Superstar starts from the Film and Television Academy

Big Star Star Starts at Film Academy Chapter 263

Audience members with tickets to the premiere in hand would often enter the ticket gate and make their way out amidst the envy of others.

The premiere hall was filled to capacity, and Han Fei led the creators on stage to answer some questions before the film began.

The beginning of the film is not presented in a progressive manner, but a speech in the gym, played by Han Fei, Cheng Dongqing, dressed in a blue T-shirt, entered through the entrance of the gym, and behind him were Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun, the students in the nearby audience cheered and scrambled to shake hands with them.

Cheng Dongqing, played by Han Fei, stood in the center of the lectern and held the microphone with both hands: "I fell in love with a girl I thought was the most beautiful in college, and even though she rejected me over and over again, I still wanted to see her every day, because she was my dream."

At this point, Han Fei waved his arms and loudly asked the students in the audience, "What's the dream? A dream is something that makes you feel that if you stick to it, you are happy."

The applause was thunderous and made many in the audience attracted to Cheng Dongqing from this moment on.

Then it was flashback memories, they went back to the university, when Cheng Dongqing was still just a hangnail, he failed the university exam twice, his mother didn't allow him to take the exam, he knelt down in front of the whole village and begged for a chance, so he got into Yanjing University.

From the very beginning, Cheng Dongqing's character establishes the fact that he is a hangman, while Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun, one a debauched poet and the other an intellectual from a privileged family, seem to be from completely different worlds from Cheng Dongqing.

However, in the subsequent plot, they become best friends.

Before they know it, the film is already halfway through until Meng Xiaojun returns to China, and the audience realizes that half an hour has passed.

When Sung Dong-ching stands on the podium again and says that he never actually succeeded, that he was just a hanger-on, that he couldn't tell his students how to succeed, but he knew how to avoid failure.

"People don't die when they fall in the water, they only die when they stay in the water, you can only swim, keep swimming forward, those who choose to give up in the beginning, they won't fail because they've failed from the beginning!"

It was at this moment that the audience understood why Meng Xiaojun had said that Cheng Dongqing was their core competency!

The whole film is full of positive energy, even some chicken soup, if the audience were to listen to other people's chicken soup, they probably would have lifted the table, but the strange thing is that they were fed 112 minutes of chicken soup by these people in the theater, but they found themselves not disgusted at all.

But strangely enough, after being fed 112 minutes of chicken soup by these people in the theater, they found that they didn't resent it at all. On the contrary, they felt the same feeling, and even awakened something called "dream".

Chapter 377 - Who are these people?

The premiere was over, and there were still twenty minutes to go before the zeroes midway through, and some of the people coming out of the premiere were still immersed in the story.

"Fuck, Lao Liu, when the fuck did you get tickets for the premiere?"

Hearing him say this, almost the entire theater lobby for the sake of coming over, Hua Yi Theater held the premiere of only one film today.

Old Liu found out that it was his buddy from college and hugged him warmly, honestly, he didn't know why he was doing that, but the action was so natural.

"Old Liu, are you alright kid?" I have the impression that old Liu is a humorless "old man" and seldom participates in group activities, why so enthusiastic all of a sudden?

Old Liu just realized that he seemed to have been influenced by the movie, and patted his classmate's shoulder, "This film is good, it's worth watching, in the future, if you hold a reunion or something, remember to give me a call."

After saying that Old Liu walked away, this buddy was stupid, in other words, this old Liu is not abducted by aliens, right?

"Hey, don't just stand there, let's get out of here, we're starting to check tickets." Girlfriend.


Entering the screening room, the feeling is that it's crowded, generally speaking, the attendance rate of the zero field has actually been low, it's even good to have more than 60%, but this one can't see any empty seats, fumbling to find their seats and sit down with his girlfriend.

The guy is still remembering in his mind the abnormalities of old Liu, and his girlfriend is a bit confused: "Humph, let you come to watch a movie with me, why is it like losing your soul? Is there some vixen you're still missing, or should you call her in and I'll make room for her?"

"Look at all the nonsense you're talking about? Stop it, the movie's about to start."


When Cheng Dongqing came out, the screening room laughed, because I've never seen Han Fei in such a mess before, and his look in "Charlotte's Troubles" was just greasy, but this time, it was really dirt.

Seeing the footage of Cheng Dongqing and their college life, also let many viewers into memories, although the era is different, in fact, college students do similar things, the eighties college students like literature, the twenty-first century college students like games, however, one thing is eternal.

It is the hormones that can be seen everywhere in the university age, Cheng Dongqing kissed Su Mei, a whistling sound in the screening room, the most interesting is a buddy, saw this shot, even wanted to try, the results really was his success, the scene applause, if not too dark to see the face, estimated that the girl has been ashamed to see others.

