Supernatural Rebirth Genius Girl Diviner

Chapter 1116: Human Leather Channel (1)


Yang Zimei waited.

"Fuck, why is it so amazing? It's become clear water, and it doesn't smell too bad!"

A bodyguard yelled first, "What the **** is so strange?"

Yang Zimei was not very clear.

She only knew that the power of the Taomu card itself was a mysterious existence, so she could open up this strange mechanism.

It was at this time that the stele began to move slowly, and an entrance was finally revealed.

Yang Zimei hooked his head and looked in. The channel was dark, not like the pearl of the night, which was set with the lighting of the night pearl.

Just faintly inside, came the faint yellow light.

Is there a light?

Is it someone?

Yang Zimei thought in wonder.

"A few of you are standing at the entrance of the cave, don't go in, don't let anyone else in, and, look forward to Abao!"

Huo Wenhua proactively ordered the seven bodyguards.

His copy ghost followed him and said the same thing.

These bodyguards have been used to Huo Wenhua and his copy ghost before.

Although I don't know who copied the ghost, it was vaguely guessed that there was something tricky in it, otherwise one person would not say a word, and the other person said the same thing, and the tone was exactly the same.

"Yes, Mr. Huo."

Although these bodyguards were curious about the passage below, their employers refused to let them go, so they had to guard.

What's more, the world below might be weird, and maybe you accidentally would be possessed by a female ghost like A Bao, which is simply too scary.

They still want to save their lives.

"You follow me!"

Yang Zimei first carefully probed out his feet on the dark stairs below.

When you step on your feet, it doesn't feel like stepping on cold stones, but like stepping on soft leather.

Feeling suspicious, let Huo Wenhua take a flashlight and take a picture.

Flashing the flashlight, they all took a breath when they saw the tread on the ground. Huo Wenhua was so frightened that the flashlight was unstable and fell to the ground.

This channel paving is actually not stone bricks, but the naked human skin is tiled on the ground.

These human skins are the skins of a young and middle-aged man. They were peeled from head to toe, and they covered the entire passage like a carpet. No matter whether they were facial features or reproductive organs, they could be seen clearly.

And these human skins should have been soaked with special materials without any rancidity and discoloration. They are as lifelike as if they were just peeled off.

Huo Wenhua vomited in the back.

Yang Zimei reached out and nodded his acupuncture point, making him calm and vomit.

In fact, her own stomach is also going down the river.

She didn't know if she had the courage to step forward in such a terrible and disgusting passage.

"Master Yang, with so many skins, what should we do? Step on it like this?"

Frightened, Huo Wenhua asked Yang Zimei tremblingly.

His copy ghost repeated his words.

Looking at the pale-faced Huo Wenhua.

Yang Zimei persuaded, "Mr. Huo, this place has been bleeding from the beginning. Except for these human skin passages, there may be more thrilling scenes below. Otherwise, you can go up and rest."

Huo Wenhua looked at the human skin passages and Yang Zimei, pinched the peach card on his neck, touched the piece of jade that was attached to his brother's soul, thought about it, then shook his head, his eyes became firm. "I'm not afraid. I'll be with you no matter what."


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