Chapter 598, Avoiding the Promotion of Fireballs

Heaven Destroying, the same calm as before, in the main house of the star, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are still playing leisurely, they manage the power of Heaven Destroying and the surrounding stars, now it can be said that Well organized!

“Report!” A guard rushed to come. Wang Heng and Dong Haitao both looked at him. The guard suddenly bowed his head and respectfully said: “The two adults found the trace of the star owner, and the star owner is flying in the direction of the star government. Come, I am expected to arrive at the Star House!”

“What?” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao were both surprised. Wang Heng immediately stood up and said: “The order is passed down. All Heaven Destroying stars, the strength of Xianjun and above, are out of town to welcome the City Lord!”

“Yes!” The commander quickly went down. Wang Hengchao Dong Haitao was smilingly smiled: “Dong brother, let’s go, but unfortunately, the Baoxing auction did not open its eyes, but next time, we must go and see, I don’t know if the owner got it. What treasure!”

“Young Master, I think this Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are good, the management is methodical, all the way, the management of these few stars is not bad, the flow of people is also promoted a lot, it is a management talent!” He Lin smiled and said to Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan shook the head : “They are the patriarchs of the two families. Managing these things is more than enough for them. I don’t know how the Heaven Destroying is being managed by them. Go, go back and see!”

“Hey, Young Master, they seem to know that we are back?” He Lin looked at the Heaven Destroying, outside the city gate, there were a lot of Xianjun welcoming there, even Wang Heng and Dong Haitao were among them, in the eyes of Yun Bufan. The flash of light flashed: “This Wang Heng and Dong Haitao did not let me down. This information is already OK!”

“Welcome to the Star Lord!” Yun Bufan and He Lingang fell, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao and dozens of Xianjun are respectful, Yun Bufan slightly smiled, nodded: “Well, everyone does not have to pay more, let’s go, first return to the star owner House, don’t block it here!”

“Yes!” headed by Yun Bufan, the entire group flew directly toward the main star house, surrounded by each and everyone visitors looked at Yun Bufan, the star owner, the star of the Heaven Destroying star, around The star field is unknown, known to everyone!

Among the Star Houses, Yun Bufan screened off other Xianjun, leaving Wang Heng and Dong Haitao. Looking at the two people, Yun Bufan shook his head and smiled: “Wang Lao, Dong Lao, this Heaven Destroying, you Management is good, wait a minute, I will naturally have a reward!”

“many thanks to the Lord!” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao suddenly rejoiced, Yun Bufan nodded, slowly opened the mouth and said: “Did a few days, does Qiu Tianxing have any movements? Is there any movement in the cold light? Are there any strange things happening in the fairy world?”

“Back to the star master, Liu Chongguang also seems to go to the auction, Qiu Tianxing is very calm, but, strangely, that Qiu Tianxing is now covered by a black mist, no one can go in, our spies, went in three None of them came back alive, one of them just entered the dark fog and disappeared completely!”

Wang Heng looked at Yun Bufan, his face was dignified, his voice screamed, and Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse. Then he said lightly: “On Qiu Tianxing, you don’t have to inquire, how much you die, no use!”

“Yes!” Wang Heng retired and retired. Dong Haitao stepped forward and said the mouth and said: “The star owner, cold light star has a big difference recently. I don’t know why, there are several kings who turned to cold light. The star field is close, and now it has completely taken over the few star fields around the cold light star. The sudden rise of the cold light forces is a great threat to us!”

“Oh? The king’s power?” Yun Bufan gave a slight glimpse, then bowed his head and meditated. After a while, Yun Bufan said solemnly: “Dong Lao, you send someone down, check the power of these kings because What is the cold light, and if there is any information that can’t be found, go directly to the Tongbao Building of the spiritual treasure cabinet!”

“Yes!” Dong Haitao retired respectfully, Yun Bufan nodded to Wang Heng: “Wang Lao, you go to check it out, all our forces add up, how many people are now empty, remember, is absolutely sure to hold their own star In the case of the domain, how much combat power can there be!”

“Yes!” Wang Heng also retired with respect, Yun Bufan slowly exhaled, looking at the star house faintly smiled: “Returned, this can not suppress the power of the fireball, this power of the green vine king You can also try to absorb all of them, and let Aoki Shinki also advance, it is time to completely enhance my power!”

“He Lin, you pass on the order, let Wang Heng and Dong Haitao give you the information you found, and then you decide what to do next. Remember, within this month, we must take our forces completely. Gathering, even if we are not there, others can’t attack!” Yun Bufan looked straight at He Lin, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said!

He Lin is heavily nodded: “Young Master rest assured, I will do it!”

