Superman Attack

: The Elf Queen is back

the second


Lin Bai originally thought that the matter of having a child would be criticized collectively by the old neighbors, and even made Qianqian cry, but the result exceeded his expectations. No old neighbor believed that it was his child. After the demon girl was asked a few questions in a row, everyone confirmed that she was still a virgin. Most of the children were brought from an orphanage.

Aunt Qin was the most loving, hugged the child and said, "Poor child, I don't know which parent abandoned you, but it is good luck that you are picked up by Xiaobai. Xiaobai is a good-hearted child, and he will definitely take care of him in the future. You were raised like your own child."

"Hey, she's really my own daughter." Lin Bai yelled.

"Look, he really treats you as his own, little girl, you will be happy in the future." Aunt Qin smiled and said to the child: "When you grow up and want to call me Granny Qin, just treat me as your own. mother-in-law."

Lin Bai: "..."

Uncle Zhang took the child over and said with a smile, "I will be your grandfather in the future, call me Grandpa Zhang."

The old woman Zheng took the child over and laughed, "Then what am I going to do? Is it my grandmother?"

Is this Nima still unreasonable? In an instant, this child became the biological child shared by the old neighbors. It was simply unreasonable and maddened.

The juniper flower demon with a bitter face came to Lin Bai's side, bit his ear and whispered, "Lord Xiaobai, the way humans give birth to children seems to be completely different from our flower demon... The questions they asked me. , I can't answer any of them... In the future, the children will not recognize me as their biological mother when they grow up, what should I do?"


"Lord Xiaobai, teach me how to give birth to a human being! When I learn it, I won't be afraid of them asking."

"I'm dizzy, what's the teaching method for this?"

"That...the actual practice is once. Anyway, we have already given birth to children using the flower demon method. It doesn't matter if we practice the human child birth method again." The flower demon bit his ear and whispered.

"Halo, why doesn't it matter? It's so important!" Lin Bai almost spat out a mouthful of blood: "That kind of thing can't be practiced casually... For humans, that kind of thing is very sacred. You can't just find someone to do it randomly, It has to be done with people who value it very much.”

"Ah? For Lord Xiaobai, am I a 'people who don't pay attention'?" The juniper flower demon suddenly wanted to cry.

Lin Bai was startled and almost made the child cry. He quickly coaxed: "No, of course you are a very important family member to me, cough..."

"Since it's important, then we can do it?" Yunhui Hua Yao looked innocent and innocent: "Then come and teach me tonight."

Lin Bai covered his face, not knowing what to say. But after thinking about the pure white and flawless appearance of the juniper flower demon, imagining that she didn't understand anything, and letting herself teach her to look shy in eighteen ways, nosebleeds flowed out for no apparent reason.

After the old neighbors laughed for a while, the child handed it back to the hand of the juniper flower demon. She carried the child back to the backyard. Lin Bai followed up to see how she took care of the child, but saw that she had dug a hole on the ground. The pit, and stuffed the child back into the ground, leaving only a juniper flower on the ground... I wipe it. This way of bringing a child is really simple and rude, and things like the baby crib prepared in advance are completely useless, so scared that Lin Bai almost urinates...


A happy life always flies very fast. In a blink of an eye, summer is over, and autumn has begun to beckon to Shuangqing. Suddenly fell ill.

Speaking of which, her illness had something to do with Lin Bai. The marriage between Lin Bai and Qianqian a few days ago seemed to have dealt a big blow to the flat-chested policewoman. Human beings are easy to be touched by the situation. Lin Bai and Qianqian walked into the palace of marriage happily, but the flat-chested policewoman was still in the shadows, which made her feel very sad. She always felt very depressed when she thought that her boyfriend was saving the world all day long, but he didn't have time to accompany her.

The war in the Middle East is over, and it is the result of the efforts of masked heroes. She is happy but a little sad. Boyfriend always puts saving the world first and thinks for the happiness of all mankind, but what about his own little family and little happiness? Why hasn't he come to marry me?

When the flat-chested policewoman thought about this problem, she didn't think about tea or food. When autumn just arrived, she fell ill in bed...

"Sir Xiaobai, Miss Ping had a high fever of 39.5 degrees just now. When she was unconscious, she was still muttering about the masked hero..." The one-armed girl ran over to report to Lin Bai, "It's pathetic, you are going to treat her to her. How to deal with it?"

Lin Bai had no choice but to smile bitterly, how can this be handled? Turning into a masked hero, using her superpowers to cure her disease is easy, but it is useless, she will fall ill again in a blink of an eye, and her heart disease can only be treated with heart medicine... Lin Bai still hasn't figured out how to get here. handle her affairs.

