Chapter 410 Don’t break out in silence, just perish in silence!


This time it was Tang Xiaohu’s turn to be surprised and surprised.


What just happened?

It seems that nothing happened!

I just talked about the canteen incident, why are Lu Chengzhou and Yi Qiu so angry?


More angry than him?

This seems to be wrong!

It is understandable that he rushed to come in a hurry.

After all, Jiang Nan was recruited by him alone, and he has always valued the latter, and the two have a good relationship.

From a personal point of view, he never wanted to see Jiang Nan accident, so he hurried over.

But what about Lu Chengzhou?

This person has never asked about school affairs, but only did mathematics research, management research, and the mathematics world of Taishan Beidou, who led the students. As far as he knew, he did not know Jiang Nan, but maintained Jiang Nan in this way. Is this a bit too much? Σ(っ°Д°;)っ?

The one who passed it had to belong to the principal Yi Qiu.

Tang Xiaohu came to Yiqiu, hoping that Yiqiu could help Jiang Nan, but he didn’t say anything.

The principal, Yi Qiu, directly criticized the dean of the Academy of Fine Arts for Jiang Nan, and asked himself to call?

In other words…

Didn’t you investigate the cause of the matter?

Although from Tang Xiaohu’s contact with Jiang Nan and his understanding of Jiang Nan, he never believes that Jiang Nan is the kind of person who molested girls in the cafeteria, but it is said that empty learning does not come.

As a school leader, you should first conduct a fair and impartial investigation and make a specific report.

But when I get to Yiqiu, I am directly in favor of Jiang Nan?

This is really beyond his expectation.

Even compared to another hot spot on the Internet in recent days, someone deposited one million in the bank five years ago, but five years later, this one million was left with only one dollar, and the bank was accused of filing a case for investigation and detention. Unbelievable (;`O´)o to come.


“We haven’t investigated the truth of the matter, so we directly blame the Dean of the Academy of Fine Arts, which is not good!”

“I mean, let’s rush out the surveillance video first to see if Jiang Nan did that kind of thing.”

“If you do, then you still have to deal with it, but if you don’t do it, then the school should give him justice…”

Tang Xiaohu spoke cautiously.


This is definitely from the most impartial perspective, and the suggestions given are all reasonable, legal, and compliant.

As a guide for Jiang Nan.

He thinks his suggestion is worthy of Jiang Nan.


What greeted him was a bitter rebuke.

“Investigation? What else needs to be investigated?”

“People Jiang Nan said that if he didn’t touch the girl, then he definitely didn’t touch it, although I haven’t seen anyone else.”

“But between the lines in his problem solving.”

“You can feel the elegant, indifferent, elegant, and noble mentality of his mind, how can he be a holy person?”

Lu Chengzhou, who was already 70 years old, was angry, and the spitting stars splashed directly on Tang Xiaohu’s face, and he screamed: “Old Yi, you have to deal with this matter quickly. I regard my character as Lu Chengzhou as Jiang. Nan as a guarantee.”

“He is definitely not such a person, let alone doing such a thing. He must have been slandered by someone at the Academy of Fine Arts.”

“There are also these unintelligible remarks on the Internet, which are clearly malicious attacks and want to ruin Jiang Nan.”

“This is simply that his heart is damnable, his heart is damnable!”

“The school must sue them and ask them to apologize to Jiang Nan, otherwise, the matter is endless!!!”


While saying this.

Lu Chengzhou almost stomped the floor through, which shows how angry he is.

I don’t know if you know the word “confidant”.

The song is high and few, it is hard to find a friend.

High mountains and flowing water, Bo Yazi period.

The description of Lu Chengzhou and his relationship with Jiang Nan in these eight words couldn’t be more accurate.

In the world of mathematics, Lu Chengzhou has reached the pinnacle, and there are very few people in the world who can keep up with his thinking, and in his homeland Dongyun, there is currently no one.

Over the past ten years.

He gave up a lot of foreign affairs and focused on Dongyun and Huaqing. He wanted to revitalize his native mathematics and cultivate more young mathematicians for his native land.

Although the effect is good, the results are outstanding.

