
Chapter 77

"Boss, what are we going to do now?" The third one was distressed.

They had planned to leave the area as soon as possible after leaving the hapless man inside, so as not to be affected by the explosion of the ammunition depot.

But I didn't expect that soon after I went out, I was forced back by a large number of soldiers searching for their captain.

Listening to the noise outside, it seemed that the whole ship was boiling.

"It's all about you. The hapless man is obviously dressed differently from the others. He must be a senior officer. He has poked the hornet's nest!"

"Well, then, if we send a round to the ammunition depot now, the world will be clean?" The third proposed.

"You're stupid. It's only ten meters away from the ammunition depot. Who knows how powerful the explosion is? In case the armor can't stop it!"

"Let's kill them! Protected by armor, they can't hurt us! "

"We just have a small pistol. When people stand in front of us, there are not enough bullets for each one. Then do you use your fist? Who knows if there are heavy weapons on board The boss gave him a bad look.

"No way. Shall we just sit here and wait for them to search for it?"

The boss looked at the cabin and wanted to find out what kind of window to jump out of the sea.

But the warship is not a yacht, and will not take care of your need to enjoy the scenery. Obviously, this cabin has only one exit.

But he got something else.

It looks like a machine room with more than a dozen one person high mainframes, dense lines and spider webs, and the hapless captain is thrown behind a cabinet.

The boss went to a mainframe in the middle of the cabin and looked at an interface on it. His eyes were a little strange. "Do you think this is the USB interface in the third strategy?"

The old three went over to have a look, touched his head, "looks like is, but how to calculate in the legend?"

"If I know, can it be called legendary? Try it and you'll know. "

"How can we try it?"

"Cough!" The elder brother's expression is some tangled, has brewed the mood for a long time, this just opens his mouth.

"Omnipotent boss, we have found the USB interface, please tell us what to do next?"

The third one: "I'm sorry."

just when old three wanted to make complaints about the device, the helmet communicator suddenly rang out a hint.

"Drop! Congratulations! Find the legendary miracle of USB interface! Next, the moment to witness the miracle

As soon as the prompt tone dropped, a data line suddenly extended from the eldest brother's armband and was directly inserted into the interface.

Then they saw that all the lights in the room started to flash wildly.


At the same time, Nie Yun, who was busy thousands of miles away, was suddenly stunned. Then his eyes flashed and he began to smile. "These two guys are not bad at all. So, let's have a look at our new toys."


In the control room of the village rain class warship, just as everyone was struggling with the missing captain and the coming air support, all the monitors suddenly flashed at the same time, showing a pirate sign with a sharp ear skull and two crossed bones.

The grotesque skull's mouth opened and closed, and the deep metallic sound was transmitted all over the ship through the external amplifying equipment.

"Do you feel death?" (neon language)

the room is silent

Everyone was confused by the strange situation. They looked at the strange skull sign on the screen, and the hair stood on end!

"You Captain ghost Some people can't help but fear, these four words instantly let everyone's heart jump!

"What's going on?" The response of the adjutant roared.

"Sir! Someone has intruded into our shipboard systems! " Next to a console of electronic soldiers while crackling on the keyboard, while sweating said.

Just then, a crew member nearby suddenly screamed, "ship The gun is moving on its own! No No, the No.1 missile magazine has opened itself! Our fire control system has been hacked! "

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

Although there is a glimmer of premonition, the fact that the fire control system has been controlled means that their shipboard main engine has been completely occupied.

Whether he was captain ghost or any other damn pirate captain, they all realized that they were in big trouble!

At the same time, several soldiers who were still on the deck were surprised to find that their warship guns were slowly turning and seemed to have entered the firing state.

"Come on! EW team, what are you doing? Get me control of the main system of the warship The adjutant roared.

"I We're doing this! But the other side's method is very strange, we can't do it at all! "

"Weird means, what do you mean?" The adjutant asked in a hurry.

"We tried to take back control of the system with ordinary electronic countermeasures, but the other side's technology was very strong, and we failed!Finally, we had to manually cut off the power supply, but the system host it It's still working There is a trace of disbelief in the tone of the electronic soldier.

"What?" Everyone was stunned.

Is the host still working after the power is cut off? Are you sure it's not April Fool's day?

Captain ghost!!

There is no doubt in everyone's heart. Who can do such a thing except ghosts?

"Go to the main engine room immediately to check the situation and blow it up for me if necessary!" The adjutant quickly recovered from the shock and immediately said.

"Come on It's too late! It's locked in the target. It's in a critical state of launch

"What? What is its goal? " The adjutant asked urgently.

"Yes It's POSCO of Nanbang

The adjutant heard a buzz in his head, which was completely disordered!

Neon warships attack Nanbang warships openly! What's the charge? One is not good. This is a serious international dispute!

In the end, he did not know whether the two countries would fight or not, but he, the chief official, would not escape the fate of being sent to the military court!

There was an idea in his mind: stop it!

But before he gave the order, "boom!" The roar of the high-speed naval gun seemed to hit the adjutant's heart directly.

His face turned white, his legs softened, and he fell into the armchair.

It's over! This is his only thought at the moment.

Outside the control room, the roar of naval guns continued, and the thick smell of gunpowder filled the sea area. All the crew members of the neon kingdom were staring at this scene with astonishment in their eyes.

At the same time, not far away, the poshang class of Nanbang country was sailing happily under the blue sky and white clouds. By the way, they were gloating at the bad luck of their enemies. All of a sudden, they were sprayed all over their faces by naval guns! In my heart, that's unbelievable!

The surface of the warship was directly covered by gunfire, sweeping from the bow to the stern, and then from the stern to the bow.

Although this kind of naval gun was originally prepared to deal with small light armour targets, it was not very powerful, but the damage effect was very significant, and the surface of poshang class was immediately pitted with craters.

Fortunately, the whole ship has been put into combat readiness, and there are no casualties on the deck. However, the vibration of the ship made all the soldiers of the South Pole nation terrified!

The captain of Nanbang state was beaten up, and he was wronged to death.

I didn't do anything outrageous, did I? Even though I admit that the tone is a little less compassionate, you don't have to do it directly?!

I knew you were so strong, I could be so cheap?!

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