Yun Bufan also fled and flew away, flew toward his own room, a seal heavens squad set up, and he sat on his knees, bursting with fire red rays of light The flame is rising from the sky!

“hu!” The flames skyrocketed, the red light flashed behind Yun Bufan, a fire red bead floated from his with the body, suspended in front of him, “weng!” red light flashed, the help directly appeared, Yun Bufan Sudden eyes opened eyes, looking at the help of said sole solemnly: “Help, it is time for your breakthrough, condense Immortal Artifact Thunder!”

“Yes!” The support was respectfully complied, and then the flames soared. A powerful momentum broke out from the body of help, and the help of the sky looked straight, “hong long long!” House, above Yun Bufan’s wing, a burst of thunderbolt flashes, countless wind and thunder suddenly gathered!

Thunder, Immortal Artifact Thunder, the first thunder robbery vortex formed in an instant, followed by the second, third, all of a sudden to the sixth, six thunderbolt vortex, six nine thunder, the royal Immortal Artifact’s thunder!

Yun Bufan looked straight at the sky. This time, because the power of assisting and accumulating is too strong, this release will immediately form six robes, but Yun Bufan has no worries because of the help at the moment. Melt, it is comparable to the existence of Divine Artifact!

If it is not the fire, the spiritual root is not pure enough, and the help of the Divine Artifact can already reach the level of Divine Artifact. Even now, it can enter the ranks of the Imperial Immortal Artifact, and even the highest grade of the Imperial Immortal Artifact. !

“bang!” “ka!” The first thunderbolt, fiercely smashed down, helped the cold and cold look at the thunder, opened his mouth, is a flame sprayed out, “Chī!” “Chī!” The road robbery, even directly burned into nothingness!

Helping the cold and cold look at the thunderbolt vortex in the air, the robbery vortex constantly rolled up, the second thunder, then slammed down, helped the body to slam the flame, “weng!” A fire cover directly put it Shrouded!

“Chī!” Force of Thunder fiercely The ground slammed onto the fire hood, and the whole fire tremble suddenly trembled, shaking for a while, after a while, the fire hood returned to calm, and the third thunder, has followed Your majesty!

“This is, sixty-nine thunders, it seems that Young Master is in the advanced stage to avoid the fireball!” Outside the star house, He Lin stood quietly at the door. Anyone who wants to enter the Star House must have passed him. One off!

Seeing the sudden emergence of the sixty-nine thunders in the main house of the star, He Lin knew that Yun Bufan must be shunning the fireballs in advance, because only by avoiding the fireballs, they reached the point of sixty-nine thunders, if That Aoki God Needle, it may already be a thunderstorm!

“This is what the Star Lord has made a big move?” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao, who had just arrived at the gate of the Star Government, looked at each other with both eyes full of incomprehensible and shocked. This movement was obviously the Immortal Artifact Thunder. Six robbery vortex, is sixty-nine thunder!

“He Lin adults!” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are all respectful to He Lin, He Lin’s strength, they are very clear, coupled with the relationship of Yun Bufan, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao can be said to be very respectful to He Lin!

He Lin’s faint nodded, slowly opened the mouth and said: “Young Master lets you tell me the news, and then I will arrange the next move. Now, Dong Haitao, you first tell me that we can call out the power How many?”

“Profound Immortal can have about 20,000 or so, but Xianjun has only one hundred, and Xiandi should have between five and eight!” Dong Haitao directly spoke, without any slight muddy water, He Lin appreciated him and glanced at him, and then nodded: ” Let the two million Profound Immortal, all scattered out, the East and the East Stars each sent five thousand, another 10,000, sent to the starless field!”

“Adult, this way, Dong Yixing is not an empty shell?” Dong Haitao couldn’t help but ask, He Lin smiled lightly: “The empty shell? Yes, it is an empty shell, but if you are Liu Chongguang and cold light, do you dare to drill inside?”

When Dong Haitao suddenly took a look, He Lin laughed and said: “The virtual reality is real, the virtual is real, but the reality is virtual. They are not fools. How can I think that I put the East Comet under their eyes without doing anything? Protection, so that he will only think it is a bait!”

Dong Haitao suddenly convinced: “Adults are good against!”

“Adults, the star master guessed it is true, we found that the kings who rely on the cold light, their leader, in the past more or less have a little relationship with the cold light star, even the so-called head collar, even once It’s a cold light discipline!”

Wang Heng also came up at this time, his eyes flashed, He Lin slightly astonished: “The cold light of the definition? This should be the news of the spiritual treasure cabinet? Is the cold light finally shrinking all the power?”

“Wang Heng, you can’t move, you are ready, everyone is ready to fight, and one month later, my Heaven Destroying domain may have to level the cold light!”


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