Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 280

Han Fei asked again, "Nervous?"

"It's so tense, it's hard to breathe." The little sisters chattered.

Han Fei laughed, "It's normal to be nervous, but don't take the audience too seriously, when you get on stage later, you'll just say in your hearts that what's underneath is all a cabbage, and you won't be nervous if you perform to it."

"Pfft." The little sisters burst into laughter.

When it really came time to wait for the stage, the young ladies were still nervous, and one by one, holding hands and mouthing, "They're all cabbages, they're all cabbages."

When the seven Misses took the stage, many of the audience members even took out custom flash cards, which were clearly their fans mixed in with the audience.

After the backing music started, the ladies took their places, this dance was their debut dance, so naturally they had practiced long enough to know it by heart, and to the cheers of their fans, one lady stood in the C position and sang the first line.

"Wake up first every day and give yourself a pep talk first."

"Magic Mirror Magic Mirror look at me where my collarbone is."

"Beautiful, I want to be beautiful, I want to be beautiful, I want to be a millionaire."

The audience was unnerved when the lyrics came out, and the song was so different from what they had expected, or rather, different from what they had thought Han Fei's songs to be.

However, this song, the lyrics are a bit too white, right? But for some reason, looking at the energetic dancing of the ladies on the stage and the magical accompaniment, why do I still move along?

Especially after the line "burn my calories", the audience was just like magic music through the ears, involuntarily brainwashed.

After the curtain call, the little sisters also sat down to watch the movie, which was a new experience for them, they had never seen a movie like this before, everything was so new.

They just soon realized that watching the movie seemed like a mistake because it was so funny, don't be ridiculous, they're an idol girl group, how can they laugh so recklessly? But, I really can't help it, and that's too dense of a laugh, right?

"What to do? Laughing so hard my stomach hurts, can someone please help me?" One of the girls with a low laughing point has completely let herself go.

The live audience is also the same, from Wang Duo fish to get a billion inheritance, the whole story is permeated with an almost absurd spoof, but also make the heart aspirations, who does not want to be able to get rich overnight? Maybe he'll be better at it than he is when he's rich?

But the film to the final stage of the stadium but a change before the absurdity of the funny, and even some people tears, everyone in order not to be into the double-digit bottom line in holding on, this moment as if they saw again the beginning of the film that hold the bottom line Wang Duo fish, in fact, he has not changed, even if he is rich overnight, squandering money like dirt, did a series of people laughing at the rich man's actions, he is still the Wang Duo fish.

As the credits rolled and the applause thundered, the audience just felt cool, as if they had come back to reality from another world, this feeling is the greatest pleasure of watching the movie, and that is exactly the charm of the movie.

The girls from Camp Creation also stood up and applauded, trembling with excitement at the thought that their song "Calories" would appear in such a good movie.

After the premiere, many viewers also posted their comments on about the film. 7.5 is not a high score, but for a comedy film, it is definitely not low.

But the mere score doesn't mean anything, Han Fei and the creators are still anxiously waiting for the box office figures from the zero field.

Three hours later, Luo Yi finally handed Han Fei a document.

Jiang Qinghou almost turned into a giraffe as Zhou Teng and Marilyn were even more nervous than him and crowded around Han Fei early in the morning.

The box office of the zero slot is 20.63 million, this figure is enough to make people overjoyed, even Han Fei is no exception, if there are no surprises, the "richest tomato" first day box office should be able to break 200 million, you know, this is the "Dragon Quest" did not even do.

"Haha, bull batch!" No wonder Jiang Qinghou was excited, many people had questioned his ability to guide him, believing that his success all depended on Han Fei, and now look at how those media were still beeping blindly.

Chapter 404 couldn't do it yet.

That night, after the box office figures came out, the media almost synchronized to make various reports, of which the "richest tomato" first day box office box office break 200 million accounted for the majority, the rest also said that the "world" has met a rival.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest addition to your own collection, which is a great addition to your own personal collection. No one dared to mention.

That night, pea network "tomato richest" rating was maliciously brushed down just half an hour to drop to 6.6, Han Fei saw after no polite, while letting the navy to brush up the rating again, but also let the navy to "the world's most powerful". Exclusive messing up, since you did the first day, don't blame me for doing the fifteenth.

