
Chapter 199: Talented

Relax your fingers, feel the resonance of the strings and the air, leave the sound hole, let the string sound dissipate in the air bit by bit, as if spring water is evaporated in the sun, after disappearing, leaving behind a faint rainbow.

Hugo closed his eyes, feeling the turbulent emotions in his heart. Although the melody of "sunburn" is slow and the mood is calm, Hugo's inner surging is unprecedented when he is creating it. Only in this way can the emotions permeated by the lyrics be true and believable.

The impact of this "sunburn" on Hugo's own creation today is very huge, because it is different from the previous few times. In the past, Hugo was accustomed to generating inspiration, allowing the inspiration to combine freely to create a song. But today Hugo is forcing himself to concentrate on thinking and composing. Without any thoughts, he constructs the context of a song, then fills in the flesh and blood, and finally completes the creation of a song. . This is a completely different way of creation, and it is also a new test for creators.

Fortunately, Hugo completed it, not only did the work, but also beautifully done. After the journey, Hugo's understanding of music seems to continue to deepen. From the very beginning, he stumbled with a little confidence when he created it, but the ``excited'' sentiment when he "strangled the hero (... last time, and then here. After a "sunburn" soaring freely, Hugo's talent in music seems to be being unearthed bit by bit.

Hugo is not sure if this is because of the accumulation and precipitation of his music career in the previous ten years, or because of the impact and benefits brought by the journey, or because his predecessor has an unknown talent-since the predecessor is classical Literature has a solid foundation, so that Hugo can be like a fish in the "Death Poetry Society" and "Smell the Fragrance to Know the "Female" People", so it is not impossible that the predecessor has hidden musical talent.

But no matter what the reason, Hugo's growth in music in this year's time is not as good as the breakthrough in acting, but it still makes Hugo overjoyed. Music is always the most solid harbor in Hugo's heart.

The song "Sunburn" evoked countless thoughts and memories in Hugo's mind. He had to close his eyes to calm down, and then open his eyes again. What greeted him was that the audience stood up again and contributed the hottest. applause. This is the real climax of today's recording of "Oprah Talk Show"!

Oprah couldn't help but stand up and applaud. This can definitely be said to be far beyond her expectations. Hugo's ‘color’ is jaw-dropping. No matter how others look at it, Oprah knows that Hugo’s talent is far more than just "Next Time You Meet Me (e and more than just "Sunburn". Maybe her knowledge of music is not the same. Unprofessional, but the real emotions easily touched her heart, there is no doubt.

One hundred and fifty viewers, plus the staff of the program group, all stood up and applauded, expressing their admiration for Hugo in the purest form of applause.

Hugo could not help standing up, holding the guitar in his right hand, and bowing slightly to the audience to express his gratitude. Compared with street performances and rock nights, today’s concerts are more performance-oriented. This is also the first performance on a stage in the true sense after Hugo’s crossing, and it’s still a singer. The significance of a performance goes far beyond just a performance.

The emotions in the ‘chest’ are ‘excited’ and ‘swing’, the smile on the corner of the mouth is blooming, and the confidence in the eyes is shining. Hugo was so excited that he couldn't say anything. He couldn't even find an accurate vocabulary to describe his feelings at the moment. It was like "Smell the Fragrance and Know the "Female" People" was recognized after it was released, "Yihai Xiongfeng" After the premiere, it was under siege. After Christmas, it was learned that the Golden Globe was nominated. Hugo's 1992 was shining, making him in a daze, thinking that he is God!

"Wow, Hugo, you are serious? You are serious!" Oprah said excitedly, her voice trembling slightly in the pure applause. "This is really too'fine' color. Tell you, this is really what you just created on the spot."

"Hehe, yes, this is what I just created." Hugo smiled and nodded his head and gave the answer. In fact, the melody of the "sunburn" just now didn't fluctuate much, and the emotional tumbling was more of an inner turbulence. So Hugo quickly sorted out his emotions and returned to the recording of the show.

"You are really a genius. I don't know how it seems to those experts. In the eyes of my music layman, you are a genius. You are so silly that you are speechless." Pula wanted to pile up his admiration with all kinds of praise, but found that all the rhetoric was so pale and weak. In the end, it was some plain language that seemed more real.

Only by witnessing the seven-step process of Hugo on the spot and feeling the emotional changes brought about by the song "Sunburn" can we understand Oprah's feelings at the moment.

