Chapter 536 The Mystery of Little Five Elements

“weng!” Yun Bufan suddenly broke out with a horrible momentum, golden light 璀璨, bathed in golden light, Yun Bufan slowly closed his eyes, revealing the expression of enjoyment, a look of intoxication!

“This is, breakthrough? Out of the ordinary strength, and breakthrough?” Seeing this scene, Little Wei was very happy, Jin Lingzhu’s breakthrough, incorporating Yun Bufan’s with the body also made his strength even breakthrough. !

“creak!” The door opened, and He Lin and Ao Guang were all happy. When they were ready to talk, they suddenly stopped. They both walked to Little Wei at the same time. He Lin Chi asked: “Mistress, Young. Master, is this? Is Divine Artifact advanced not successful?”

“It was a success, so his strength was broken through!” Little Wei slowly exhaled, looking at Yun Bufan with joy, He Lin and Ao Guang were shocked, and then the characteristics of Yun Bufan’s cultivation technique were heard. They can’t help suck in a breath of cold air : “so to speak , Young Master’s strength, and promoted level?”

“Yes!” Xiao Wei nodded, smiled and said: “In addition to the Aoki Shin and the fireball, other Immortal Artifact is not the Imperial Immortal Artifact or the Divine Artifact. His current strength is also the level of the seven-level Emperor. The strength that can really break out should be comparable to Level 9!”

“This is all right. In this case, after twenty years, the battle between Young Master and the cold light may not be lost, especially the Baoxing auction. If you can get two Wood Attribute and Fire Attribute treasure, help Young Master. The Aoki God Needle and the Refuge Beads will be promoted again, and the battle after 20 years will win!”

In the eyes of Aoguang, there is also a flash of light. Little Wei and He Lin are also nodded: “Even when the cold light is not his opponent by the St. Angel suit, 20 years is very important for out of the ordinary. But for the cold light, there is no use at all for twenty years!”

“bang!” The powerful momentum suddenly broke out from Yun Bufan, and Yun Bufan suddenly opened his eyes, “weng!” “weng!” “weng!” golden rays of light, green rays of light, blue rays of light, Fire red rays of light ,earthen-colored rays of light ,cyan ray mans, silver white rays of light ,purple rays of light and golden rays of light are all flashing one by one!

“bang!” Seven-level Emperor, Yun Bufan broke out with the momentum of the seven-level Emperor, making Little Wei and the others a shock, then looked at Yun Bufan with a look of surprise, Yun Bufan slowly 睁Open your eyes, the consumption just recovered!

To Little Wei, He Lin and Aoguang lightly smiled, Yun Bufan exhaled: “I finally broke through. I didn’t expect that my strength would break through so fast!”

“Young Master, if you haven’t cultivated so many cultivation techniques, I am afraid that God World has already soared at this moment. Your cultivation technique, the speed of cultivation, and the difficulty of improvement are several times more difficult than ordinary people!” Yun Bufan shook his head and laughed!

“But, my strength today, I am absolutely convinced that I will not lose, but to defeat him, it is estimated that it is also difficult. If you can reach the eighth-class Emperor, then you should be able to stabilize the system, after all, He also has three Divine Artifacts, but the Three Emperors, now for me, don’t need to be afraid!”

Yun Bufan gripped his hands and felt the power of horror with the body. He couldn’t help but whisper, and a domineering Yun Bufan, who reached the seventh level of the Emperor, was completely afraid of the Three Emperors, even though the Three Emperors now want To kill him, one-on-one, Yun Bufan is not afraid, even if it is not, it will never die!

“Young Master, you are now so strong, we are not as good as the Baoxing auction has not started, directly attacking the cold light star, destroying the cold light?” He Lin looked at Yun Bufan, his eyes shot the surprise of the rays of light, his eyes were hot !

“Young Master, I see what He Linxiong said is right. With our current power, we can completely deal with the cold light!” Aoguang also helped the side, and his strength soared, but he also wanted a real war!

“Now is not the time!” Yun Bufan shook the head, then looked at He Lin and Aoguang shook his head and laughed: “I have to retreat, twenty years, said that the length is not long, that short is not short, I found that cultivation is so A variety of cultivation techniques, but my attack is too complicated, I can’t play all the strength, so I have to retreat and study the attack method!”

He Lin and Ao Guang are both disappointed. Little Wei is nodded on the side: “Yes, out of the ordinary, you must have a set of attack methods. Otherwise, your attack is completely wasteful. The way you created your own king, and the duel with the cold light, you can improve some strength, it is harmless!”

“He Lin, arrogant!” Yun Bufan turned to Little Wei nodded, and then suddenly shouted to He Lin and arrogant: “You two told me to let Wang Heng and Dong Haitao keep their fields, not to control Qiu Tianxing. Things, you two to help them, we must not let the forces under our jurisdiction appear any flaws, wait for me to go out and say!”

