Chapter 603, a sword wound

“Fortunately, fortunately, it turned out to be a cold light on Yun Bufan. It seems that this is really doomed!” After discovering that the two men were the VIPs of the Fifth Treasure Hall and the VIP of the Eighth Treasure Hall, Hong Liu’s heart was fiercely relaxed and moody. It has become very enjoyable!

Nine Heavens behind Yun Bufan is another mood. Looking at the calm Yun Bufan, Nine Heavens secretly wonders: “This Yun Bufan, is there any hidden method? Look at him, it seems very confidence!”

“hmph, Yun Bufan, let you live for a while!” The cold light flashed a trace of cold, Yun Bufan looked in his eyes, and his heart was secretly sneer: “Want to kill me? Just don’t know who is kill kill. !”

The collision of “bang!” on the platform also started. The VIP of the fifth treasure hall is a burly big man, holding a silver white long spear. It is very flexible, and it is like the force of the wind. Countless gunshots, directly to the VIP of the eighth treasure hall, always pressed against each other!

The VIP of the Eighth Hall is cultivated by the Force of Water. There is a burst of blue rays of light on the body. It can only weaken the attack of the VIP of the Fifth Hall. It can’t resist and counterattack. The face is full of dignified expression. Weird mirror, this mirror can shoot a blue light every time, formidable power is also very scary!

“hu 哧!” A shot stabbed, directly drawn a blood mark, holding the long spear’s fifth treasure hall VIP face without any surprise expression, one shot after another, still constantly attacking each other steadily, in this wind Under the storm-like offensive, the VIP of the Eighth Hall was obviously anxious and crazy!

“hua!” countless blue light suddenly rose from him, and Yun Bufan under the ring fell a blind eye, secretly thought: “The VIP of the fifth treasure hall is a bit of a method. If it weren’t for me, I am afraid this battle will be won. I got a quota for him and the cold light. However, I try to make the cold light seriously injured or crippled, so that this kid can get a quota!”

“bang!” bursts of blue light, the VIP of the Eighth Hall, began to desperately, under such a long time of pressure, he finally broke out all his strength, the blue mirror suddenly shot a blue light, and he I am flying toward the fiercely of the fifth treasure hall!

The VIP on the fifth treasure hall has no expression of panic. This scene is seen in Yun Bufan’s eyes. Yun Bufan’s heart is secretly shocked: “He has not done his best, this person should be hiding some of the strength!”

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” “Chī! ” Continuing to the VIP of the Eighth Hall, a dozen shots were fired. More than a dozen azure gunshots slammed up, “bang!” “bang!” “bang!” The frenzied explosions continued to ring, and the whole ring trembled!

“Chī!” blue The crystal blue line was directly smashed. The VIP face of the eighth treasure hall suddenly showed a shocking expression: “What? How is it possible? His attack is all attacking at a point, this is How precise control is this!”

“This, good control, this person’s control is really amazing!” Yun Bufan saw this, and could not help but secretly sigh, the other Spear Art, dozens of guns attacked in one place, this control It is also a terrible exception!

“Chī!” A shot into the chest of the eighth treasure hall, the VIP of the fifth treasure hall faint with a smile: “You lost!”

This gun, just stabbed into the other’s flesh, not at all any strength, the VIP of the eighth treasure hall stared blankly at the long spear of the chest, and then the face changed non-stop, then sighed: “I lost. , lose your heart and take it orally!”

The VIP of the Eighth Pagoda suddenly retreated. The VIP of the Fifth Treasure Hall was nodded to the Great Elder, and then flew to the side. This battle was not very expensive for him. Therefore, he did not practice on the knees, but quietly. Watching the battle between the cold light and Yun Bufan!

The two of them are the key to his competition for the quota, so he must have to see the strength of Yun Bufan and the glare, even the attack method, so that when faced with them, you can also win more points!

Great Elder is on the ring, slowly nodded: “The second game, the fifth treasure hall wins, below, the last battle, you two, come up!”

“hu!” “xiu!” In the blink of an eye, Yun Bufan and the glare appeared on the ring at the same time. Everyone was shocked. The VIP of the fifth treasure hall exclaimed: “Fast, good. Fast speed!”

A wink, at the same time on the ring, it seems that the two are equally divided, but He Lin’s heart is clear, Yun Bufan’s fastest speed is not the case, the wind and thunder wings, Yun Bufan can not be used, see this scene, Hong Six’s face has also changed!

Yun Bufan’s speed is the same as that of cold light. This is undoubtedly telling him that Yun Bufan’s strength is similar to that of cold light. I am afraid that it will be similar. The winning battle may be a tragic victory or even a failure. Even if it is 1%, it may fail!

