Six hundred twenty chapter either the fish dies or the net splits

“Out of the ordinary, then you should be careful!” Seeing Yun Bufan’s attitude is so sturdy, Little Wei knows that it is useless to say anything, and that the mouth is full of worry and open eyes!

“Do not worry, with the dragon’s defensive power, plus the addition of the Dragon Jade Pendant’s 12-fold defense, this giant spirit can not kill me with the strength of Deity, rest assured!” Yun Bufan Deep exhaled, dragon god and ancestor Dragon Jade Pendant appeared at the same time, looking at the giant god with a heavy face!

“I am ready!” Yun Bufan toward Little Wei and He Lin nodded, Little Wei to He Lin said solemnly: “He Lin, wait a minute, you attack the giant axe’s axe, it is best to put the diamond directly If you don’t shake it, you have to loosen it, and I will help you stop the shock of the attack!”

“Less Mistress, or else, give it to me, you used the ban before, and lost a lot!” He Lin brow slightly wrinkled, watching Little Wei scream!

Little Wei shook the head : “You don’t understand, out of the ordinary, let me come, because of my strength, my strength can make the shock of the attack back, so if you loosen the diamond, maybe When I was shocked, the crystal diamond fell down!”

He Lin suddenly looked at him, watching the five-meter giant axe, his body black light flashed, Death God’s Scythe appeared in his hands, He Lin said nothing, a knife directly toward the crystal drilled the past, but He Lin does not Dare to take risks, the direction of the squat is above the axe blade below the crystal diamond!

“Ding!” “giant axe was attacked, the giant spirit suddenly slammed, his eyes blinked, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly looked at He Lin,” Hu! “The huge giant axe squats, that The diamond on the giant axe has shaken slightly!

Little Wei blinked in the eye, “weng!” blood red rays of light slammed, punched, flashing red rays of light, directly hit the giant axe crystal diamond, “bang!” and this time It happened that the giant spirit was attacked on the ground by the giant axe, and the entire Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple shook again!

“peng!” A burst of noise, Little Wei suddenly flew out, mouth spurt blood sprinkled out, but her eyes were staring at the silhouette of the rushing to the gods, Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan After an axe, when the giant spirit was about to take back the axe, Yun Bufan appeared and rushed straight toward the giant spirit!

“Chī! ” “peng!” “peng!” The powerful attack is constantly striking the dragon god of Yun Bufan. Because of the Dragon Jade Pendant, the defense of the Dragon God has been enhanced by at least 12 times. But it is still trembled by the bang!

Yun Bufan’s face turned white, the wind and thunder’s wings madly shaken, Tu Divine Sword appeared in the hands, “weng!” a purple light flashed, Tu Divine Sword directly smashed toward the crystal, “Chī!” “clang!” Kneeling on the giant axe, pick it up, the crystal diamond was picked up by Yun Bufan!

Everyone is relaxed, his face is full of joy, “bang!” “pu!” At this time, Yun Bufan finally couldn’t stop this powerful attacking force, and was directly shaken out, but the diamond was Has fallen steadily into his hands!

“Out of the ordinary, are you okay?” Little Wei stood up eagerly, squatting to the side of Yun Bufan with her chest, Yun Bufan slightly smiled, shook the head: “Nothing, but the diamond is in hand, let’s start Adjust your interest and then enter the Jade Emperor Palace!”

Yun Bufan and Little Wei were sitting cross-legged at the same time. At the Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple, they suffered a bit of injury. It seems that the Approaching Heaven Treasure Temple is just to prevent others from entering the Jade Emperor Palace. The attack, not the horrible power of Little Wei, is not the Dragon Jade Pendant of Yun Bufan, I am afraid they can’t win this diamond!

Even the glare Divine Artifact armor does not work, because they can’t shake the position of the crystal diamond, whether it is cold light or Hongliu can’t move, only Little Wei can, because she is Dragon Race, blood jade dragon, dragon power The strength of the ten-level Xiandi is undoubtedly stronger than the power of some ordinary Deity!

After half an hour, Yun Bufan and Little Wei opened their eyes one after another. Yun Bufan slowly exhaled and looked at the crystal diamond in his hand. Lightly smiled: “You, we can enter the Jade Emperor Palace!”

“Young Master, that cold light and Hong Liu?” He Lin suddenly screamed, Yun Bufan shook the head, said with a smile: “Don’t care about them, where they don’t know, maybe still there In the secret room, let’s first enter the Jade Emperor Palace!”

He Lin was puzzled, but not at all. He said to Yun Bufan before, cold light and Hong Liu are hiding behind the pillars in the distance, but Yun Bufan said that it must have been fixed in mind. He Lin did not say much!