"Leave her alone for now." Lin Bai had no choice but to spread his hands, "I can't handle it."

The one-armed girl said earnestly: "My subordinates can't understand, this kind of thing is actually very easy to deal with, isn't it? You put on the clothes of a masked hero and go to her room, make her look like eighteen, and then promise to marry her. , isn't it a perfect solution?"

"How can it be so simple?" Lin Bai said with a wry smile: "Actually, my feelings for her are very subtle, it's not necessarily how much I love her, but I can't say that I can ignore her feelings... In this situation Next, I can't make any promises to her easily, it will only hurt her. And she is different from Hua Butterfly and the others, and it is impossible for her to accept being my mistress with other women. She is very proud and independent. If she knew that the masked hero was Lin Bai, and there was a group of women, she would go crazy."

The one-armed woman really couldn't understand, so she kept silent.

"Anyway, you can help me take good care of her and don't let her commit suicide. I'll see her after I figure it out."

"Yes!" The one-armed woman gave a military salute: "By the way, Sir Xiaobai, my arm has already lost to you, and now it is yours. Every time I take a bath, I use this hand to wipe the bath. The liquid feels weird, it feels like you have touched your whole body, what should I do?"

"I'll wipe, don't ask me what to do with this kind of thing." Lin Bai sweated: "Don't think about it?"

"Sorry, my subordinate's body can act according to the command of the commander, but the mind can't even be controlled by himself, so he can't obey the commander." The one-armed woman said earnestly: "It's really impossible not to think about it... subordinate thinks about it. , I'd better cut off this arm, so that I don't have to think about it every time I take a shower."

"Hey, you only have this arm. If you really cut it off, you won't even be able to live in the future." Lin Bai waved his hand and said, "Forget the bet, I'll give you the arm back. No, no more."

"Admit the bet and admit defeat, it's yours to lose to you, you can't pay it back." The one-armed woman was actually very serious in this regard.

"Cut, there are many problems." Lin Bai hummed: "Then you can continue to struggle, I ordered you to use 'my hand' to rub your own chest for half an hour when you take a bath today, hum!"

The one-armed girl was sweating profusely, so she quickly fled back... That night, when she was taking a bath, she really followed the "command" to rub her chest for half an hour. In the bathroom, this kind of thing is not enough for outsiders.


Just after the National Day, the temperature in Shuangqing began to drop suddenly. From the temperature of wearing shorts and short sleeves, it suddenly dropped to the level of wearing a jacket. Lin Bai could no longer wear his sloppy rolling equipment. Now He also put on jeans and a casual jacket, and he looked a lot more serious than he was in summer.

One day, he was watering his daughter Lin Zhi in the backyard, and suddenly felt the space distorted. Then, a time-space gate opened beside him. Then, the elf queen took two maids and walked slowly through the time-space gate. came out. After not seeing her for a few months, the elf queen looks more graceful and noble, and the queen is threatening, but the two maids behind her are holding two huge plastic bags, and they don't know what they are inside.

Seeing Lin Bai, the queen smiled faintly: "Mr. Demon King, stay safe? Our elves' biscuit factory has been built. This time I brought some samples back for you to taste." She waved her hand, and the two The maid put down the plastic bag in her, saluted, and returned to the gate of time and space respectfully.

As soon as the two maids disappeared, the Queen's attitude took a 180-degree turn. What kind of noble, gorgeous, and queen-like things disappeared, and she became like a little woman. He threw himself into Lin Bai's arms and whispered, "I miss you so much..."

"Hey, don't be such a two-faced person." Lin Bai straightened her, and said sweatily, "Can't you keep the same as before and after?"

"Of course not." The queen giggled and said, "If you want to lead the elf clan, you must have a noble image, and you must not show the weak side to the clan."

"Okay, let's get down to business, how's the biscuit factory doing?"

"Fortunately, I took a wire from your power station and replaced the machine with diamonds. I set up two biscuit production lines in the elf village. Now I can produce elf biscuits that suit the taste of the demon world, not like the human world. The biscuits are as finely packaged, you can take them out and sell them for money by wrapping them in a piece of paper... The sales are very good." The queen said happily: "In a few months, the elves have received a lot of property, and now the whole clan has The standard of living of the people has improved a lot.”

Lin Bai nodded and said, "Yes, congratulations."

The queen whispered: "The only bad thing is that it's too lonely over there. Concubine thinks of you like crazy... Would you come to concubine's room tonight?"

Lin Bai shook his head and said with a smile, "No, I've already married my wife, and now I have to sleep with my wife every night, but I can't run around anymore, and I can only find time during the day to go to your room."

"What? Married a wife?" The queen was shocked, and the whole person was Sparta. (To be continued.) xh118R1052

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