The fifth hundred 49 chapter fairy baby god robbery

“weng! “pink beads rays of light flashing, suspended above Yao Yao’s head, Yao Yao’s red light slamming, facing the top of the god tribulation thunder ball, the face has no fear of expression, looked at the eyes and closed eyes Drunk and ruthless, Yao Yao took a deep breath and stared at the god tribulation thunder ball!

Just under the watchful eyes of everyone, the god tribulation thunder ball suddenly rayed up, “weng!” a beam of light, also the white rays of light with the beam of light of the needle rays of light, all of a sudden toward Yao Yao comes straight!

Yao Yao’s eyes flashed, and then the pink rays of light on his body, “xiu!” The beam with the pink rays of light in the white rays of light hit the Yao Yao’s eyebrows, Yao Yao. Suddenly the rays of light flashed!

“weng!” Suddenly, a pink fairy baby was pulled out from Yao Yao within the body, and pulling her fairy baby is the light beam with the pink rays of light in the white rays of light!

The demon boy was pulled out, and Yao Yao’s face was very calm, but he whispered softly: “The three babies of Tianhu, one appearance!”

“weng!” “weng!” Two pink rays of light flashed, and even two demon infants flew out from him with the body, Yun Bufan and the others suddenly stared wide-eyed, but in the eyes of Mo Qilin The flash of light flashes, whispered muttered: “A good Nine-Tailed Fox, the rumor is true, Nine-Tailed Fox has three demon infants, which is equivalent to three lives!”

“Three infants, give me fit!” Yao Yao loudly shouts, the body of the pink rays of light slammed, the two pink babies flew out and slammed into the middle of the pinned demon baby flew past !

“Chī!” “Chī!” The two demon babies were immediately integrated into the pink fairy that was pulled. Suddenly, the pink rays of light flashed, and “hong long long!” continued to ring. The light column suddenly fell down on the demon baby fiercely!

Yao Yao’s face is unchanged, whispered: “The demon baby fits, the fox phantom!”

“weng!” “weng!” “pink rays of light” slammed up, and behind the pink demon boy, there was a beautiful and magical pink fox. The fox had nine long tails behind it, Yun Bufan and the Someone suddenly startedled!

“This is the body of Nine-Tailed Fox, although it is only a phantom, but it is very real!” Mo Qilin explained it in a low voice, Yun Bufan shook the head: “I am afraid that this wave of robbing, it is really hard Pour Yao Yao sister-in-law!”

“It depends on the attack behind it is not strong, if it is not strong, naturally it is difficult to fall Yao Yao, but if the attack behind is equally strong, then it is not necessarily!” Mo Qilin on the side slowly opened, his eyes always look God tribulation thunder ball!

“bang!” The fox phantom suddenly collided with the light column, and the sound of roaring explosions continued to rise. The pink rays of light and white rays of light spread to the sides of the sky, illuminating the entire sky. !

Yun Bufan and the others all looked shocked at the past, “pu!” Yao Yao was a big mouth of pink blood mist sprayed out, and she was quickly blasted out, pale, but her eyes were always staring The light beam in the air!

Looking back at the drunk and ruthless look, Yao Yao bit his teeth, whispered: “Tianhu secret method, three infants combined, three foxes!”

“weng!” “weng!” “weng!” in the mid-air of the pink demon baby ray of light, and instantly became three pink demon, three pink demon baby suddenly appeared behind Tianhu phantom, three claws of the shadow suddenly caught the huge beam of light!

The secret method, this is the secret of Nine-Tailed Fox. Unlike the innate talent Divine Ability, the mysterious power is no weaker than the innate talent Divine Ability. The only difference is that the innate talent Divine Ability must be turned into the ontology. After the exhibition, there is only a period of weakness!

This so-called secret law is completely killing one thousand, and the method of attacking 800 damages can be said to be used when it is really desperate. It can be seen that this god has brought much pressure on Yao Yao. , even forced to let her use the secret law!

Yun Bufan stared wide-eyed, looking at the blow in disbelief, the horror of this blow, in his eyes, has not been weaker than the Fifth Wave attack of the gods, but this blow is from Yao Yao showed her hand, which made her once again improve her Yao Yao’s strength evaluation!

“The secret of the Nine-Tailed Fox family, it seems that this girl is also desperate, but this god robbery, should not be her opponent!” Mo Qilin whispered the head, slowly said!

“This secret method, I haven’t heard it yet, but she used it at this time, but the effect is completely no more than the Deity law, really good!” Mo Qilin, He Lin is also a low voice, shook the head!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” “Chī! ” Three pink claws, from the phantoms behind the three demon infants fiercely grabbed down the huge beam of light, a huge beam of light suddenly sounded a strange sound, an angry roar The sound rang from the light column, making everyone a slightly paused!

