Although the overall mechanical drawing of an engine does not have any process flow and detailed technical data, such as fuel injection pressure, machining accuracy and so on, it can also reflect a lot of things.

For example, just comparing the piston, connecting rod, top dead center and bottom dead center, we can calculate whether the engine pays attention to power output or torque output, roughly calculate its power level, and at the same time, there are some ingenious places in its design.

Laymen watch the excitement and experts watch the doorway. The engine experts in NiuGuo should be inspired when they see it.

Now, the drawings are given to Niu Guoren. I wish the day's negotiation is over.

This kind of thing can't be done too quickly. We should show a momentum of walking around. Our own side has a plan in mind.

"Qin Guan has helped us a lot. These foreigners will certainly agree with these things given to us by Qin Guan." when I returned to the office, I couldn't help sighing when I saw major Yang who came here in a hurry.

"Yes, if these negotiations are carried out smoothly, our three generation tank project can be carried out smoothly." major Yang said, "our shortcomings have been filled up so quickly, but I still don't understand."

Qin Guan was discovered by major Yang, but now major Yang can't see through Qin Guan.

"Qin Guan can study these technologies, so why doesn't Qin Guan take them out directly and give them to us, but it takes so much trouble?"

This is a puzzling place. Maybe Qin Guan has limited super power and can't do more. However, since the drawings and samples can be obtained, why not use them directly, but mix up the people of Niu and Hans?

"This is the intelligence of Qin Guan." Zhu Lao also sighed: "think about it. If we suddenly conquer all the technologies of high-power engine, composite armor and large-diameter artillery, what will happen?"

"Then our tank technology will be the first in the world." major Yang said, "what's wrong with this?"

"Can our country's economy support our large-scale dress change?" asked Zhu.

Now, the national economy is undergoing transformation. If the 59 tanks equipped in the army are eliminated one-to-one, it will take an astronomical number.

The country will not do so, so the army will not become the most powerful in the world. At the same time, it will bring another terrible result.

"The attitude of foreigners?" major Yang asked.

I wish the old man nodded solemnly. Now, I open the door and have contact with foreign countries. Only then can I find how backward my side is and how powerful those developed countries in the world are.

Foreign countries look at China with contempt. At the domestic level, they can only make goods like 59 and 69. Suddenly, their own tanks are more advanced than leopard-2. What do foreigners think?

Relying on Han's own research and development is certainly impossible, which means that Han either plagiarized foreign technology or suddenly had special means.

In this way, you can finally find Qin Guan, a special person who suddenly appears. Then Qin Guan will be exposed and he will be in danger.

There will be more guards around him to protect his safety. At the same time, his personal movement will be greatly limited, which is definitely not what Qin Guan hopes.

Qin Guan is so clever.

Now, everything seems to be natural. Engine technology comes from Hans, artillery technology and armor technology, and cattle technology. These countries are also dirty. Therefore, they won't make too much noise when they get technology from each other.

In this way, it perfectly covered up Qin Guan's own edge. All this has nothing to do with Qin Guan.

The real hidden in the city.


Hansburg, Krupp shooting range.

A leopard 1 tank was 1500 meters away. At this time, with the sound of artillery, a fireball burst out at the muzzle. The whole gun body was retreating with the tank, and smoke billowed in front of it.

A 105mm steel core armor piercing bullet flew out of the front end of the fireball. Only a high-speed camera can clearly capture this picture.

Although the distance was far away, the tank soldiers of the proud Hans country calmly hit the 105mm armor piercing bullet accurately at the vertical target in front!

The target was specially made with a bracket, on which was the special armor plate brought from the Han Dynasty.

The warhead had a close contact with the armor plate. Then, the warhead began to hit the armor plate with great inertia. A hard fight began!

The warhead keeps moving forward, and the impact energy is converted into heat energy. At the same time, the speed of the warhead is also decreasing. The sharp warhead is constantly rubbing and blunting in the process of moving inward.

Finally, the speed dropped to zero, and the warhead only penetrated the armor plate, less than a third of the distance!

Is that an exaggeration? The engineers on the shooting range were confused: "change the tungsten alloy warhead!"

Originally, they thought that ordinary steel core armor piercing bullets could penetrate, but now it seems that they can't do it at all, so they can only exchange them for more powerful ones!

When the tank gun remains unchanged, changing the material of the warhead is a main way to increase the penetration depth. Tungsten is the hardest metal available. Using it as the warhead of armor piercing projectile can maximize the armor piercing ability.

Like now.

"Tungsten alloy armor piercing bullet!"

With the order, the tank soldiers in the shooting range put the most advanced armor piercing bullets in with a bang.


"Boom!" every tank shooting was so earth shaking. After shooting, the whole tank was surrounded by gunsmoke and dust.

With their hope, the tungsten alloy warhead flies forward at a speed of more than one kilometer per second. It is determined to win.

"Bang!" the warhead contacted the armor plate and hit the impact point of the last warhead less than 30 cm. Then, the tungsten alloy warhead worked hard and began to drill inward.

Come on, come on, come on!

This time, it drilled deeper. At the same time, its speed was also falling. When its speed decreased to zero, it still hung its head powerlessly.

No, it's still not drilled through!

With a 340mm deep tungsten alloy warhead, it didn't penetrate this target, and it only penetrated two-thirds! You know, this warhead can penetrate your leopard-2 tank!

This armor plate is strong against the sky! No matter how much it costs, we should also introduce the technology of this armor!

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