In the end, after three hours of trembling, the "richest tomato" rating dropped to 7.2, while the "world's peerless" rating is dropped to 6.9, which can be the rainbow mountain entertainment to give a fright, quickly stop, so go on only a lose-lose result, after all, to put the It's easy to pull down the ratings, but it's too hard to brush them back, and continuing to bar them will only cheapen the competition.

The company has been in the process of developing the new product for the past two years, and is now in the process of developing it for the next two years.

In this regard, Han Fei naturally will not show mercy, in an interview with the media, said directly: "The two film emperors' dedication is naturally a model for us young actors to learn from, but to talk about the three outlooks is not correct, may I ask how a certain crime film that is being released passed the trial?".

In fact, China's censorship standards have always been very confusing, a bit tight inside and wide outside the flavor, a lot of Hong Kong films are incredibly large scale, biased still able to be released in the mainland, and some local director's films, often a card is several years.

The first time I saw this, I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at it.

The company has been in the process of developing a new product for the company, which will be released in the second half of 2012.

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the company's products and services, and you'll see that the company's products and services are not just for the money. It's just to get through the review.

The authorities won't beat their own mouths, of course, but they've already passed the audit, so let's release the film, only the release time won't be as long as the local film.

The first time I saw the film, I was so angry that I couldn't do anything about it.

Of course, this does not prevent the "richest tomato" box office continued to rise, the first day box office exceeded 200 million, the first week box office box office of 1.56 billion, it looks like this is another annual hit.

The box office grossed 1.63 billion in the first 10 days of its release, temporarily at the top of the list, but when the two companies were fighting, a dark horse suddenly appeared halfway through.

The Hollywood blockbuster "Extreme Gamer", without any promotion, with its novel theme of virtual game, made a box office of 230 million on the first day, and the media shouted "the wolf is coming".

As the only 3D movie in the summer holidays, "Extreme Gamer" has a unique advantage in terms of ticket price, and its box office exceeded 700 million in three days and 1.8 billion in its first week, which made all its peers tremble.

Han Fei and Jiang Qinghou secretly bought a movie ticket, and actually ran into Li Jun Miao and his wife in the theater.

"I'm afraid it's not a good idea for Mr. Han to come to the theater at this time." Li Jun Miao smiled.

Han Fei shrugged, "There's nothing to be ashamed of, backward is backward, and if you can't even face up to the difference between the two sides, then you're a failure."

Li Jun Miao and Qi Yuzhen looked at each other and didn't speak again, the four of them entered the theater together, the atmosphere was somewhat heavy, Li Jun Miao opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but then suddenly stopped.

However, when the film began, he no longer had the intention to speak, from disbelief to nervousness to silence.

When the film ended, while the rest of the audience was still silenced by the film's exciting special effects, Han Fei let out a long sigh after taking off his 3D glasses.

"How does Han feel?" Li Jun Miao didn't have any intention of leaving early.

Han Fei smiled bitterly and shook his head, "This, it doesn't seem like a place to talk, does it?"

Qi Yuzhen then said, "I know of a pretty good teahouse nearby, why don't we go there and sit down?"

The group arrived at the tea room, but Han Fei spoke first, "Mr. Lai, what do you think of this film?"

Lai Jun Miao laughed and scolded, "You kid is really a chicken thief, I was the one who asked first, but hey, how can I put it, it's still the usual Hollywood style, but innovative, and this 3D effect is really shocking, how did you do it?"

Well, this one wasn't a saver either, seemingly answering but actually throwing the question to Han Fei.

Han Fei took a sip of tea to relieve the dryness in his throat, "How can I put it, the game world inside this play is all made using special effects, the actors are all wearing motion capture systems in the middle of the green screen studio, and then their expressions and movements are made into the picture through post-production effects."

"This ....... is incredible." Li Jun Miao and Qi Yuzhen both saw shock in each other's eyes. Originally, they were complacent about the success of "The Legend of the Mermaid", but when they took a look at the film today, their hearts were suddenly halfway cold.

"It is indeed incredible, let's put it this way, in order to do all of this, the scenes in the special effects game must be constructed beforehand before the actors know how they should act, otherwise it's impossible to do it seamlessly." Han Fei said in a deep voice.

Li Jun Miao brightened up and suddenly asked, "Then, can we do a film like this?"

In fact, the point of asking this is whether or not [Tinker] can handle a special effects scene like this.

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