"If you continue to say this, I will be proud." The pressure on Hugo's shoulders has completely disappeared. As for how everyone will react after the TV broadcast, this is not an issue that Hugo needs to worry about for the time being, so the smile on his face It also bloomed completely.

Oprah nodded vigorously, "You can be proud, you are proud." Oprah knew that his bet was successful! "Today we have digged out Hugo's greatest wealth together. I think I should find another time. Sit down with Hugo and talk about the music, let him tell me, as a singer and creator of such a'glamorous', why he has been hiding this talent without revealing it."

Hugo looked at Oprah with a smile on his lips. He noticed that Oprah had begun to make the end. He searched in the studio. As expected, it was already about an hour. The process of recording the show was better than expected. Much faster.

"It's a pity that today's show has come to an end." Sure enough, Oprah started to make the end, but the smile on her face was filled with regret, because she knew that the show was a success. "Today, we met the actor Hugo, I think, one day in the future, we will officially know the singer Hugo, then let us look forward to this day! Thank you everyone for watching today’s show."

After the finishing touches, Oprah stood up and gave Hugo a big hug, then patted Hugo's back with approval.

Hugo originally wanted to turn around and leave as usual, but didn't want to be surrounded by reporters, which surprised Hugo. After Joseph's explanation, Hugo realized that large-scale programs such as "Oprah Talk Show" would send reporters to the studio to listen. They can take pictures, but they must be reviewed by the program team.

After the recording of the show, these media will follow the usual practice to publish the first phase of the show. It may be the highlight of the program, or it may be the big gossip found in the process of recording the program, of course, it is more to warm up the viewing of the program. Newspapers and magazines that can participate in the recording of the show are naturally the media familiar to the program group. Therefore, the guests will give face to these media and accept short interviews.

After the recording of this episode today, all the media invited to attend were boiled and interviewed Hugo for the first time. If the ending song of "Yihai Xiongfeng" was just used as a gimmick to interest reporters, then after today’s program, reporters are not only interested, but curious,'excited', excited, and other emotions together. Swarmed up.

Accompanied by Joseph, Hugo and reporters had a simple exchange. The Hugo interview published by the "Los Angeles Times" mentioned that Hugo has always had a little experience in music creation. Today, the reporters Then he confirmed it in the face of Hugo.

The "Chicago Sun" published the next day quickly exploded this topic. "Hugo not only showed his sunshine and cheerfulness during the recording of the show, but also showed us his humility and humor, but more importantly. What’s more, Hugo’s talent in music creation shocked all the audience at the scene. It’s hard to imagine that while people lamented Hugo’s strong return as an outstanding actor, he actually discovered that he has as a singer-songwriter. The talent is eye-catching.

Perhaps, Hugo has more charm waiting for us to explore. Even though it has been ten years since he appeared in the public eye, we still don't seem to really understand the twenty-five-year-old young man. Since his fifteen-year-old child debuted, he has gone through the ups and downs all the way. Hugo gritted his teeth and passed the throes of transformation and appeared in front of us with a brand new attitude. We have reason to report more to his future. The expectation of is not only the "Chicago Sun", which currently ranks first in Chicago's local reading and advertising revenue for a long time, "Chicago Tribune (. also recorded the "Oprah Talk Show" According to the report, the most important daily newspaper in the Midwestern United States stated in the report that "Hugo's talents shown in the program are comparable to the double nominations of the Golden Globe...".

Such top-notch praise instantly made the "Yihai Xiongfeng", who had just completed four consecutive championships at this moment, once again moved to a new height, and people's sense of expectation for the "Oprah Talk Show" was also pushed to a whole new level. .

The original propaganda of "Yihai Xiongfeng" has come to an end, but now because of Hugo's "musical talent", a new round of topics has been triggered. Major programs have once again extended an olive branch to Hugo. It seems that everyone is here. I can't wait to personally verify whether Hugo's so-called musical talent is genuine or a means of "Oprah Talk Show" to gain ratings.

Although it is now on New Year's Eve, most of the program production teams are temporarily off, but this does not prevent the invitations from appearing on Joseph's desk, filling Hugo's itinerary in January. Such a situation, but Hugo and Joseph did not expect to record the "Oprah Talk Show" before, such a high popularity, so that the upcoming New Year is also full of joy.

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