“Yun Bufan, I didn’t expect that your strength has increased a lot!” The cold light saw Yun Bufan’s speed is almost the same as his own, his face was not changed slightly, gloomy face, looking straight at Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan is faintly smiled, looking at the cold light shook the head: “Unfortunately, your strength is not at all, which makes me feel a little disappointed!”

“Disappointment?” The cold face suddenly appeared angry, watching Yun Bufan fiercely nodded: “Okay, good, I will see, whether your strength makes me disappointed, or my strength makes you disappointed!”

“bang!” bursts of ice and ice from the cold light, cold light, cold light did not want to use the Saint Angel suit and the holy Angel of the Holy Power, even trying to use this cold light to deal with Yun Bufan !

“Cold light, you are too arrogant, and you want to deal with me with your cold light? Just rely on your level 9 Emperor’s strength?” Yun Bufan looked at the cold light, disdain shook the head, the strength of cold light, also However, it is Level 9, and with the St. Angel suit, you can play the strength of the 10th Emperor!

And Yun Bufan, with his own cultivation, has reached the true level of 9, and his Divine Artifact has several pieces, especially the dragon Dragon Jade Pendant and Tu Divine Sword. In his hands, it can be said that Divine Artifact’s seven or eighty formidable power can be played, and the strength is not the same as before!

“weng!” Yun Bufan’s purple light flashed, Divine Sword appeared in the hands, Yun Bufan held the Divine Sword, and looked at the cold light indifferently. The huge momentum suddenly erupted, Level 9 Xiandi’s momentum, directly The cold light is pressed, and the cold light is lost!

Not only the cold light, when the horrible momentum of Yun Bufan broke out, even the seven Great Elders, the nine great hall owners were stunned and looked straight at Yun Bufan. For hundreds of years, this was a soaring People who have not been in the past for hundreds of years, even thousands of years? Is this a monster or a genius? Level 9 Xiandi?

“Level 9 Xiandi?” Always look at Bai Xiaosheng, incredible muttered: “Bai Xiaosheng, I remember you told me that hundreds of years ago, he was still a person who was chased by Millenium Peak Jinxian, Are you sure that it is hundreds of years?”

“I am very sure, even sure!” Bai Xiaosheng did not dare to believe, muttered: “Level 9 Xiandi, so horrible, he actually reached the level XIXX Xiandi’s strength, this, how long after this, It is said that when he was at the Secret Realm, he was also the strength of the 5th and 6th Emperor. How could this increase so fast?”

“Monster!” The two looked at each other and the word appeared in their minds. Apart from the monsters, they really couldn’t think of any words to describe Yun Bufan. The speed of Yun Bufan is absolutely a monster, a genius. , not so fast!

“Your strength, even reached the level of Level 9 Xiandi?” Cold light stared at Yun Bufan, his eyes filled with incredible expression, Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “Cold light, since you are so arrogant, then I will Let me try my true strength first!”

“hong long long !” purple’s Divine Sword, with a purple word spark, countless purple sword shadow criss-crossed, Yun Bufan flying in this countless sword shadow, holding the sword in both hands, a sword directly Glowed down to the cold light fiercely!

“hong long long!” continued to ring on the roar, and the purple sword shadow around Yun Bufan was merged into the Divine Sword for a moment. The horrible sword glow of ten meters flashed the purple rays of light. With the imposing manner of destroying everything, the slamming of the cold light without mercy!

The cold-light complexion greatly changed, the golden long sword suddenly swayed. At this moment, he simply did not have time to change the Saint Angel suit. The golden long sword exudes a cold atmosphere, and the cold light burst into the strongest position. The same level 9 Xiandi’s momentum, directly greeted the Yun Bufan sword!

“bang!” purple sword glow and white sword glow collided, “ka!” “ka!” The cold sword condensed into ice, suddenly turned into a bit of broken ice, bursting, cold light complexion greatly changed, “bang!” The purple light flashed, “pu!” A bright red blood sprayed out, and the cold light directly flew out!

Everyone was stunned and looked at the scene, watching the explosion of smoke, the slow appearance of Yun Bufan, white gown, white long hair, purple long sword, a cold face, but it is so overbearing And arrogant!

A sword, also the glory of the level 9 Xiandi strength, can not even take a Yun Bufan sword? Under the sword of Yun Bufan, I have already vomited blood and flew out? Suffering serious injuries?

“This, a sword? The cold light can’t get a sword under his hand?” Great Elder turned his head and looked at the side second elder and the others. The second elder and the others were equally dull. Nodded, can’t believe it!

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