Chapter 566, Black Bear King’s plot against

“Well come!” The black bear king is not shocked, haha ​​laughs, the huge black iron rod directly smashes toward Yun Bufan. In the face of such an imposing manner, the black bear king knows that only when he first shot, can the opponent’s momentum be extinguished!

Yun Bufan’s eyes are cold, and the nine magic weapons on his body are lit up, and Yun Bufan whispers: “Zu Dragon Jade Pendant, Dragon God, flash!”

“weng!” dark green’s jade pendant is suspended above Yun Bufan’s head, Yun Bufan’s golden light 璀璨, Dragon God’s 铠 also appears instantly, the power of the ancestral Dragon Jade Pendant, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed in the blink of an eye. The black bear king coldly smiled: “Black Bear King, you will pick me up and see!”

“hong long long!” Twenty-four times attack bonus, Tu Divine Sword rays of light 璀璨, heavy average sword attack, violently a sword directly toward the black bear king, like a black cloud, With a horrible power, it is magnificent!

Yun Bufan’s face is cold, and the black bear king suddenly feels a bit wrong, but this is not where it is, but it can’t be said, but the Yun Bufan sword has already been smashed down, and the black bear king has no time to think about it. The black iron rod smashed directly in the past!

“hong long long!” The black bear king’s huge black stick also screamed with a whistling sound, “bang!” “bang!” Tu Divine Sword and black iron rod crashed into a collision, a burst of horrible explosions continued to sound And the rays of light flash!

“peng!” The land where the black bear king stood, a huge pothole suddenly slammed under the soles of the feet, and the entire lower body of the black bear king was drowned in. The bear’s paw of the black bear king shivered slightly, and Divine Sword was also stunned. The black iron rod gave the earthquake back!

The black bear king’s eyes are full of shocked expression. The power of this sword is so terrible that even he can’t easily pick it up. Even this sword has hurt his bones and looked at the potholes. He took a deep breath and suddenly got out of it!

The black bear king looked straight at Yun Bufan, and the light in his eyes flashed with a hint of excitement, but he seemed to think of something. There was a hint of hesitation in his eyes. Yun Bufan’s heart was even more shocked. You know, this is two. Fourteen times the attack bonus, even if the other party is a ten-level fairy, even if the other inborn superhuman strength, can not be nothing at all?

“This black bear king, there must be some secrets!” Yun Bufan secretly decided to dig out the secret of the black bear king, the black bear king looked at Yun Bufan, took a deep breath, then said solemnly: “boy, you To enter the Black Forest to see that treasure I can promise you, but you also have to promise me one thing, you must discover the soul vows, how?”

“en?” Yun Bufan stopped, then brows frowned: “What the black bear king wants to play, there is no reason to see my sword let me see his baby, there must be any conspiracy!”

“Black Bear King, if you want me to see your baby, promise you things, you can, meet me first!” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, nine colorful rays of light, Yun Bufan light shouted in a low voice Road: “Golden axe, 劈天! 水皇匕, entangled! Avoid fire beads, explosion!”

“weng!” “weng!” “weng!” golden rays of light, water blue rays of light and fire red rays of light flashed at the same time, the black bear king depressed to vomit blood, in the mouth of Yun Bufan, turned into I want him to look at his own baby, and the attack of the three major Immortal Artifacts is not that simple!

“hong long long!” The diamond axe, turned into an incomparable gigantic axe, directly smashed down, powerful momentum, really has a mighty power, and the water emperor is also turned into a water blue wave, directly entangled On the black bear king’s feet, the fireball is burning flames, directly into the Fireball, sweeping toward the bear’s chest!

The black bear king complexion slightly changed, these three major attacks, but not a simple one, looking at the new diamond axe, the black bear king reincarnation, the black iron in the hand directly smashed out, the soles of the feet are fiercely glimpse, suddenly the sky The sand, directly against the water wave against the past, and his double fists, with black rays of light, toward this huge Fireball strikes over!

“clang!” The diamond axe and the black iron rod collided. Although the black bear did not hold the black iron rod, the black iron rod contained the terrorist power, but it still gave the diamond axe back, which made Yun Bufan feel abnormal. Surprised, this black iron rod, what kind of weapon is it?

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Water Emperor 匕 transformed into the water wave, even directly blocked by the sand, to know, this is only the attack of the bear king, which can be without any Immortal Artifact or Divine Artifact, and the water emperor, That is the Peak Imperial Artifact, only one step away from Divine Artifact, so easily blocked?

Seeing this, Yun Bufan didn’t even think about it. This attack against the fireball certainly won’t get any effect. Yun Bufan couldn’t help but secretly sighed: “This black bear king, what is it, it is so terrible, this strength, absolutely It’s better than the three emperors of Immortal World, and he hasn’t done his best yet!”

