Chapter 251 Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord

“Yun Bufan, do you really want to do it right with us? With your strength, is it really sure to resist our joint efforts?” Ye Hongchen stepped out and looked at Yun Bufan with a gloomy face, his voice was cold!

Yun Bufan looked around and then smiled, looking at Mo Qilin and the others around him, Yun Bufan shook the head: “You, we are not your opponents, but you want to treat, it is impossible!”

Peng Wang and the others face suddenly gloomy, killing intent in the eyes flashed: “One is to hand over the treasure, we are divided, but we two to deal with you, Yun Bufan, don’t forget, you have no choice!”

“I have no choice?” Yun Bufan faintly smiled, then shook the head: “Peng Wang, one thing you said wrong, we are not your opponents, but against us, even if you join hands, it will pay a price. ?”

“I can’t believe that there is a big fight, I don’t believe it. There are several forces that you can live in. Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the four kings of the demon world, I will change the Lord again?” Yun Bufan blinks in his eyes. The cold killing intent is constantly beating!

“Yun Bufan, are you threatening us? Do you really think that the door doesn’t dare to do it?” The dust was suddenly furious and looked at Yun Bufan’s shouted!

“Do you want to do it? You can try it. I can guarantee that as long as you look at it, you will definitely die here today, are you believing or not?” Yun Bufan’s cold eyes slowly glimpsed the past , Killing intent slamming!

After Yun Bufan, Tian Leizhu and Locking Wind Bead advanced, his overall strength has increased by a few points. At this moment, it is a bit difficult for Daozi to kill Yun Bufan.

The road dust complexion changed, looking straight at Yun Bufan, Yun Bufan blinking, cold said with a sneer: “Don’t you, do you want to treat? Come, let me see, my Yun Bufan is Not really that courage!”

A domineering sky, Yun Bufan looked straight at the dust, and did not put him in his eyes. The dust suddenly became angry, and the rays of light flashed. Ye Hongchen on the side whispered opened the mouth and said: “Dust, don’t be impatient!”

“Peng Wang, since we are the two sides to join hands, it is better to take a shot together, how do you look?” Ye Hongchen blinked in the eyes, watching the king of the match with a laugh!

Peng Bufan looked at the direction of Yun Bufan, and then sole solemnly: “If you want me to shoot, you can, I only deal with Yun Bufan, and Divine Beast will give you the deal. You should know that our beasts are on the top. Divine Beast, there is a horrible repression!”

“That Divine Beast?” Ye Hongchen blinked, then nodded, said solemnly: “No problem, then Divine Beast will be handed over to us!”

“Good!” Peng Wang in the eyes of killing intent flash, Yun Bufan to Mo Qilin said solemnly: “Ink girl, ruthless big brother, Yao Yao sister-in-law, sword no life, Jin Lie patriarch, Shui Yuanbo, etc. Guild wars, be sure to make the best effort, even if you die, you have to pull a back cushion, today, we will follow them or the fish dies or the net splits !”

“Good!” Mo Qilin and the others are all shouted, a strong fighting intent broke out from them, everyone’s momentum reached Peak, coldly watching Peng Wang and the others, body rays of Light flashes!

The momentum of the battle, the determination to fight the battle, made the dust and Peng Wang and the others breathe, and took two steps back, looking at Yun Bufan and the others with amazement, Yun Bufan and Peng with a smile : “Peng Wang, do it, since you want to start, what are you waiting for!”

“Weng!” Tu Divine Sword purple rays of light slammed, Yun Bufan knows that now the Taoist and Peng Wang they will not be hands-on, scared by themselves and the others, unless they are fools Otherwise, with their strength, which will not regret their lives!

“hong long long!” Tu Divine Sword with the splitting voiid trend, Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “kill, completely kill, full force shot, is to die, but also to pull a back, kill!”

“hu!” Yun Bufan rushed straight toward the cold light and Tu Xingsun. The nine rays of light flashed, and the dust and Peng Wang and the others were shocked, and then looked at Mo Qilin and the others. I know that Yun Bufan, they are not like jokes, but really want to be perish together with them!

Peng Wang complexion greatly changed, just about to open, a huge great shout suddenly sounded: “Stop!”

“hong long long!” a roar of sound, Yun Bufan first glimpsed, then pulled back and rushed over, a burst of rays of light flashed, a silhouette appeared directly in front of everyone, blue hair, white hair hanging on the face of the old man A faint smile, looking around, slowly opened the mouth and said: “I don’t know if you can see the face of the old man, stay for a while, how?”

“Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord?” Road dust and the others were shocked, but Yun Bufan was a slight glimpse, and then a shocked face: “Spiritual treasure Court first Pavilion Lord Tsing Yi, rumored the existence of Level 9 Xiandi Peak, Only one step away from the Tenth Emperor, how could he appear?”

