Chapter VIII Silver Moon

“What? They, they are actually hatching Silver Moon Sirius, bastard, how do they know the way to hatch!” Among the 16th VIP room, the black robe messenger, who has been calmly incomprehensible, finally couldn’t help it, standing in shock Going up and looking directly at Yun Bufan’s VIP Lounge 3!

“The messenger, what’s wrong?” Liu Chongguang at the side saw the black robe messenger so lonely self-control, could not help but doubt, black robe messenger flashed in the eyes of speculation: “If you want to do it, if you snatch it, you will definitely annoy the spiritual treasure If you don’t snatch it, wait until they hatch, then it’s even harder for us to get the loyalty of Silver Moon Sirius!”

“Silver Moon Sirius, can be said to be the king of all wolves, that is, the black wolf family’s figure god black wolf is also inferior to three points, in the end or not, in half a month, they will certainly be able to hatch, and this The auction, half a month is absolutely impossible to end!” Black robe messenger’s heart is very struggling!

“hu!” Just as the black robe convinced the meditation, the silver light of the VIP room suddenly dissipated, and the absorption of the first day passed. The body of the black robe stunned, and the eyes flashed: “The first day This is only the absorption of the first day, there are still fourteen days behind!”

“Don’t I have to shoot? Do you want to take it? Our Divine Artifact is still at the end of the auction. If you annoy the people in the spiritual treasure, I am afraid that it will affect the auction. If you don’t do it, can’t you? Watching each other completely have Silver Moon Sirius?” The black robe messenger is struggling!

The next night, the silver light was still shrouded, and the black robe messenger clenched his fists. His eyes were full of suspicions. The next day, if he went on like this, the silver moon Sirius would hatch and would only recognize it. Yun Bufan is the main!

Silver Moon Sirius, very powerful, but the same, very loyal minister, a newly hatched wolf, once the first person identified who is its Master, then the other party will be its only Master, to die!

However, it is almost impossible to conquer the adult Silver Moon Sirius. Wolf King also has the dignity of Wolf King, so there is no hatching Silver Moon Sirius. It can be said to be Supreme Treasure, Supreme Supreme Treasure!

“Ten days, ten days, and four or five days. After four or five days, the Silver Moon Sirius will be hatched! Do you want to shoot?” In the 16th VIP room, black The robe messenger stares at the VIP Lounge 3!

In the past ten days, they can say that they have barely photographed one thing. On the other hand, on the side of Yun Bufan, they also took a few treasures in ten days, and every night, they will make silver moon days on time. Wolf egg absorbs strength of Star!

” Grab!” The black robe shines in the eyes of the messenger, and the killing intent overflows in his body. Just when his killing intent is just highlighted, a plain voice sounds in his mind: “Shuntian League’s little guy, old man Have an agreement with your alliance lord to help you auction Divine Artifact, but if you dare to make trouble in my spiritual treasure, don’t blame the old man!”

“Who? Who?” The black robe in the eyes of the killing intent flashed, but there was no news anymore. The black robe flashed a horror in the eyes of the messenger: “The strength of horror, this strength alone, I am afraid Comparable to the real Deity, there is a master in this spiritual treasure cabinet, but who is this master?”

“Bastard, that silver moon Sirius, I am afraid I can’t shoot it!” The black robe ambassador was angered and low, and the appearance of this mysterious master completely disrupted his plan. He dared not mess with others’ eyes. Not good, not only will you be killed, but even Divine Artifact may have any surprises!

“The fifteenth day, the silver moon Sirius, should be hatched?” The black robe messenger looked at the VIP room No. 3, filled with a strong unwillingness, Silver Moon Sirius, what kind of existence, He is very clear, but with the warning of the mysterious master, he really dare not have the slightest action!

“Silver Moon Sirius, it will soon hatch!” Among the VIP rooms, He Lin is full of excitement, staring at the silver moon, and Yun Bufan and the others are watching straight. Silver Moon Sirius Egg, at this time, a group of strength of Star is like a small vortex, constantly pouring into this silver big egg!

“Young Master, once the Silver Moon Sirius is incubating, the newly born wolf will find a Master among us. The loyalty of Silver Moon Sirius is very high. It can be said that it is the most loyal variation of Divine Beast. If you identify a Master, you will never change it again. I think you still put us in the Immortal Mansion, let the Silver Moon Sirius recognizing Master and let us out!”

He Lin looked at the silver moon Sirius egg has been shaking, could not help but scream to Yun Bufan, the ninth lord of the side, Bai Xiaosheng and always Tiandu looked at Yun Bufan, and nodded: “Cloud star master, Let’s first enter your Immortal Mansion, wait for this little one to hatch, let’s take a look!”

