The 539th chapter of the poisonous swamp

“Young Master, what are we going to look for?” He Lin saw Yun Bufan with them wandering around Immortal World, asking for doubts!

“Looking for a safe place, the ruthless big brother is going to rob God, the double god robbing, so I want to help him find a secluded place, can’t bother!” Yun Bufan looked at all around, slowly said!

“Oh? Looking for a quiet place?” He Lin and Aoguang bowed their heads and meditated. Looking at Yun Bufan with suspicion: “Young Master, why don’t we ask for Psychic Daxian to help? With the news of the spiritual treasure, Should I find a secluded and safe place?”

He Lin also looked at Yun Bufan with doubt, Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “I believe them, don’t believe in the spiritual treasure cabinet. Once they know, they are afraid that the entire spiritual treasure cabinet knows, know this thing, The less people know the better!”

“en!” He Lin and Ao Guang also agreed to nodded. After looking for an extra time, He Lin suggested: “Young Master, otherwise we will challenge the West to find out, there are more big forests in the west, in this case, Also find a secluded and safe place!”

“Forest!” Yun Bufan eyes shined: “Right, the demon world is not a poisonous swamp. The swamp is said to be full of poisonousness. Generally, the Emperor is rarely entered. There are also many beasts!”

“The demon world’s poisonous swamp? Young Master, that is the demon world, is the Young Master going to the demon world?” He Lin and Ao Guang are shocked, then eyes shined, arrogant whispered: “Good, good idea Ah, presumably no one would have thought that we would go to the demon world to rob God, and the demon world is a good place!”

“Go, go back, find the ruthless big brother, we immediately go to the demon world, first go to the poisonous swamp, find a good place to cross tribulation, three months, not long!” Yun Bufan whispered, then took He Lin and Ao Guang are flying back again!

The demon world, the poisonous swamp, is the same. The fairy emperor does not dare to enter it. Here, it is the world of poisonous beasts. The beasts here are almost all poisonous. The swamp adult is covered by a mist, letting people see the same. Unclear how it is inside!

In this poisonous swamp, a silhouette of a faintly discernible sits on a giant tree. This giant tree is black and exudes a thick black mist. This giant tree is very poisonous at first glance!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Under the giant tree, a black mist rushed into the within the body of the silhouette. The silhouette suddenly black light flashed. After a while, the huge black tree suddenly changed. Withered, “Chī!” This huge black tree suddenly turned into a black powder!

“hu!” “hu!” A variety of poisonous mists of various colors, the fog of different colors constantly poured into this silhouette within the body, this silhouette suddenly emits colored rays of light, looks very strange!

The beast that can be cultivated in the poisonous swamp must be a poisonous beast, and it is so blatant that it is not afraid of the siege and killing of other poisonous beasts. Therefore, it can be seen that the strength of this poisonous beast should be very terrifying, even It is powerful!

“Chī!” In the swamp, an azure’s head suddenly came out of the swamp, and the green eyes looked at the air in the air. The silhouette was still suspended in the air, and it was full of colorful colors. Mist!

“The horrible poisonous fog, if I can swallow it, my strength will surely skyrocket!” In the swamp, the azure head that suddenly popped out, looked straight at the silhouette in midair, secretly thinking!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” The colorful fog continued to spread around the silhouette. The azure head in the swamp slowly drilled out. It turned out to be an azure crocodile. The crocodile was braving the fog of azure, fog. There are fierce toxins in it!

Looking straight at the silhouette in midair, the azure crocodile sticks out the blushing tongue, the eyes are filled with cold and hot, and the silhouette in midair suddenly trembles, and the fog disappears!

“This is the time!” Azure crocodile saw this scene, knowing that the other’s cultivation has reached the last moment, is slowly absorbing the poison of the body, can not help but move, azure fog surrounded it, directly toward the silhouette of the rush The past!

“Chī!” Azure’s mist, directly surrounded it, opened a huge mouth, swallowed directly toward the silhouette, a burst of space, and the silhouette in the middle of the air seemed to have no feeling!

Azure crocodile eyes can not help but reveal the expression of surprise, as long as the engulfing of the other side, then his strength can definitely skyrocket to an unprecedented level of horror, just when it is about to swallow the other side, the other side suddenly burst out of the black light, A burst of black mist continued to emerge from his within the body!

Azure crocodile eyes flashed a hint of vigilance, “Chī!” “Chī!” Touching the black poisonous mist, the azure crocodile’s protective mask was directly corroded and directly corroded the body of the azure crocodile!