“ka!” “ka!” When the crystal diamond pressed into the mirror on the wall, a strange sound suddenly sounded, and the whole mirror suddenly trembled. “Bang!” The original dense wall suddenly opened a smog. The small door, Yun Bufan whispered: “Go in, fast!”

“hu!” “hu!” A group of people had already got the prompt of Yun Bufan, and they couldn’t help but sneak in. The cold light in the distance was complexion greatly changed: “Not good, inside, there is an organ that will seal the entrance.” This Yun Bufan actually remembered the things in the treasure map, Hong Liu, fast, and the past!”

“hu!” “hu!” Cold light and Hongliu, also flying to the small door, Yun Bufan laughed from the inside: “hahaha, cold light, you are still outside, this jade palace Treasure, and you missed it!”

“bang!” The entrance was suddenly closed, and the cold light roared: “Bastard, bastard, there is an organ next to the entrance to the Jade Emperor Palace. Once opened, the entire entrance is locked, and behind the Jade Emperor Palace. There is an exit, you can go straight out, don’t know where to go!”

“Then we can’t get in?” Hong Liu stared at the wall, and the cold eyes were full of madness: “Only when Yun Bufan turns off the switch, the entrance will reopen!”

“Yun Bufan, you listen, I know you can hear it!” The shout of cold light passed from the outside, and Yun Bufan and the others in the passage were smiling smiled, and the cold voice continued to pass: ” I really admire you, half an hour can remember so much!”

Yun Bufan is just a plain smile, the cold light suddenly becomes very cold: “But, don’t forget, you just watched half an hour, and I studied the whole integer millennium, Yun Bufan, for this on Ancient Heaven Understand, I dare say you are definitely not clear to me!”

Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Cold light, don’t waste your time, other places, I am not clear to you, but I only need to know that once the switch of this entrance is turned on, it will never come outside. Others, I also No need to be clear!”

“Is it?” Cold is also cold with a sneer: “Yun Bufan, don’t you know if you have heard of the great array?”

“Self-great array?” Yun Bufan was surprised, then complexion greatly changed, cold and cold laughter came in from outside: “Yun Bufan, I tell you, the whole of Ancient Heaven, a total of one hundred and eight self-defeating great array, one Self-defeating, and this main array is the treasure map in my hands!”

“Once I ruin the treasure map, all the ancient heaven arrays of Ancient Heaven will be opened. By then, the entire Ancient Heaven will be blown up and destroyed, and at that time, you don’t want a treasure!” The cold light is full of cold, ruthless!

Yun Bufan hesitated, as he said, he only watched for half an hour, and it was impossible to thoroughly study the entire Ancient Heaven. The cold light continued to spread: “Open the door, the treasure of the Jade Emperor Palace, we Each is obtained by the ability, otherwise, everyone will take a shot!”

“Lord, what do you think? Shouldn’t you believe in the cold light?” Yun Bufan screamed at Nine Heavens and the others, and everyone couldn’t help but fall into meditation, and they knew the great array. They also know what it is, if it is like cold light. As said, this self-destructive great array can indeed completely smash the entire Ancient Heaven!

“Cold light, not credible!” Xiao Wei suddenly sighed and said: “If this is the case, how can he safely hand over the treasure map to you, if you find the secret, can you not use this? ”

“I don’t think the cold light is not credible!” Nine Heavens on the side is also nodded: “The cold light this person, too sinister and deceitful, the cloud star master, we don’t care about him, if he can really trigger the whole of Ancient Heaven’s self-destruction, Don’t be afraid of us, you don’t have to hide in a thirty third stage!”

“Okay, then let’s take care of ourselves!” Yun Bufan hehe smiled and didn’t care too much. Their conversations were passed to the cold ear in a word, and the cold light suddenly became very angry: “Yun Bufan, don’t regret it!” ”

“Hong Liu, get ready, let’s go!” The cold eyes are red, the eyes are full of anger, whispering!

“What? Cold light, are you speak correctly?” Even Hong Liu did not believe in the cold light, let alone Yun Bufan and the others, a violent flash of light in the eyes: “They don’t believe me, then we take a shot.” Two scattered, no one wants to get treasure!”

“hu!” The cold light took out the treasure map, and a burst of blue light flashed in his hand. The whole treasure map was frozen, and the cold light whispered: “Give me a break!”

“ka!” “ka!” The whole treasure map suddenly broke down, and the cold light pulled over Hong Liu: “Go, the whole Ancient Heaven, there will be a big bang soon, on Ancient Heaven, not later. Reappear!”

“bang!” “bang!” Just when the cold light and Hong Liugang left, the entire Ancient Heaven suddenly bombarded, and Yun Bufan and the others on the passage of the Jade Emperor Palace suddenly felt awkward, the whole passage. Constantly shaking!

“Not good, since the great array, the cold light said, is true!” Yun Bufan suddenly complex greatly changed, whispered!

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