Of course, this matter was quickly spread to the Internet, coincidentally, not only this one screening room out of this kind of thing, many screening room because of this into a pair of couples, in fact, the girl can go to the movies with you alone, is already a good feeling, just window paper did not pierce.

Now that there is such a good opportunity, the men give a little effort, and naturally, it will be a waterfall, of course, there are many men who do not give a lot of effort, but ended up being pushed down by the girl paper forced kiss.

For a while, because of this movie became an unknown number of couples.

After the movie finished, a dude sat in a chair and he finally realized why Liu had just been so anticlimactic, so he pulled out his phone.

"Hey, Boss, I miss you ......."

"Second Brother, let's come out and sit down sometime."

Although it was already past one in the morning, the news on the internet hadn't stopped, and for night owls, the nightlife had only just begun.

Naturally, Han Fei didn't sleep, not that he was nervous, but he was used to it, every time a movie was released, he used to sleep after seeing the zero box office, but the box office statistics hadn't come out yet, so he casually opened the pea website.

"Chinese Partner" scored 8.3, which was definitely not low for a domestic movie, but it wasn't a high score either, and there were still relatively few people scoring it, so it would definitely go down afterwards.

It wasn't long before the score dropped to 8.1, and finally stabilized at 7.9. Han Fei opened the comments section and didn't find any obvious traces of the navy's rhythm, so he gradually flipped to the comments section below.

In general, there are two reasons for giving bad reviews, the first is that the film is considered too positive, some posts even said that this is a pot of rancid chicken soup, although the packaging is very nice, but also can not cover the rancid gas emitted from the film.

There's nothing Han Fei can do about it, there's no way you can reason with this subjective viewer, he's already sent this film into the eighteenth circle of hell, if you argue with him, you're an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

But the good news is that most of the reviews are pretty objective, with three rating with a four rating being the most common.

"First of all, let's talk about the advantages of this film, the story structure is clear, the editing is very smooth, there are youth stories, entrepreneurial struggle history, in general it is still worth a look, and then the disadvantages, how to say it, too melodramatic, for the difficulties in the business is always a brush-off, will undoubtedly give people a kind of business is very simple illusion, in fact, which success and fame entrepreneurs are not What about the success that took so much effort?"

"Tell me why I'm giving five-star reviews, I'm from the countryside myself, when Cheng Dongqing knelt in front of everyone and begged his mother to give him another chance, it was like I saw myself back then, like Cheng Dongqing said, people don't drown when they fall into the water, they drown when they stay in the water, I've been swimming all these years, and I finally settled down in the capital, a lot of people in big cities Probably won't understand, a country boy to have a house and a career in a first-tier city, we need to put in ten times and a hundred times more effort than them, and also spit out a sentence at the end to buy the naming rights of the lab that move, too turkey, but also can see the brotherhood between them."

Unknowingly, Han Fei actually read the comments for nearly half an hour, when the conference room door was pushed open and Luo Yi directly handed over the printed information to everyone.

Han Fei took a look and frowned slightly, how to say it, the results weren't quite good, but it wasn't as good as he thought it would be.

The box office of the zero field 12.72 million, 83% attendance rate, in exchange for any film and television companies can laugh at the results, but with the previous "Dragon Quest" box office explosion, we can only say no surprise to this result.

The other companies' works are also moderately successful, with one Hollywood blockbuster, "Hackerspace", getting 18.32 million at the box office.

As for Hong Shan Entertainment's youth film "That Crazy Little Thing", the box office was only 7.35 million, but it's not surprising because the main audience of their film is middle and high school students.

"Which means we only got second place?" Obviously everyone is not too satisfied with this result.

But Luo Yi is somewhat speechless, please, the total investment of this "China partners" is only 40 million, according to this zero box office estimate, the final box office, at least a billion, such a proportion of investment income, still not satisfied? When he had been at Rainbow Mountain Entertainment, the film was able to have a 20% revenue ratio, and that was all for a celebration party.

"These perverts!" In the end, Luo Yi could only mutter a silent sentence.

Chapter 378: Dark Horse.

Since you are not satisfied with the current results, it is natural to increase the publicity, that night the major forums as well as short video platform, all appeared with the "Chinese partners" related to the soft articles and creative videos, of course, as a publicity, certainly not blind blowing.

For example, if you say you shot well here, the audience will subconsciously pay attention to these details when they see the plot in the cinema.

But there is also a kind of rotten film, has been hopelessly rotten, that is, no merit at all, even if you blow it into a flower, the audience after seeing it will only think: damn, I fell for it, there is a kind of depressed being fed to the cattle dung, especially if you bring your favorite girl together to see, the girl left the scene early and said: don't waste money later, then there is a good show, I guess this guy will never watch any of the director's movies.

It has become a tradition that all the critics and UPs who have worked with "Bird Video" for a long time must watch the film every time it is shown.

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