Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner

Chapter 1716: Journey to the West (13)


This time, there was a response.

The wall in the southeast exploded suddenly, scaring everyone, and stepping back a few steps.

After the wall fell, what appeared to everyone was a shaking yellow ...

The yellow veil was shaking slightly, layer after layer, and I didn't know how many layers there were.

"What is this place?"

Yang Zimei asked in surprise, it seemed to be asking Xuehu around him, and it seemed to be talking to himself.

"Keep going, you know."

Xuehu's face didn't have any tense look, it was as if taking a stroll in the courtyard.

However, he does not plan to use his spells and spiritual powers to help Yang Zimei, but to do his part as a follower.

Hearing this, Yang Zimei's heart settled.

Whatever it was, she felt unable to stop her steps.

Even if you die, you want to understand a little bit.

Before she reached out to open the yellow veil, Long had helped her open day by day.

One layer after another, they opened the yellow mantle and moved forward.

A total of ninety-nine layers of yellow mantles were lifted, and Fang saw a lobby.

"It's a bitch!"

Long Zhuoyue saw the sculpture of a woman wearing a white elegant costume in the middle of the lobby, and she cried with excitement.

She had seen similar murals at the tomb in the eastern suburbs of City A, so she didn't have much doubt, but stared at the beautiful sculpture.

Yang Zimei also looked at the sculpture seriously.

It is carved from white jade, and it is lifelike. At first glance, it looks like a real person.


Xuehu sighed loudly, "I knew that the girl was wearing a period costume, so elegant and beautiful, and she would wear it like this in the future."

"Xuehu, this is not me."

Yang Zimei's face was slightly red. "She doesn't have a cinnabar like me, but looks like me."

She said that everyone paid attention.

People and sculptures do look alike, but there are differences.

The sculpture looks slightly older, like Yang Zimei in his twenties, and there is no cinnabar in his forehead.

"Hostess of the tomb."

Grandpa Zhuge said, "This is absolutely certain."

Feeling that dress was pretty, Long Chayue stretched out his hand and pulled the corner of the skirt.

Something big happened.

I saw a burst of ashes spread, and the dress shattered into powder, revealing the perfect naked body of the sculpture ...

At this moment, Xuehu's hand was moved, and a robe was pulled out of the storage ring, which wrapped the sculpture, which was more reverie than Feinus's naked body.

His movements were too fast. Only Yang Zimei and Long could only see clearly every day.

Yang Zimei is grateful for Xuehu's quick response.

Although it's just a sculpture, after all, it looks like itself. If you stand in front of everyone without any clutter, it will be a very horrible thing.

At that moment, she saw it very real, clearly seeing that the naked body of the sculpture was carved quite well, and even the **** carved score was not bad.

Long chased the moon and looked at the palms of his hands because the cloth was ash. "No? I thought the things here would not be carbonized? Shouldn't these yellow mantle tents be cloth too? We can touch it at will. "

"These yellow curtains are made of special cloth."

Just when Yang Zimei was lifting the yellow veil on one side, he noticed that the fabric was different.

As for what cloth, she did not know, only to ask Sadako.

Sadako shook her head.

She has made a lot of clothes and has touched a lot of fabrics, but she does n’t know anything like the yellow curtain


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