In an instant, Zhang Xiangyang's face changed. His face was full of smiles and said to the major: "major Yang, it's all the people who don't understand and make trouble for you. I'll educate him well. It's a waste of resources. Forget it."

"No, I think what he said is reasonable." the major's words embarrassed Zhang Xiangyang.

"Master Zhang, are you busy?" when he returned to the factory, Qin Guan greeted people skillfully.

Master Zhang was the first master in the factory when Qin Guan came. Later, he became a good friend. A few months ago, Master Zhang built a house at home, and Qin Guan helped him for a long time.

But today, seeing Qin Guan's greeting, Master Zhang immediately turned to one side and walked anxiously, just like avoiding the God of plague.

What's going on?

Qin Guan walked forward again and saw his workmate Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu also bowed his head, just like seeing the air, and walked directly past Qin Guan.

That's strange.

"Qin Guan, the whole workshop spread the news that you offended director Zhang today." he ribala, who followed him, said, "now, who dares to talk to you. Alas, you've lost your mind today. It's like a different person. I guess you'll be driven out of the factory in less than three days."

"No." just then, Qin Guan said with a smile on his face, "if he drives me out of the factory, who will he ask for my salary in the next two years?"

At this moment, Qin Guan's brain is flexible? When Bala shook his head: "that won't work. Director Zhang will wear small shoes for you in the future. Alas, in short..."

"What day, Bala, are you not afraid to trouble you by following me like this?" Qin Guan suddenly asked.

"We grassland people are not afraid of him. We only recognize friends. Last month, my mother was ill and no one would lend money everywhere. Without saying a word, you gave me your monthly salary of 15 yuan. At that time, I recognized you as a friend." he ribala said, "in fact, I prefer to herd. It's really hard to stay here."

The state has policies, and director Zhang of ethnic minorities dare not do anything.

Then they came to a pile of waste: "OK, let's find raw materials from here. The major will come to see our results the day after tomorrow."

These days, it's not easy for those who can enter the factory. They all need to be related. They think that entering the factory is an iron rice bowl. Not many people really have the ability.

As for Qin Guan, his father found his old comrades in arms and entrusted him with a relationship. However, in the factory, Qin Guan was not infected with those bad customs. He learned all kinds of operations here and soon became quite skilled.

As a worker in a tank factory, welding is almost a necessary skill. As long as there is a need, everyone can use a welding gun to order a few times.

Now, Qin Guan and he ribala have found some leftover scraps from the waste heap in the factory and began to get busy.

The principle of grid armor against bazooka is very simple, which is to make the bazooka ineffective.

When a rocket comes, the warhead will have a great chance to get stuck in the middle of the grid armor.

At present, the commonly used rockets use piezoelectric fuses. There is a wire on one side of the warhead. The wire, fuse, electric detonator and metal projectile form a complete circuit. When it is stuck, the wire will be short circuited with the shell, so it can not form an initiation circuit to detonate the Rockets. Therefore, the Rockets will fail.

Of course, there is also a small chance that the rocket just hits the grid armor and makes positive contact. In this way, the grid armor will detonate the armor breaking bullet in advance, reducing the power of the armor breaking bullet.

At this time, what warheads will appear.

In the case of PPG-2, the power is limited. The metal jet detonated in advance has no strength to penetrate the main armor of the tank. However, in the case of the latest RPG-7, this warhead can at least maintain the remaining armor breaking depth of more than 100 mm, so it can not be stopped to a great extent.

Although it will still be broken down, due to the early detonation, the continuity of the metal jet is blocked, and the aftereffect of the armor piercing projectile is reduced, which greatly reduces the killing in the vehicle, which is also of some effect.

According to the style of grid armor widely spread in later generations, Qin Guan and he ribala found some steel bars and welded them.

"Yiyiyi." the sparks of electric welding are splashing, accompanied by black smoke. In later generations, fewer and fewer people are willing to be technicians, especially welders. They have to breathe these waste gases, which is very harmful to the lungs.

When Qin Guan was wearing a mask and welding, he could feel that strange eyes were constantly cast around him. At the same time, some miscellaneous voices came carelessly.

"I dare to talk back to Director Zhang today. He looks good now."

"Over measure one's strength. So many experts can't solve the problem. He's a small workshop worker. What else can he do? Wait and see him pack up and leave."

These sounds seemed small, but they could reach Qin Guan's ears. He Ri Bala on one side had stood up and said, "Hey, who's talking behind his back?"

What day Bala such a stop, suddenly, those people disappeared.

"Don't pay attention to them," Qin Guan said. "When major Yang comes to inspect our device the day after tomorrow, let them see what a frog at the bottom of a well is."

The idea of grating armor was put forward by Qin Guan. At the same time, it is not easy to make it temporarily. Without help, they can finish it in two days only when they find something from the waste pile.

"Dada dada." just then, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance. When he heard the sound, Qin Guan immediately turned his head and looked over.

A beautiful girl came running from the outside. She wore two long braids. When she ran, the braids swayed up and down. Under the curved eyebrows, there were a pair of bright eyes, bright and clear, as bright as stars. Her skin was very white. Wearing a white coat, she imitated the Buddha and was the purest angel in white.

On her feet, she wore a pair of black cloth belt shoes with white plastic bottom, which was the favorite of girls in this era. On her shoulder, she carried a medicine box. When she ran, the medicine box bumped back and forth and hit the full and round hip.

She came running. Just before the people arrived, her voice had already arrived: "brother Qin, I heard that your head was hurt. After waiting for you for a while, you didn't go to our health center. I came quickly."

"Well, I'll go to the bathroom first." He Ri Bala consciously stood up and said to Qin Guan. He looked at the girl again and stubbornly held the word "sister-in-law" in his mouth. Qin Guan scolded him last time.

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