Chapter 530, Zero Distance Pursuit

“Chī! ” “Chī! ” Countless black sharp knives, spurting directly from Akas’s body, Akas’s eyes flashed with a killing intent, bursts of black rays of light constantly bursting from this Akas Flashing out, a huge black blade slammed from the top of Akas towards Yun Bufan!

Yun Bufan’s eyes are shining, the strength of this Akas is as high as the four-level Emperor, the adult scabbard demon, is it not the immortal? If this is the case, is there not a thousand emperors in the abyss of hell?

Thinking of this, Yun Bufan couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath of air, thousands of fairy emperors, this is a horrible number, Yun Bufan looked straight at Akas, and Divine Sword instantly appeared on his head. Yun Bufan is drunk and ruthless, and the others are low shouted: “You solve the few scabbard devils at this speed, this one, give it to me!”

“hong long long!” Tu Divine Sword purple light slamming, shocking sword, a sword greeted the scabbard demon, “hong long long!” bursts of explosions continue to sound, scabbard demon The black blade glow was suddenly smashed, and Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “No, the scabbard demon is terrible, not because of their strength!”

“Knife, yes, they are soaked with weak water. Their strength is not terrible, but their knife is undoubtedly a horrible existence!” Yun Bufan thought slightly, then the eyes flashed: “But their Knives are no threat to me, so this is why I can restrain them!”

“Impossible, your sword!” Akas looked at the Divine Sword in the hands of Yun Bufan, with a surprised expression in his eyes, Yun Bufan coldly smiled: “It turns out that you are strong not because of your strength, but because of your As long as you don’t fear your body, you can simply disable with withstand a single blow !”

“hong long long!” heavy average sword, Yun Bufan found, the scabbard demon, seems to be very afraid of strength, the stronger the force, the greater their restraint, the huge purple sword shadow fiercely smashed toward Akas, Akas’s eyes are full of dignified expression!

“bang!” Akas’s black sword and the heavy sword fiercely collided together. Akas was instantly smashed out, and his body of black powder continued to fall. Yun Bufan’s eyes flashed: “This is time!”

“hu!” “hong long long!” The wind and thunder wings shook, Yun Bufan turned into a residual image, rushed directly toward Akas, and at the moment when Akas was smashed, he saw Aka The red dot on the chest is the Achilles heel of the scabbard demon!

“Overlord Boxing!” Rays of light flashes, Yun Bufan slams into the chest of the scabbard demon with a punch, killing intent in the scabbard demon eyes: “you are courting death !”

Despite the weakness of his chest, the scabbard demon waved the black knives and smashed directly toward Yun Bufan. Yun Bufan coldly smiled, the golden light flashed, and the dragon god appeared on him, the dragon god, The dragon armor refining armor, once Paragon Divine Artifact, Yun Bufan believes that even if it is broken, it will not be corroded by the knife of the scabbard demon!

“clang!” Akas’s black knives fiercely to the top of Yun Bufan’s dragon god, suddenly sounded a collision, listening to the sound of this crash, Akas’s face suddenly smiled. For a moment, the smile on his face solidified!

“Peng!” The fist, a fist that flashed the colorful rays of light, reached the red dot on his chest. Originally, it thought that Yun Bufan’s dragon god could not resist his corrosion. A knife, you should be able to hurt the other side first, in this case, Yun Bufan this fist can not hit your own body!

However, Akas was miscalculated. What he didn’t expect was that Yun Bufan was wearing the dragon god of the dragon god, and the Paragon Divine Artifact resisted the erosion of weak water.

“bang!” burst into flames, and Akas’s whole body exploded. A bead of black rays of light flew out from his with the body. Yun Bufan glanced at the bead and then appeared on his face. A burst of ecstasy: “This bead, this bead contains such a horrible and pure power?”

Yun Bufan took a slow breath and took this black bead directly into himself with the body, and then was completely divided by the nine forces that he had with the body: “This power is at least equal to the power of Level 2.” The strength of my strength has increased my strength!”

“hu!” The nine rays of light flashed away, and Yun Bufan flew in the direction of drunkenness and the others. As for the four underage scabbard devils, they died in the hands of several of them. Now!

“hong long long!” Suddenly, a burst of black rays of light, just beside the endless slaughter, a black door slowly opened, Yun Bufan was drunk and ruthless, and the others said with a smile: “Go, go in and see This is estimated to be the nest of the abyss demon, which does not know what baby!”

Drunk, ruthless, swordless, He Lin, Jin Lie, Shui Yuanbo, war mad, Chiaki Snow, and the others are behind Yun Bufan. At this moment, Yun Bufan has become the leader of the whole team. For his words, No one will object!

