The strength of the fifth hundred 42 chapter suddenly skyrocketing

The speed of bamboo leaf green is not unpleasant. Just when the crab yeah just wants to explode quickly, it has already stopped behind the bamboo leaf green, and the tail is pumped directly. The dark green cane is also fiercely toward the crab. After squatting down, it seems that this bamboo leaf green is really full of resentment against the crab Yedo!

Crab Jeddo did not expect that at this critical moment, it would be Zhu Yeqing to stop it. Just in the case of the crab Yedo and the bamboo leaf green hard, when preparing to strike the other party completely, the voice of the demon Lord is in him. The mind is full of sound: “Sudden Yedo, this Majesty’s strength, can not help you to remove the venom of bamboo leaf green for the second time, you can do it yourself!”

The words of the demon Lord suddenly made the dog Yedu hesitate, and he was even more determined to leave. His original reliance was not afraid of the poison of Zhu Yeqing. Now the devil’s lord can’t help him to remove the poison of Zhu Yeqing, then he The only snuggle is gone, don’t run away!

“bang!” “bang!” Two and two collided, the crab Yedo did not touch the bamboo leaf green at all. While being shocked, he suddenly had a thick black mist on his body. At first glance, he knew that this guy was going to prepare. ran away!

“Sudden Jedah, what are you doing so urgently?” A faint smirk sounded, a burst of colorful rays of light flashed, and an enchantment suddenly shrouded the crab, and the yoghurt complexion greatly changed: This enchantment is Yun Bufan, he really came!”

Crab Yedo turned suddenly, and in a white gown, Yun Bufan, who was fluttering with white hair, slowly landed and looked at the complexion greatly changed. Yu Bufan faintly smiled: “Mad Yado, old friends meet, you Don’t say hello?”

“hu!” “hu!” drunk and ruthless and bamboo leaf blue also flew to the side of the crab Yedo, surrounded by crabs in the triangle, Zhu Yeqing did not know who Yun Bufan and drunk ruthless, but it only needs Know that the two of them are to deal with the crab Yedo!

Crab Yedo kills himself, completely because of his own poison, and Yun Bufan and drunk, he believes that they absolutely have no reason to kill themselves, so Zhu Yeqing stayed safely and joined forces to kill the crab Yedo, which is also considered Revenge for himself!

“Yun Bufan, it really is you, I didn’t expect it, in order to deal with my crab Yedo, you went straight from Immortal World to the demon world, and even broke into this horrible poisonous swamp. It seems that you are not killing me. You are really Don’t give up!” Crab Yedo stared straight at Yun Bufan, his eyes filled with grievances!

He didn’t believe that Yun Bufan happened to come to the poisonous swamp, but also happened to see it fighting with Zhu Yeqing. Everything, Crazy Yedo can only understand that Yun Bufan has been tracking himself, even exploring himself. This has followed the poisonous swamp from the demon world, in order to completely kill yourself!

“hahaha, crab yado, people, should have self-knowledge, just rely on you a stinky crab, qualified to let me Yun Bufan do so hard?” Yun Bufan looked at the crab Yedo did not help the heartily: “But can It’s your misfortune to meet you here. For the enemy, Yun Bufan has always been killing!”

Crab Jeddo has a slight glimpse. Looking at this, Yun Bufan is really not like deliberately tracking his own. Is it a coincidence? Crab Yedo has a cold eyes. In any case, Yun Bufan is absolutely necessary to deal with himself. Now I want to escape, I am afraid it will be a little difficult!

Crazy Yeduo’s cold eyes slowly glimpsed from the ruthlessness, Yun Bufan and Zhu Yeqing, and there was a burst of black rays of light on his body. The sound was cold and cold: “If you want to kill me, you have to pay a price. !”

“Weng!” huge black crab claws, exudes strong black rays of light, suddenly smashed down to Yun Bufan, drunk and ruthlessly shouted: “out of the ordinary brother, be careful!”

“Weng!” Divine Artifact long sword white light in the hands of the drunken ruthlessness, the same sword smashed toward the crab Yedo, and the bamboo green’s dark green crutches also slammed into it. Bamboo leaves are very smart, and it doesn’t want the crabs to jump over the wall. When it is time to die, pull it to do the backing, so it is a direct attack, not close!

This crutches of Zhu Yeqing can also be regarded as the Imperial Immortal Artifact. The attacking power is naturally not weak. In the face of the crab Yedo, Yun Bufan’s face always has a calm smile, and his body is full of halo. But it is to make the crab Yedo wonder!

“weng!” Just when the crab claws were less than ten meters from the head of Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan moved, and the nine rays of light flashed up, and slammed into the black crab claws of the crab Yedo. More than just a crab, it’s even drunk and ruthless!

Crab Jeddah’s crab claws, how can be regarded as a royal Immortal Artifact, and Yun Bufan even with his fist to the opponent’s emperor Immortal Artifact, which undoubtedly in the eyes of everyone, is a courting death behavior!

