Chapter 533 devours Hanyang Steel

Immortal World East comet, in the main house of the star, Yun Bufan closed his eyes and sat on the futon of the wing. “creak!” The door was suddenly opened, and Xiao Wei, who was smiling, walked in from the door. Yun Bufan eyes opened eyes, said with a slight smile : “Was they both said with Wang Heng and Dong Haitao?”

“en!” Little Wei gently nodded, said with a smile: “All said well, they said that they know what to do, out of the ordinary, I will protect you, you improve your strength as soon as possible, then Hanyang Steel should be able to Jin Lingzhu is promoted to the stage of Divine Artifact!”

“Golden Pearl is the Spirit Treasure, the world is born, the quality is good, this Hanyang steel is the extreme firm and fierce treasure, so the integration of Jin Lingzhu, will definitely allow Jin Lingzhu to upgrade to the Divine Artifact, as for Divine Artifact, it is still a little difficult Let’s go!” Yun Bufan whispered, shook the head!

“Don’t try to know, out of the ordinary, you start, I will help you protect the law!” Little Wei is sitting in danger, the huge fairy sensation comes out, the entire courtyard is shrouded in it, Yun Bufan laughs nodded, and then the goldene Light 璀璨, banged out!

“weng! ” “weng!” golden light 璀璨 broke out, Jin Lingzhu floated from Yun Bufan within the body, Yun Bufan suddenly opened eyes, whispered: “Golden Pearl, Immortal Artifact Soul, Punishment, Come out!”

“weng!” “weng!” Jin Lingzhu golden light 猛, suddenly broke out, golden light flashing, a burly criminal day suddenly appeared, looking at Yun Bufan kneeling down on one knee, respectfully opened the mouth and said: “Master! ”

Yun Bufan nodded, the golden light flashed, Hanyang Steel appeared in front of Yun Bufan, suspended in the air, Yun Bufan said the mouth and said: “Jinyang Steel, if it is integrated into Jinlingzhu, To what extent can Jin Lingzhu be promoted?”

“Shenyang to Tiehanyang Steel, this is the extreme treasure of the extreme firm and fierce. Master, if I let it go, it will reach the point of Divine Artifact!” Looking at Yun Bufan straight, Pan in the eyes Excited rays of light, full of hot!

“Don’t reach the point of Divine Artifact?” Yun Bufan squinted and looked at the sentence in a wrong way. The sentence was quickly explained: “Master, frankly, the original is the spirit of the natural essence, this is the existence of extreme firm and fierce. It is born in heaven and earth, so it has the commonality with Hanyang Steel. If you devour Hanyang Steel, you can completely devour all its energy!”

Yun Bufan suddenly laughed heartily: “hahaha, good, good, punishment day, so that’s not too late, you immediately swallow this Hanyang steel, I will help you!”

“Weng!” War God’s power, Yun Bufan within the body’s War God’s power turned wildly, constantly pouring into the body of the tortured day, the golden light flashed, completely became a golden giant, exuding Horrible momentum!

Looking at the Hanyang Steel suspended in the air, there was a glimmer of joy in the Heavenly Eye. “Hey!” Zhang mouth sucked, and Hanyang Steel poured directly into the mouth of the sentence, and the body of the punishment suddenly broke out. Out of the golden rays of light!

Golden brilliance enveloped the entire wing. If it wasn’t for Yun Bufan’s seal heavens, it would have caused a shock. Even so, the powerful power still made Little Wei feel a bit shocked. Little Wei involuntarily retreated two meters. !

“Really strong, the horrible fighting intent, this torture day, is it War God?” Little Wei looked at the criminal day in golden light, his eyes full of shocked expression, his voice whispered to himself!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Numerous golden fogs have been escaping from the sin of the sky. Yun Bufan suddenly opened eyes, and the criminal day suddenly slammed toward Yun Bufan: “Master, strength, I need strength!”

“weng!” golden light flashed, Yun Bufan saw, Hanyang Steel was in the body at the time of the torture, slowly melting, but with the strength of the punishment, I am afraid that it can not completely digest this Hanyang steel, therefore, the punishment Genius started to ask Yun Bufan for help!

Yun Bufan instantly realized that the punishment of the day was the power of War God, and the golden light on his body could not be swollen again. War God’s power did not require money, but it was poured into the body, and the injection of War God made it The punishment weather has skyrocketed again, and the punishment sky screamed loudly, and a burst of golden glow dissipated!

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” The speed of the melting of Hanyang Steel with his body is not accelerated. Every time it melts, the strength of the penalty will increase by 10% until Hanyang Steel melts to one third. The comet suddenly rises winds, scudding clouds, and the thunder is constantly ringing!

“hong long long !” The first thunder robbery vortex appeared and gathered on the main house of Yun Bufan. Then in less than a moment, the second thunder robber vortex also appeared suddenly, and Yun Bufan and Little Wei looked up at the same time. The roof has already been shattered by the entire powerful might of the World!