“No!” Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “As for who can become its master, let’s look at the fate. We are all here, see who it chooses, who we choose, who is it, just I gave it to him!”

“What?” The ninth lord, Bai Xiaosheng and the always-on days are startled, that is, He Lin also has a look of wrong, Yun Bufan laughed: “Well, stand up, it identifies who it is, who it is, How do we say that we are also partners and friends, this billion stone, I can still afford it!”

Yun Bufan has an absolute grasp in his heart. When the Silver Moon Sirius appears, he will definitely be close to himself, because he has the atmosphere of Dragon Race and the atmosphere of Qilin. In ancient times, this silver moon Sirius is terrible. But compared to Dragon Race’s Zulong, Qilin’s Mo Qilin, it is a lot worse!

“This?” The ninth lord and the others all looked at each other in dismay, and Yun Bufan waved his hand: “No need to refuse, look, this egg will split!”

“ka!” “ka!” Just as Yun Bufan spoke, the silver egg began to crack open, “Chī!” A small silver wolf drilled out of it, and then began to eat directly. eggshell!

“weng!” “weng!” When all the eggshells were eaten by the wolf, the silver wolf’s body suddenly flashed, and the silver coyo slowly raised his head and looked confused. With Yun Bufan and the others, big eyes are stunned, oh cute!

“pu 哧!” Silver wolf ran to Yun Bufan all at once, but was touched by the table legs on the floor, suddenly fell a fight, Yun Bufan smiled and hugged it, silver wolf The eyes suddenly filled with tears, and looked at Yun Bufan with pity!

“wu wu !” Silver wolf screamed at Yun Bufan twice, then extended the snake head and snorted on Yun Bufan’s face. Yun Bufan suddenly laughed heartily, and He Lin also smiled open the mouth. And said : “Young Master, it seems that this silver moon Sirius is close to you, recognize you as the Lord!”

Yun Bufan looked at the silver wolf in his arms, and was not laughed: “This silver moon Sirius is estimated to feel that my body is not the same!”

On the side of the ninth lord, Xiang Tian and Bai Xiaosheng both congratulated Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan said with a smile : “This silver moon Sirius, just happens to be my fighting partner, just look at its potential, If you can, I will treat it as a cost-summon beast. It is not impossible!”

“The life of the summon beast?” The ninth lord, both Tian Tian and Bai Xiaosheng are complexion changed, the ninth lord to Yun Bufan screamed open the mouth and said: “Cloud star master, this can not be sloppy decision, I Look, this life summon beast, you still go to God World and find a powerful Divine Beast!”

“hehe, I am also looking at its potential. If the potential is good, why not!” Yun Bufan smiled and touched the head of Silver Moon Sirius, which is silvery and very soft. Yun Bufan looks at the silver moon Sirius with a smile: “In the future, you will be called Silver Moon!”

“wu wu!” Silver Moon licked Yun Bufan’s cheek, and his eyes showed a happy expression. Then he jumped from Yun Bufan and fell to the table. “gu lu !” “gu lu !” The sound suddenly passed over!

Yun Bufan looked at the table and then looked at the silver moon like the ninth lord. At this time, the silver moon was drinking at the table, a Silver Wolf who would drink alcohol?

“hu 噜!” “hu 噜!” After a while, Xiaoyue Yinyue went straight to the table and directly snorted. Yun Bufan and the others saw that it was drunk and could not be laughed heartily. !

“Young Master, you just auctioned a lot of things, and the fire spiritual root is just right for you to promote your fireball. It is better to promote your fireball first. This auction, I will look at you first. Well, after the auction, you have to fight the cold light for the battle!”

He Lin looked straight at Yun Bufan and screamed. At the time, Yun Bufan also took a few things during the period. One of those things, one of them was the fire attribute Supreme Treasure fire spiritual root. The fire spiritual root is the first of the Force of Heavenly Fire. It is the best treasure of the refiner, so it took 30 million to take it!

Yun Bufan looked at the lively auction outside. Some treasures are strange, but it has no big effect for him. He Lin nodded: “Your eyes, I naturally trust, remember, if you even have you Don’t see what it is, take it first and say it!”

“Yes!” He Lin is heavily nodded. If he can’t even see it, then this treasure is definitely a small one!

“The lord, to the big brother, Mr. Bai, also trouble you to pay attention to this auction, in order to deal with the cold light, I will upgrade the strength first, after all, the true strength of the cold light is the ten-level fairy!” Yun Bufan The nine princes smiled nodded, and then sat down on the knees!

The ninth lord said with a smile : “The cloud star is assured, why Brother Lin needs oh, how many sacred stones, I will never have two words!”

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