Yao Yao is no matter that many, the body of the pink rays of light flashes, the three claws blasted open, “bang!” “bang!” bursts of explosions continued to sound, the huge gods of the light column was suddenly bombed Smash!

Fifth Wave God robbery, Yao Yao finally crossed tribulation success, but when everyone was slightly happy, Mo Qilin was a shook the head: “I am afraid it is not that simple, don’t forget, double god robbery, that No matter what is double!”

Yun Bufan stunned, as if confirming Mo Qilin’s words, “hong long long!” God’s tribulation thunder ball trembled again, and a horrible power emerged from it, the breath and the previous attack, but The same, it is a wave of immortal attack!

At this moment, Yao Yao’s face suddenly changed, and she resisted the attack of a wave of fairy babies. It can be said that she has done her best, but if she wants to fight again with this god robber, it is real. It must be dead!

This beam of light, the speed of condensation is also fast, Yao Yao took a deep breath, his eyes filled with a firm expression, and at this time, the drunk behind her was so awake, and when she woke up, he took Yao Yao Behind me, stare at this god tribulation thunder ball!

Yao Yao suddenly stunned, his eyes full of anxious expression: “ruthless, give it to me, there is a Soul Attack god robbery!”

“Yao Yao, listen to me, the following god robbery, if I think it is correct, it should be two waves of attacks, so the first wave of soul robbery below, still have to let you resist!” Speaking loudly, Yao Yao is a slight glimpse!

“I thought about it, your innate talent is different, Nine-Tailed Fox is the most powerful attack method with charm, so the power of the soul is definitely stronger than the ordinary Divine Beast, resisting this first wave of Soul Attack, There should be no big problem!” drunk and ruthless in front of her, Shen Sheng said!

Yao Yao’s face gloomy and uncertain, then a bite, heavily nodded: “Good, ruthless, that wave of attack will be handed over to you, wait for the next wave of Soul Attack to give it to me, you must be careful!” ”

“en!” drunk and ruthlessly nodded, then seems to think of something like, not because sole solemnly: “Right, you wait for the Soul Attack, then immediately resume your knees, the second wave is also handed to me, you should Know that the last wave of this god robbery is the most horrible, wind and thunder, so you must have the best state!”

“What?” Yao Yao startled, his eyes filled with emotion, no wonder, no wonder the drunk and ruthless to help her block this second wave of Xian Ying attack God, it is no wonder that drunk and ruthless to let her resist the dangerous Soul Attack, the original, Everything is for the last wave of attacks, wind and thunder!

Yao Yao looked deeply drunk and looked at it, then sat down on the knees, and the pink rays of light flashed on the outside. On the periphery, Little Wei also leaned on the chest of Yun Bufan, whispering muttered: “out of the ordinary, you said Ruthless big brother Can he spend it safely?”

“Yes!” Yun Bufan smiled nodded, and then the nine colors of the ray of light flashed up, indifferently said: “This second wave of the immortal attack, I am afraid there is no first wave of horror, ruthless big brother to block It should not be difficult under it!”

“You are right, this second wave of immortal attack, formidable power is indeed weaker than the first wave, but it is also very terrible!” Mo Qilin snorted, and then looked towards towards drunkenness. Shook the head: “With his strength, there should be no problem in this time.”

“hong long long !” “Chī!” The light beam was also rushed to the drunken ruthlessness, and it was suddenly shot into the drunken eyebrows. The drunk and ruthless face remained the same, but the white rays of light on the body were even more embarrassing. And up!

“weng!” The drunken white fairy was pulled out by the light beam at once. It was exactly the same as before. Xianying was pulled out with the body. The pain can be imagined, drunk and ruthless, face Suddenly a painful expression emerged!

“Relentless kendo ruthless sword!” drunk and shouted in a low voice, that is caught by the god tribulation thunder ball beam of the fairy light white light slamming, the body is even more sword qi, horrible!

“weng!” white light flashed, the white long sword in the hands of drunken ruthlessness, appeared directly on the head of Xianying, watching the body constantly pulling his own beam, Xianying sneered, in the hands of Divine Sword rays of light Flash, one after another, the sword is gone!

“hong long long!” bursts of horrible explosions, the light beam that drenched the ruthless fairy baby broke down directly, but the beam was not at all disappeared, but once again drunk The sensation of the immortal infant came as if it was not to catch the ruthless fairy baby, it would not be reconciled!

“en?” Seeing this scene, drunk and ruthless is also amazed. Although the god robbery is horrible, but has not yet metamorphosis to the point of self-awareness?

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