“Thunderbolt vortex, this criminal day, has already broken through to the Imperial Immortal Artifact?” Little Wei was shocked to see the punishment, the speed of this breakthrough is too fast, and this is how long it has reached the Imperial Immortal Artifact The point!

“Hanyang Steel still has two-thirds of the rest. I hope that after the completion of the punishment, I can really reach the point of Divine Artifact, but Divine Artifact, it is estimated that it will be very difficult!” Little Wei thought secretly, and the clouds in the sky suddenly There are four!

Sixty-nine thunder robbery, six thunder robbery vortex hovered over the main house of the star, in the star government, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao both smiled at the same time, do not want to know, this must be the great talent of the star owner!

“weng!” Suddenly, a burst of cyan ray flashed, a burly silhouette appeared directly in front of them, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao stunned, came shouted: “Wang Heng, Dong Haitao, what is going on?”

“Ah? The general manager?” Wang Heng and Dong Haitao were shocked, and then they respected the opening, the general manager, the general manager of Yun Bufan, there is only one, proud, Azure Dragon proud!

After arrogance experienced the inhuman painful exercise of the source of weak water, the strength at this time has been said to be difference between heaven and earth. Now, he does not need the order of Yun Bufan to be respected by others. Based on his current strength, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao are respectful to him!

The arrogant calmly nodded, watching Wang Heng and Dong Haitao solemnly asked: “Wang Heng, Dong Haitao, this star government, when is there an outsider? This six-ninth thunder vortex, obviously the emperor Immortal Artifact advanced to the royal The sign of Immortal Artifact, who is in the main house of Immortal Artifact?”

“Ah? The general manager, that is the star master, the star owner has just returned, just now the lady has come, and told us not to go to disturb, saying that the star owner has a major event to do, now it seems that the star owner should be in advanced Immortal Artifact!” Wang Heng always respectfully opened his mouth and replied in a hurry!

A proud light: “Star Master? Didn’t he attack Qiu Tianxing? How come back so soon?”

“This, I don’t know the subordinates, but looking at this, the star owner should solve Qiu Tian. Otherwise, the star owner will not come back so soon. The general manager, He Lin adults will come back soon, it is better to wait. When Mr. He Lin came back, the general manager asked if He Lin was not better?”

Dong Haitao also looked at arrogance respectfully. They also envied their arrogance. They must know the strength of arrogance. They were similar to them, but since the day they and Yu Bufan’s mysterious cultivation in the wing When Aoguang re-entered the customs, Wang Heng and Dong Haitao felt awkward!

You must know that when the arrogant light appears, you can give a hit to the level 3 Emperor who steals into the star government. That is the level 3, so even a single blow can not be blocked, they also witnessed the arrogant The terrorist strength, as for the Level 3 Xiandi, was directly explodes into waste, and they could not find it!

Both Wang Heng and Dong Haitao know that the breach of AO Guang is definitely related to Yun Bufan. Reminiscent of Yun Bufan’s promise to help them also break through to the realm of Xiandi. Their hearts are hot and hot, and some can’t wait. !

“Alright, since the lady has commanded, then you should follow the instructions of the lady, don’t bother the star owner, the star owner, I will guard, wait for the return of He Lin, and let him come!” The arrogant commanded a sigh, and then flew directly and swept away in the direction of Yun Bufan!

“hong long long !” “Chī! ” “Chī! ” Sixty-nine thunders, six thunderbolt vortex filled with Force of Thunder, but those thunderbolt are delayed to fall, Little Wei looked at Yun Bufan and whispered “Out of the ordinary, this diamond axe, is it necessary for him to spend six or nine thunders, or to help him absorb the Hanyang Steel within the body?”

Yun Bufan is also a glimpse, then smiles: “Ask the sentence, let’s see what it is going to do now!”

“Criminal days, you have reached the level of the Imperial Immortal Artifact. Sixty-nine thunders have already arrived. I ask you, do you want to stop the devour of Hanyang Steel first, and then spend six or nine thunders, or first devour Hanyang Steel? “Yun Bufan’s low voice is ringing in the mind!”

At this time, the sturdy body was exposed to the air, and the golden light was smashed. The whole body was like pure gold. The golden light was scattered into the air, and a powerful momentum erupted from him. Jin Lingzhu Suspended above his head, a golden energy was injected into his eyebrows from the Golden Lingzhu!

When I heard Yun Bufan’s question, a golden rays of light flashed away in Heavenly Eye, and the eyes were filled with heat. I respectfully said, “Master, it is not appropriate to stop now. I am going to completely devour this Hanyang steel.” These six or nine thunders will probably turn into a ninety-nine thunder!”

The Heavenly Eye is full of heat, and Yun Bufan is startled, then shocked: “You mean, completely swallowed Hanyang Steel, you can directly reach the point of Divine Artifact? Leading the ninety-nine thunder?”

Yun Bufan Some can’t believe that a Hanyang steel can really make Jinlingzhu reach the point of Divine Artifact?

“Yes!” The answer to the penalty day is that it is aloud!

“Okay, then I will help you swallow this Hanyang steel!” Yun Bufan deep took a deep breath, and then screamed, his golden light broke out!

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