“Chī!” The black bear king’s double fists, fiercely blasted to avoid the fireballs, and the fireballs were immediately bombarded back. Yun Bufan looked shocked, black bear king laughed heartily: “Kid, don’t waste your effort, you It’s not my opponent at all, it’s better to talk about it!”

“Yes?” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, cold flashes in his eyes: “Tu Shen shield, isolated space! Tianleizhu, 霹雳thunderbolt! Locking Wind Bead, Qingshenfeng! Jinlingzhu, tortured day dance!”

“weng!” “weng!” Tushen shield, directly into a face-earth-colored huge shield, six shields, all of a sudden surrounded the black bear king, constantly rotating up, black bear king slightly paused, Then flew up, but no matter how high he flies, how high the shield will rise!

“hmph!” The black bear’s eyes were violently flashing, and a punch hit the earth god shield. “hong long long!” burst into a burst of sound, and the earth god shield just shivered a few times, still not Stopping and spinning, surrounded the black bear king, the black bear king suddenly looked surprised!

“Chī!” “hu!” Suddenly, countless thunderbolt slammed down from the air, and even a slap of azure. However, when I saw the azure gust, the face of the black bear suddenly changed. Hurricane: “Qing Shen Feng, this, is this not owned by God World? Why can this kid control?”

“Yun Bufan, he is Yun Bufan! I guess it is true!” The black bear’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and then looked at the sky’s hurricane thunderbolt, could not help but take a deep breath, his body bursts of black light, black bear king heart Thinking about it: “Since it is Yun Bufan, it is killing now, or coping with it first, wait until the thing matures!”

“First deal with it, after all, there is still a place to get him!” The black bear king coldly snorted, then shouted: “External Body Incarnation, give it to me!”

“weng!” A little black bear suddenly appeared on the black bear king. The smaller black bear was even more horrible. He jumped up, loudly roared, and punched out, and countless black rays of light flashed. , gathered into a black boxing shadow, the momentum is amazing!

“hong long long !” “bang!” bursts of horrible bombing sounds, hurricane thunderbolt, Tianleizhu and Locking Wind Bead, it was too late to play the effect, even directly attacked by this countless black boxing shadow, Yun Bufan suddenly lost, stopped!

“This, this is the avatar of the black bear king? This avatar, how to look more powerful than his body?” Yun Bufan naturally heard the black bear king’s amnesty, suddenly felt an incredible, this avatar strength, too horrible It’s a lot more horrible than the Black Bear King!

“Criminal day, dance dry!” Suddenly, a huge roar sounded, a golden light 璀璨, among the golden light, a huge silhouette slowly waving the golden giant axe in the hand, this giant axe, natural It is Jinlingzhu, and this silhouette is the punishment day!

“hu!” “hu!” at least waved hundreds of axe with golden rays of light. The hundreds of axe shadows merged directly into a golden golden giant axe in the air, a huge golden giant axe. All of a sudden, I fell to the black bear king’s body!

“Bang!” The black bear king’s avatar slammed directly, with a strong black mask, and a burst of sound, the silhouette of the punishment sky slowly dimmed, and then turned into the appearance of Jin Lingzhu, rays of light faint flight Yun Bufan!

“Chī! ” Yun Bufan eyes shined ,brows frowned , he found out that although the axe was shocked back, the black bear king’s body was also smashed with an arm, but what made him strange was that the arm was After the smashing, the Black Bear King did not react. According to the truth, he was injured and he should have a little reaction!

“Kid, don’t you want to stop?” After the avatar returned to the black bear within the body, the black bear king held a black iron rod, and a swept swept, the earth god shield finally could not resist, and the sorrowful flew toward Yun Bufan. come back!

Aoki God Needle, Yun Bufan not at all, he would like to know, what the black bear king played in the end, the Immortal Artifact, Divine Artifact are included with the body, Yun Bufan gloomy face looked at the Black Bear King: “Black Bear King, what do you want to do?”

The black bear slowly walked over to Yun Bufan with a gentle smile on his face: “Kid, don’t you want to see my baby? I can promise to take you there, but you must swear and help me a favor. I can guarantee that the treasure is definitely the treasure of the whole fairy and the demon, and I dare not let you know!”

Yun Bufan suddenly became stunned, his eyes flickered, and he bowed his head and meditated. He knew that this black bear king was definitely not well-intentioned. He did not think of any idea. He couldn’t think of it. It’s better to see what he played: “Well, the black bear king What do you want me to do for you?”

“Help me block some of the poisonous beasts that come to compete for this treasure. This is not a big problem for you!”

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