“roar!” “Ah!” The screaming roar and screaming sounded, the silhouette slowly turned, opened his mouth, and a black whirlwind suddenly appeared, so he swallowed the azure crocodile directly. Go in, black light slamming again!

The fog dissipated, revealing a sly face. This sly face is a crab yeah, one of the four kings of the demon world. At this time, the crab yeto is too different from the previous one. The dark fog is filled with strangeness!

“Dare to disturb my cultivation, it is courting death, a little crocodile!” The sound of the low and hoarse voice of the crab yeah slowly sounded like a change of person, extending the right hand and turning into a huge crab. The pliers, above the crab claws, turned out to be completely black by azure!

“Yun Bufan, I must kill you!” Crab Yedo made a cold smile, making people feel creepy!

“Sudden Yedo, do you think your strength is enough now?” A low voice sounded hoarse, but it made people feel uncomfortable!

“No, it’s not enough!” Crazy Yake shook the head, his eyes filled with anger: “Not only Yun Bufan, Peng Wang, Yu Wang, Xiong Wang, and Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, I must step on them all. At the foot, I step on my feet!”

“Yes, this is right. Your strength is now just an ant. Crab Yedo, as I said, you can definitely step them all under your feet!” The hoarse and low voice was full of temptation. The eyes of Crab Yedo suddenly became very red!

“Adult, what should I do next? What can I do to improve my strength?” Crab Yedo suddenly asked with respect and enthusiasm. His eyes were full of heat. Since he met the grown-up, his strength was inhuman. The speed is increasing, and now he even dares to face the bear king and the king!

“Into the depths of the poisonous swamp, rest assured, I will protect you on you, will not let you die here, I will give you the cultivation technique, you must swallow the poisonous gas to play the stronger strength, the most poisonous The poisonous mist is generally in the depths of this poisonous swamp!”

The low, hoarse voice rang again, and the crab yed with the slightest hesitation nodded: “Well, I will enter the depths of the poisonous swamp!”

In the mind of the crab, a black ball slowly rotates, a sly face faintly discernible: “Chen the world, you destroyed my soul, but did not expect that it is only part of my soul, since you After destroying my soul, I will destroy your discipline so that you can never unblock it!”

The Lord of the Devil, who is actually the Lord of the Devil, Satan, who does not know, when the soul of the Lord of the Devil, Satan, came to the body of the crab, after all, he and the soul of the burning world are perish together, how the burning of the world disappeared, And his but the power of the soul exists!

“Deep in the poisonous swamp?” Crab Yedo looked at the West. The poisonous fog there, the star is more intense, but in the trust of the grown-up, he did not hesitate, and went straight inside: “Wait for me. Come out again, Yun Bufan, that is your death!”

Immortal World, the East Star, the star house, Yun Bufan, drunk, ruthless, He Lin and AO Guang are all gathered together, drunk and ruthless, contemplative, slightly addicted: “This is a poisonous swamp in the demon world, it is indeed A good place, out of the ordinary brother, but your Heaven Destroying, you left, what if someone comes to trouble?”

“Don’t mess?” Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “The ruthless big brother, you can rest assured, they are absolutely not afraid to mess at this time, and now they are all staring at Qiu Tianxing, how can I come to me? ”

“Well, since the out of the ordinary brother said that, the location of the crossing tribulation, choose the poisonous swamp!” drunk and ruthlessly nodded: “The poisonous swamp, it is indeed a good place, and out of the The ability of the ordinary brother is just right to go, it is also the best choice!”

“Well, since the ruthless big brother also agrees, then we should start soon, and the poisonous swamp is also relatively large. We also need to find a safe place and it will take a lot of time!” Yun Bufan was ruthlessly promised. Do not open immediately!

“Get off immediately?” drunk and ruthless, then a face moved, nodded: “Okay, let’s go now, but Yao Yao, not the last moment, out of the ordinary brother, don’t let her out, let She is better in the Immortal Mansion!”

“I know this!” Yun Bufan nodded, and then looked at the drunk and ruthless and the others said with a smile: “The ruthless big brother, He Lin, AO Guang, you will enter my Immortal Mansion together, that Space-Time The space storm of the tunnel, I can spend it, you are still a little trouble!”

“I don’t have to, your time flow of Immortal Mansion is too fast, space storm, I am sure!” drunk ruthless smile shook the head!

“Yeah!” Yun Bufan’s blue light flashed, blue Immortal Mansion emerged out of thin air, directly to He Lin and Ao Guangg into Immortal Mansion, and then drunk with ruthless rushing toward the east and the wilderness!

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