“Getting out from the news of Secret Realm, the Baoxing Grand Auction of this Pavilion also started ahead of schedule. Twenty years later, among the stars, you are welcome to visit us. It is better to be in this 20 years. Let go, how?” Tsing Yi looked at Yun Bufan and the others, smiled and said!

“Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord, even if we kill Yun Bufan, his things will be obtained by us, we will naturally get your spiritual treasure cabinet auction, should not harm the interests of your spiritual treasure cabinet?” With Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord, frowns, Shen Sheng!

“Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord, your spiritual treasure cabinet only has a branch in Immortal World, it seems that you can’t manage my demon world?” Peng Wang also looked at the Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord coldly, smiling coldly!

“Yun Bufan has seen the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi!” Yun Bufan smiled and gave a tribute to the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi, and then opened the mouth and said: “Taiwan Pavilion Lord, in today’s battle, it’s inevitable, no matter how much we both die and hurt, will What effect does not have on the Pavillion auction of the Pavilion Lord, and please ask the Pavilion Lord for the grievances between us!”

“If I tell you, the ancient gods also have to be opened? Could you not get the ancient divine object in the Secret Realm? You don’t even want to find the treasure in the ancient gods?” Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord smiled at Yun Bufan and Daozi and the others, the eyes are flashing!

“Ancient Divine?” Hearing the news brought by the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi, Yun Bufan, Daozi and Peng Wang and the others were all surprised. Then they looked at the Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord, Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord. Nodded: “You have just come out of the Secret Realm. If you don’t understand the situation of the ancient gods, it is better to ask for it first, and then make a decision. How do you see it?”

Everyone can’t help but look at each other in dismay, Daozi Gloomy face, look at Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord said solemnly: “Thailand Pavilion Lord, what you said is true? Ancient gods, really open soon?”

“Dust, you can go back and ask if you don’t know. Once the ancient gods are opened, you can’t wait for the ones in the Huangshan Mountain. Is it really open? They should be clearer than me!” Pavilion Lord faintly smiled, slowly open!

“Ancient deity!” Tao Chenzi took a deep breath, and his cold eyes looked toward Yun Bufan: “Yun Bufan, this time I will bypass you!”

“Profess me? Road dust, with you, without the help of those Old Antique, but also want to leave us, do you think it is possible?” Yun Bufan coldly smiled, the same killing intent!

The road dust was coldly snorted, and then flew away, swiftly left, and the low voice rang in the sky: “The road to the mountain belongs to, speed back!”

“hu!” “hu!” The subordinates of the dusty family and everyone are flying away quickly. Ye Hongchen and the dreamless heart are also dignified. The two look at each other and arched the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi: “Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord, we also Dear!”

Then Peng Wang, Xiong Wang and Yu Wang also left. It is strange that Crazy Ye is not at all with them, I don’t know if they were killed by them, or lost in the market. Secret Realm in!

“Thangyi Pavilion Lord, we also said goodbye!” Yun Bufan also arched his hand at the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi. His face was full of excitement. He just got the sound transmission of Little Wei’s soul. You know, Little Wei has been retreating since I haven’t contacted him for so long!

And when he was on the Secret Realm 6th floor, he suspected that Little Wei had blocked the dust. Now it seems that it’s true, it’s really Little Wei, who wakes up from the retreat. !

“Yun Bufan, wait a minute!” The Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi suddenly spoke, Yun Bufan looked at him doubtfully, Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord looked at Yun Bufan faintly smiled: “Yun Bufan, I heard that you are the VIP of the ninth treasure hall of my spiritual treasure. ?”

“Yes!” Yun Bufan calmly nodded: “What is the enlightenment of the Pavilion Lord?”

“I don’t dare to teach, just have something to discuss with you!” Azure light on the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi flashed, and a cyan ray hood appeared. This is an acoustical ban. Yun Bufan didn’t hesitate and flew straight in!

There was a hint of surprise on the face of the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi. I couldn’t help but open the mouth and said: “You just come in like this? Don’t you fear that I caught you?”

“Tingle Pavilion Lord, you are the first treasure of the spiritual treasure cabinet, and the only Pavilion Lord of the spiritual treasure cabinet. I am a VIP of the ninth treasure hall. We have an inseparable interest relationship between us. It hurts me and hurts you. Your own interests, this kind of thing, will you do it?”

Yun Bufan faintly looked at the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi, with a confident smile on his face, a look at the Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi, and then couldn’t help but laugh: “hahaha, Yun Bufan, everyone said that you are smart, now look, Sure enough, it’s good to say, good to say!”

“Tinglin Pavilion Lord, what do you call under the command, you can say it directly, we should not need to turn around!” Yun Bufan looked straight at the Tsing Yi Pavilion Lord, screaming!

“Okay, then I will not turn around. I hope that you will be the VIP of my first treasure hall. How do you see it?” The Pavilion Lord in Tsing Yi looked at Yun Bufan and shouted!

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