Crab Yedo’s face suddenly showed a sly smile, in the trust of Yun Bufan, drunk and ruthless not at all impulse rescue, but still the original attack, a sword slammed to the back of the crab Yedo, Crab Yedo The armor is the weakest defense on the back!

Bamboo leaves can be used for killing or killing Yeung Bufan. As long as it can kill the crab, it can be reported, and like the drunk, his dark green cane is also on the back of the crab Yedo!

“This kid is really courting death!” Crab Ye saw Yun Bufan greeted with his fist. His eyes were full of surprises, and he felt the momentum behind him. He couldn’t help but bite his teeth: “Heavily created this kid, then his enchantment should be It will also be broken. Even if it is not broken, I can also smash it directly. I can resist them and I can escape!”

In the view of Crab Yedo, Yun Bufan and his own collision, Yun Bufan is not dead or seriously injured, and the enchantment set by Yun Bufan will surely break down, even if it will not break, he is hard-resistant and ruthless. One hit, at most, is a serious injury. At that time, you can break the enchantment yourself and quickly escape!

He naturally regarded Yun Bufan, whose strength seems to be the weakest, as a breakthrough mouth. Yun Bufan would not know the thoughts in his heart. He could not help but coldly smiled and shouted: “Desperate the world!”

“weng!” “weng!” The colorful ray of light flashed, and a horrible hegemonic momentum suddenly broke out from Yun Bufan. The first and foremost crab, Judo, suddenly changed his face, and Yun Bufan looked cold. Directly rushed to the crab Yedo!

“hong long long!” The voice of splitting voiid came over, and the crab yelled a bite, and the huge crab claws also smashed down. At this moment, there is no extra choice for Crab Yedo!

“clang!” “bang!” Nine colors of rays of light and black ray of light collide at the same time, but a clear sound is heard. Crab Jeddah complexion greatly changed: “How is it possible? His fist? His body, is it?” Is he specializing in physical strength? I am the imperial Immortal Artifact!”

Seeing that Yun Bufan resisted his crab claws with his fist, Crab Yedo was afraid when he couldn’t believe it, because he found that Yun Bufan was not injured at all, until the bombing of this collision sounded. At the time, the crab Ye Duo responded!

However, everything was already late, Yun Bufan and Crab Yedo flew out at the same time. Yun Bufan had a white face and coughed twice, but not at all, but the crab Yedo was miserable. Behind it, but there is a strong blow to the drunk and ruthless and Zhu Yeqing!

Crab Yedo is deeply complained in one’s heart. In this case, it can only clench its teeth, and the black light flashes on it. The black armor forms a black mask for a moment and protects him!

“peng!” “bang!” Bamboo Green’s green cane, drunken white long sword, both fiercely attacked on the back of the crab Yedo, “pu!” Crab Yedo spurted a black blood mist. The huge body suddenly fell to the side of fiercely!

The eyes of Crab Yedo are always staring at Yun Bufan. In its opinion, he falls to this point, and the result is Yun Bufan!

Crab Yedo was angry in the heart, and at this moment he was seriously injured. He already has the meaning of desperation. Even if he is dead, he must pull Yun Bufan back!

At this time, a huge soul power poured into his mind, accompanied by an angry and helpless voice, the momentum of the crab Yedo suddenly surged: “You waste, can not beat People, don’t you know how to run? You can’t even run without running!”

It is the Lord of the Devil, seeing that the yeah is dying under the other hand, the Lord of the Devil is finally unable to bear it. The yak of the yak, but he is hard to find, directly affects his grand plan, can not die here!

At this time, Crab Jeddo also refused to anger the devil’s lord, feeling the strength and soul of the body’s skyrocketing, and the crab ye was respectful: “Adult, you also saw it, but the other party has three people, and that Yun Bufan, it seems very weird, I can resist my imperial Immortal Artifact with bare hands, I have tried my best!”

“hmph!” The devil’s Lord is coldly snorted, knowing that he is telling the truth, and not saying anything, but said solemnmn: “Yun Bufan cultivated, is the colorful Divine Dragon 诀, has cultivated the flesh to the emperor Immortal Artifact’s point, his entire body can be said to be a royal Immortal Artifact, it is not surprising to block your blow!”

Crab Yedo suddenly became shocked, the devil’s Lord said solemnly: “You remember me, I teach you a trick, but you must find a way to break this enchantment, and then give me away, this enchantment is called seal Heavens Great enchantment, as long as your attack reaches the limit of the person who sets the enchantment, you can break the enchantment and then use the shackles to escape, understand?”

“Yes, adults, small understand!” Feeling the intensity of strength with the body, the crab Yedo can not help but secretly, this demon Lord is still a bit used, at least to help themselves improve their strength, their current strength, fear is Directly to the ten-level Peak Xiandi, right?

Crazy Yeduo’s cold eyes could not be seen by Yun Bufan and the others, killing intent flashing!

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