Dongyun’s mathematics is indeed much better than before.

But it was still far away from Lu Chengzhou’s expectations.

Just because…

The younger generation did not appear to be too outstanding, who can represent the great figure in the mathematics world of Dongyun.

Although there are Wei Shen in Yanbei, boiler workers in Harbin University, Yunke University, Zheda, and Xia Da also have excellent mathematics geniuses, there is still a long way to go from the word “carrying the tripod”.

He has always been worried about this.

I don’t know if he can see a real figure in his life and carry the banner of mathematics in his homeland.

But the result…

Intentionally planting flowers but not blooming, unintentionally planting willows will create shade.


The word Jiang Nan appeared before his eyes.


He really hasn’t met Jiang Nan yet.

But since Jiang Nan was able to solve two world-wide mathematical problems, he could be sure that what he had been looking for, the leading figure in Dongyun’s mathematics circle finally appeared.


It can not be said that he is his heir, but his soulmate, a mountain and flowing water, Boya Ziqi.

Naturally, he believes in Jiang Nan 100% and supports Jiang Nan. For this reason, whoever criticizes Jiang Nan will be anxious.

In comparison.

It is the principal Yi Qiu who wants to be calmer.

After hearing Tang Xiaohu’s suggestion, he immediately calmed down a lot, not as irritable as Lu Chengzhou.

“Old Lu, don’t worry!”

“In this matter, I will definitely give Jiang Nan justice. After all, he is the pride of our school.”

“But we have to do things step by step. We can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. Tang is right. The investigation still needs to be investigated. We have to use factual evidence to speak.”

Yi Qiu calmed Lu Chengzhou for a while, then looked at Tang Xiaohu, and said solemnly: “Old Tang, in this way, the dean of the Academy of Fine Arts still has to call over, as well as Lao Chen from the Security Department.”

“Well, Jiang Nan and Li Yaru, the two parties involved, also let them come. Jiang Nan lives off campus and you pick them up.”

“At the same time, please urge you to bring out the relevant surveillance video as soon as possible. Let’s face it!”



Tang Xiaohu nodded vigorously.

He was sure that whether it was the principal Yiqiu or Lu Chengzhou, it was all supporting Jiang Nan, and he was relieved immediately, and quickly turned around and went out to do errands.

In fact, there is one thing he didn’t say.

That is Huaqing’s fire, which is considered to be on fire.

“If you don’t erupt in silence, you will perish in silence!” This is what a generation of writer Shuren said.

And this sentence.

It is also very suitable for Huaqing today.

Once Huaqing, it was famous, it was the top university in the country, it was the beacon in the hearts of all the people, and it was the place all the students dreamed of.

But recently, Huaqing’s reputation has taken a turn for the worse, and it seems to have been criticized by countless people.

Maybe Huaqing’s education method did have some problems, but the most important thing was too much rat shit.

As for who this rat shit is.

I won’t say much about it.

This can be seen from the fact that both the last graduation catwalk incident and this time the canteen wolves incident came from the same college.

If these people are not stupid, they are bad, and they are inseparable from the leaders of the Academy of Fine Arts.

And now…

It’s time to scrape the bones and heal the injury.

the other side.

Jiang Nan is probably one of the latest people to learn that he was hacked by the entire network.

This was still a second after he woke up leisurely and turned on the phone, the phone rang.

Not from Tang Xiaohu.

And from his good brother Fatty Wang.

And one answered.

Then Fatty Wang’s slightly hoarse voice sounded, “Nan Shen, you finally turned on the phone. I have called you countless times and almost collapsed.”

Jiang Nan: “Fatty, what are you doing?”

“Brother Nan, my brother!”

Fatty Wang shook his head and shook his head, and said with a haggard tone: “You still ask me why, don’t you know that you are on the Internet now… No, are you being hacked by the Internet? Everyone is scolding you!”

“In order to give you a debate, I have mobilized more than two million hardcore fans of mine, but just like a stone thrown into the sea, there is not even a splash of water, it is gone!”

“You should go online and have a look!”

“Then black your video posts are one after another, and you have more water friends, just like a locust crossing the border!”


sp: Homophones are not typos, deliberately!

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