demon Lord is not enough to swallow the soul of the crab. But he can’t let himself be swallowed up by Crab Yedo, how can it be gone!

“According to the situation you said, there should be only two situations. First, it is the powerhouse that also cultivates power of Darkness. At least the level of the Emperor of the Tenth level, voluntarily become the host of the devil, the Lord of the Devil. The soul has changed a boarding house, which is also possible!”

Mo Qilin’s eyes flashed: “The Lord of the Devil is the existence of darkness, so only the talents who cultivate power of Darkness can let him board, and the second one is that someone is willing to let the soul of the demon Lord swallow his soul, so that In addition, the Lord of the Devil can not only slowly repair his damaged soul, but also have the strength of the other side!”

“Voluntarily let the devil’s lord swallow it?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, Mo Qilin nodded, indifferently said: “In this case, the person who is swallowed will lose his life, and it is soul destroyed, there is no soul, except these two There should be no other possibility!”

“Bear King!” Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “If these two possibilities, then the most likely thing is that the soul of the demon Lord is passed on to the bear king, and the bear king becomes the king of the demon world!”

“Out of the ordinary, the crab Yedo has no qualifications to be the brother of the devil!” Little Wei suddenly opened her mouth, but she remembered that the yelling king called the bear king but called the big brother!

Yun Bufan was surprised, then smiled!

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