“Yes!” He Lin and Ao Guang retired with respect, Little Wei looked at Yun Bufan and smiled softly: “out of the ordinary, I still give you protection!”

“No!” Yun Bufan smiled and shook the head: “I just want to attack the method, not the breakthrough strength, so it won’t be dangerous. It’s not as good as you entered the Immortal Mansion. I found that you and Zulong Senior. Much like, your growth requires a lot of time to pile up!”

Little Wei glimpsed, then meditated for a moment, heavily nodded: “Well, then you should be careful, if you go out, you must release me!”

Yun Bufan smiled nodded, his body flashed blue, directly put Little Wei into the Immortal Mansion, Yun Bufan sat down kneeling, brows frowned, meditated!

“Five Elements, True Martial War Scripture, Colorful Divine Dragon, World Extinguishing Sword Art, I have cultivated so many laws, why in addition to World Extinguishing Sword Art and True Martial War Scripture, Five Elements Why didn’t the law and the colorful Divine Dragon smash the moves? Didn’t the two cultivation techniques really attack the moves?”

Yun Bufan can’t help thinking about it, World Extinguishing Sword Art is okay, there are three tricks to attack the sword, and the formidable power is not weak. The attacks in True Martial War Scripture are very numerous and even subtle, and the Five Elements method is And the colorful Divine Dragon 诀 did not even have an attacking move, which made Yun Bufan feel very weird!

Five Elements The big source method can only control the power of Five Element, and the colorful Divine Dragon 好像 seems to be the physical body, and the attack moves, it seems to be a tyrannical scorpion, but the ancestors smashed and got their own Among the colorful Divine Dragon, it is not at all!

“My own research on the great elements of the Five Elements is simply not compatible with the Five Elements method, and the full-fledged power is fully utilized. True Martial War Scripture, I also played with the colorful Divine Dragon to play some forformable power. However, this colorful Divine Dragon decided not to play any forformable power!”

Yun Bufan bowed his head and meditated. Then he flashed the colorful rays of light: “The colorful Divine Dragon, what is the physical strength, and how is there any attack?”

“You think so, but you never thought that you have gone astray. Even if you think of the attack method, you still can’t play all your strength!” A faint sound sounded, colorful rays of light flashing, Little Five Elements Suddenly appeared next to Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan saw the little Five Elements suddenly, and the little Five Elements continued to open the mouth and said: “Five Elements is the power of the Five Elements Essence. If it is not the power of Five Elements Essence, it will not be able to Play the formidable power of the Five Elements method, even if you create a move, there is no forformable power!”

“Colorful Divine Dragon decided, the cultivation is the physical strength, you are not Dragon Race, there is no natural and powerful body, and there is no Dragon Race attack, so the colorful Divine Dragon, you can not create a perfect attack!” Five Elements blinks in the eye, slowly speaking!

Yun Bufan is in deep thought, and Little Five Elements continues: “As for True Martial War Scripture, the attacks in True Martial War Scripture are not only complicated but also subtle, but you are not at all the space seeds of the Warrior. The space seed that blends with the martial arts gods can’t play the matching intent and formidable power of True Martial War Scripture!”

“Trueting intent of True Martial War Scripture can be said to be terrible, but only with the space seed of True Martial War Scripture, you can play the true formidable power of True Martial War Scripture, but the space seed of the warrior is afraid of The warrior gods in your Immortal Mansion have merged with each other?”

Little Five Elements looked straight at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan suddenly looked up, his eyes flashed, and Little Five Elements sang open the mouth and said: “As for World Extinguishing Sword Art, the Heaven Destroying Paragon cultivation technique, this A statute can be said to be the most complete cultivation technique of your cultivation, but unfortunately you have also cultivated other cultivation techniques!”

“World Extinguishing Sword Art, to be fully formidable power, must be purely destructive. You not only cultivated power of Five Element, Force of Wind and Thunder, but also the power of War God, thus affecting World Extinguishing Sword Art. Pure, this will cause your World Extinguishing Sword Art’s attack power to plummet!”

Little Five Elements looked at Yun Bufan, word by word, every sentence was like a heavy hammer, fiercely only strikes his heart, Yun Bufan took a deep breath, watching the little Five Elements quietly opened the mouth And said: “Who are you? Who are you?”

“I?” Little Five Elements shook the head: “Why do you want to know who I am? Yun Bufan, if you continue to practice this way, I am afraid that your attack will never reach the strongest point, but will waste you. Strength!”

“Your understanding of God World is even more detailed than He Lin, and He Lin, who used to be the god of God World, and you know so much about the cultivation technique of my cultivation, and even know the advantages and advantages of these laws. Disadvantages, who are you in the end? Why do you know so much?”

Yun Bufan looked at the little Five Elements with vigilance. When he first saved the Five Elements, he was also on the rise, but the longer he got along, he found that the little Five Elements was more mysterious and could not help but be secretly vigilant!

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