“weng!” black light flashed, Yun Bufan and the others entered the door, a huge cave appeared in front of them, Yun Bufan and the others went deeper, “hu!” A black wind scraping Since then, the face of Yun Bufan and the others has suddenly become dignified!

“You also feel it?” Yun Bufan is drunk and ruthless, and the other is quietly sullen, drunk and ruthless and Yao Yao, arguably the strongest of the two, they both look at each other, while nodded, and Jin Lie And the sword is lifeless, it is brows frowned, Jin Lie screaming knife: “Dedication, is the scabbard demon?”

“And the number is still quite a lot!” Yun Bufan brows frowned: “Weird, we killed the scabbard demon, and the door of the old nest opened. Could it be that the scabbard demon has something to open the lair? We are unintentionally Ruined or touched?”

“There are a lot of?” Jin Lie and Jian Wu, and the others, suddenly became dignified, and the scabbard demon’s horror, they just saw it clearly, the two took a deep breath and looked at Yun Bufan solemnly asked: “That can be dealt with by our strength?”

“It’s not so nervous. Although the scabbard demon is a lot, but with our strength, it is enough to cope with it, and the black beads they have with the body are good babies. It is pure power. Take it, anyone. Can absorb, but also let them improve their strength!”

When Yun Bufan finished speaking, He Lin’s eyes flashed: “Young Master, can I absorb it?”

“Yes!” Yun Bufan nodded, then said with a smile: “The black bead doesn’t seem to contain a special power. It contains only a pure power that anyone can absorb!”

“Well, the more you come, the better!” He Lin was full of excitement. Yun Bufan suddenly remembered what He Lin had said before. He could not help but ask: “He Lin, you are improving your strength now, is there any requirement? As long as the power is reached, can you advance?”

“Yes!” He Lin was heavily nodded: “Young Master, the so-called “Strength of World” is not a requirement for me, because of my soul, so I only need strength to reach the realm of the ten-level Emperor. Then I am the tenth Emperor!”

“Well, wait until you try to kill some scabbard demons. Remember, only the adult scabbard demon has the black beads, so you have to find adult scabbard demons. Although dangerous, there is no way!” Yun Bufan Look at He Lin said solemnly!

“Yes!” He Lin looked respectful, Yun Bufan smiled at the people nodded: “Endless slaughter, endless slaughter, it seems that this layer is indeed slaughter constantly, but the same, the benefits should be quite a lot, everyone, can you What are the benefits, just look at their luck, go!”

“weng!” 3rd-layer endless slaughter, a burst of black rays of light, Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, Peng Wang four people appear here at the same time, a group of more than a dozen people, as soon as they enter this endless slaughter, they look around all around, Road dust suddenly complexion changed: “There is no Yun Bufan their breath, how is it possible, is it, they have already reached 4th-layer?”

“Absolutely impossible!” Ye Hongchen shook his head: “The dust is our entire group, and it is difficult to get the 4th-layer? Not to mention this Yun Bufan. You know, the entrance to this 3rd-layer is that group. The monster is watching, the group of monsters, are you sure to rush in?”

The road dust face is slightly better, and then relaxed, looking at all around said solemnly: “This 3rd-layer, really does not have their breath, is it that they are too far away, so that we are not sensing?”

“Or, there may be another situation!” Ye Hongchen said quietly, and the dreamy interface on the side sighed: “They found a treasure point, don’t forget, in the treasure point, we are even God. It is estimated that they are not aware of their existence!”

“The treasure point?” The dust in the eyes of the dusty eyes flashed, and then nodded: “It can only be explained this way. Otherwise, it is impossible to disappear. Let’s go, we are also looking for treasure points!”

“Peng Wang, if you meet a group of Yun Bufan, please send a message, you should know that we can only find the treasure, 3th-layer in 4rd-layer, we can’t go down!” Ye Hongchen looked at Peng Wang, Shen Sheng opened The mouth and said !

Peng Wang’s eyes squinted and smiled nodded: “Dao Dianzi, I hope that when I am drunk and ruthless, you can’t estimate that I can’t see my message. Otherwise, we can only surrender Yun Bufan and help them. Deal with you!”

“hmph! Don’t worry, we are not stupid enough to go to that point, Peng Wang, let go!” The three emperors dispersed and left, and the Qing emperor then disappeared, disappeared, then Yang Zhengtian, cold light, Tu Xingsun and Jin Rocks are scattered and left, leaving only a group of Peng Wang!

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