Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 333

After saying that, Han Fei pulled Li Yanan away, of course, he drove, he was really a little unsure about Li Yanan's driving skills.

"Phew~~~ There's no humanity in the opposite sex." Han Fei's behavior was met with a hush.

Although the quarantine was over and the New Year was coming up, everyone could only continue to stay in the capital, firstly because of the traffic stoppage in many provinces, and secondly because they didn't want to put their families at risk, what if?

All the public places in the capital had been shut down, and the originally bustling streets looked extremely depressed, Li Yanan pretended to look out of the car window, but her palms were actually sweating, and until now she couldn't believe that she could actually do such a thing.

Originally her plan was just to appear in front of Han Fei and then arrogantly say, "Come, sister will take you home."

What to do? How humiliating, in front of so many people, why do you suddenly have a hard time helping yourself?

Li Yanan's small movements naturally didn't escape Han Fei's eyes, and this silly girl would always unconsciously clench her fists when she felt guilty.

"Shall I send you back? I won't be going back for a while."

"Then I'm not going back either." Li Yannan said seemingly pouting.

Han Fei was amused for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"Knowingly." Li Yanan's face reddened, as if he had just remembered the scene again.

Well, as an old driver, Han Fei naturally knew what to do, the speed of the car soared all the way up, and the final destination was naturally his villa.

The car stopped in the villa courtyard, Li Yanan had already heard Han Bei Bei say here, after entering the room originally intended to visit, but Han Fei suddenly held her .......

A night without a word, until the evening, Li Yanan curled up in Han Fei's arms shyly said, "I'm hungry."

"Huh?" Okay, Han Fei admitted that he had thought wrong.

Li Yanan blushed even more and hammered him in a bad way, "I'm talking about being hungry."

"Oh, that's what I thought too, otherwise what?" Han Fei rubbed his chest, ahem, don't think, it's his own chest, this silly girl looks like a lady on the outside, but her strength is still so strong.

"Rascal!" Li Yannan slanted a glance at him.

However, when they woke up, they tragically discovered that there was no food at all in the fridge, and Li Yanan wrinkled his nose, "What kind of life have you been living?"

Han Fei was once embarrassed, in the past, if he drove out to eat, he would either order take-out, but now that the restaurants are closed, where can there be food outside?

Reluctantly, Han Fei had to drive out, and it was only after a big circle that he found a small supermarket open, but only one person could go in at a time, and only after he had chosen the right person to come out could he go back in.

So it was a long queue, and Li Yanan shrank in Han Fei's arms with weakness: "I'm already dying of hunger."

"Me too." Han Fei indicated that he was the one with the most exercise.

Li Yanan no longer had the strength to hammer him, so he could only give him a pair of big white eyes and let him experience it on his own.

It was hard to get into the supermarket, and found that the things that could be bought were much less than usual not to mention that the prices were also thievishly expensive, but it was understandable, after all, special moments.

"Why don't we just buy some instant noodles and go home?" Han Fei was embarrassed to discover that he couldn't cook.

"If you don't know how to do it, just say so, it's so grandiose and hypocritical." Li Yanan disdainfully stated, "Don't worry, with your sister, you won't die of hunger."

Alas, there was once someone who swore so much, however, in the end, what was made could only barely eat the bad stomach, and as for the taste, Han Fei suddenly felt it was safer to buy a few bags of instant noodles back.

After tossing and turning for a good half day, finally carrying a pile of food, as well as snacks back home, Han Fei first took a bag of dried noodles, well, instantly feeling like he had come alive.

"Come taste it." Han Fei took out a piece.

Li Yanan is washing the dishes, originally wanted to mouth a tough sentence: what's so good about instant noodles, however, eventually could not resist the temptation to open his mouth.

However, Han Fei threw the dry crispy noodles into his mouth.

"Go to hell." Li Yanan angrily threw the would on the vegetable leaf at this damned fellow.

Naturally, a war could not be avoided.

"Stop it, I'm dying of hunger, so be a good boy and go sit on the sofa and wait for dinner to start." Li Yanan's pretty face reddened as she begged for forgiveness.

Only then did Han Fei leave with satisfaction, sitting on the sofa, watching Li Yanan busy in the open kitchen, suddenly had a warm feeling of home, how to say this feeling, as if he saw Dong Jie with Han Xiao.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest version of this article.

Han Fei originally always felt that being with Li Yannan was a bondage, however, at his age, he realized that it might be a bondage in another way.

How to say it? Siblings who have been together since childhood will also quarrel, not to mention two bloodless people, to live together for a lifetime, need to tolerate each other's shortcomings, itself is a very difficult thing, sometimes quarrel is actually a way to adjust life.

Vaguely remember Han Xiao said to himself, parents will grow old, children will grow up, only the wife is with you to support each other, walk through the blossoms, before Han Fei did not understand, to now only think, this looks a little wilted man, is the great wisdom.

"Quick, wash your hands and eat."

What Han Fei didn't expect was that what Li Yanan made was actually Western food, steak with vegetable salad, and a soup.

Hmm, it seemed very filling, huh?

The steak was cut into a piece, although it was bought from a supermarket that had been developed, but the taste was good, and the seventh maturity was more suitable for Han Fei's Chinese stomach.

"When did you learn to cook Western food?" Han Fei asked with a thumbs up.

Li Yanan laughed proudly, "Hey, but I interned at a great western restaurant, the chef there is a Chinese, he taught me, good, right?"

"Well, great." Han Fei nodded, "However, I think you should learn how to cook Chinese food, Western food is fine once in a while, I'm not used to eating it every day."

Li Yanan instantly blushed at this and coquettishly glared at Han Fei.

This is similar to, a person you say to a girl friend: I want to sleep with you, that's a rogue, but if you say: I want to enjoy the sunrise every morning with you, that's Xu Zhimo.

This "every day eating" is very spiritual, humph, this guy is not ashamed to be mixed with the entertainment industry is really a lot of routines, Li Yanan secretly groaning at the same time, also not inevitably full of joy.

During the epidemic, all the offline entities were devastated, but online entertainment started to make an impact, and the first thing that popped up was that Byte spent a huge 630 million dollars on a comedy movie that was going to be aired for free during the Spring Festival.

In an instant, all the movies that had previously been broadcast on video software were either big flops that couldn't be released, or had already been drawn from the cinema line.

This is the first time that a film that has never been released in theaters has been logged into the video software, and most importantly, the film was originally advertised extensively to be released on the first day of the Lunar New Year, but now it's not simply a matter of running away from the schedule, but a naked betrayal.

This will be a huge blow to the cinema network with which it has signed a distribution contract, as all the initial publicity costs have been spent and you suddenly say you won't release the film? The box office share would be gone, what about their upfront investment?

So, the same day, the CEO of South China Cinema Line publicly denounced this kind of behavior, and even put out a message to shut down a certain director, as well as the film and television company behind him.

And not only South China Cinema Line, many cinema lines also have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior, they are also afraid that other film and television companies will follow suit, and then it will really be blood money.

However, for the audience, this is undoubtedly a good thing, after all, when they are bored, they can see a newly released movie at home, and it's also free, so naturally they raise their hands in support of it.

"Hey, Mr. Han, do you have time for a chat?"

When Han Fei looked at the caller ID, he was happy, "Good, if you're free, why don't you come sit at my place."

Don't expect any cafes and teahouses now, if you want to talk about things, you should just come home.

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