Silence enveloped the cave. In the static state, you can hear the flickering tone of the violin on the scale. The men looked at each other more and more worried. Look, some of them lie down to sleep.

"Go to sleep!" an officer shouted. "Shoot all foreigners!"

The officer suspected that some spies slipped into the underground cave and released natural gas. His order is to enable his men to find and destroy the alien. Therefore, from a military point of view, this is a good order. It has such a flaw: when his men did not find any aliens, but their own people continued to sleep on them, they began to imagine aliens. The guards started shooting their own technicians and engineers.

When panic swept through the cave, the guards started shooting at other guards. Before long, the people in this huge underground room were tearing each other apart. One more thing: they also want to sleep.

Panic rose to the level of a hurricane.

When Kurt Lihuai appeared in the cave, the entire vast area was like a tomb. The smoke from the rifle hung in the air, lifeless death and fear. But the bomb still stayed on the launch pad.

Li Huaisi looked at the bomb carefully. He felt relieved until the end of his toe. When he saw it, the last remaining pain in his toes and fingers disappeared. It's not that the damage caused by the game still doesn't exist. It did. But in the elated frenzy that swept him, he completely forgot the pain.

"We just got here in time," a man appeared beside him. Spike Larson speaks. Larson looked at the cave in awe. "They started killing each other. They must be crazy."

Li Huai said, "I don't blame them." "I **** it, on the way here."

Larson smiled and shook his head, and replied, "That okay trip must be stinking, right?"

Li Huai agreed with him wholeheartedly. After adjusting his body to the instrument in the cave, West pressed a button to hide it so well that the people of Cuzo didn't have time to find it. The machine disappeared. The West has disappeared. A terrible moment arrived, and his feet seemed to stand in no stronger posture than air. In fact, the feeling under his feet is far less physical than the air. It doesn't even have the space to be solid. It has been nothing.

The frustrated Colonel Grant appeared on the other side of Li Huai. Grant made a fuss, but he firmly held the rifle he had taken from Kusso alone.

"Just between you and me, I would rather launch space satellites to Mars every day than face this kind of jump."

Li Huai said, "I know what you mean."

When he spoke, another character appeared on his left. Nedra! She walked into reality with a smile. Li Badi wasted a moment, wondering what kind of cast iron nerves this girl has.

Spike Larson said: "It seems all we have to do is tie them together." "It's almost unbelievable."

Li Badi said: "It's great." The turmoil happened somewhere. He didn't know where it was, but it seemed to him that suddenly there was great anxiety. It must be related to the future in some way and is about to happen.

"Stop!" Grant's voice rang.

Li Bai turned his gaze promptly and saw an Asian man raising his foot near the control panel standing next to the rocket.

"He walks while sleeping," Larson exclaimed.

The speaker announced: "Zero minus one minute."

"Where is that person?" Grant demanded. "The sleep frequency didn't reach him!"

Li Hao said, "I don't have time to care about him now." The unrest somewhere intensified. Somehow, it has something to do with a lonely Asian man who hovered like a drunk trying to make up his mind.

"Colonel, can I shoot him?" Grant demanded.

Li Badi hesitated. He knows that the greatest wish of the West is to avoid violence as much as possible.

A one-second delay is fatal. Grant's shot rang, it was too late.

The man got up, reached the control panel, and pulled the single switch there. As a ram drove home from the heavy metal hull, the rocket made a blast.

"Come back!" Li Badi screamed.

He grabbed Nedra and pulled her back. Beside him, he knew Grant and Larson were also backing away. The inside of the rocket kept making hoarse noises. The low frequency but the large size seems to shake the foundation of the earth itself. A lot of heat accumulated in the ship. With the first release of heat, smoke and flames spewed backwards.

For all Lee Hoi, this part should be cleared before the first rocket is launched. He doesn't know if there are measures to eliminate the flames and smoke, but he knows that when he pulls Nedra away, the heat and smoke will hit him.

Then the main expenses were released.

Just like some demons spewing from the depths of **** itself, the launcher of the launch vehicle tilted upward. The stone floor shook underfoot, and the mountain shook. Unless this rocket can stop, the entire planet will be shaken. The earth will twitch her skin like an elephant that has passed by a giant wasp.

With a thunderous roar, the rocket shook down from the cradle and rushed into the sky with its own strength.

"West," Li Hao shouted.

"Yes, Kurt." The awkward man responded as quickly as he stayed in the same room. In fact, he is in the center of the United States.

Li Huai said: "We lost."

"I know." West replied. His voice filled the depths of space.

"Bring these people back to you."

"of course."

"I'm the last." The last lingering sound still hit the bottom of the launch pad.

"Why do you stick to it?"

"Responsibility," Li Hao said. "Let your miraculous equipment put into operation,".

"Of course. I will start now."

"Hey, guys, you are going home!" Li Huai yelled to people with him.

"What are the benefits of going home?" Spike Larson asked.

Grant added: "There won't be any houses within an hour." "Or how long will it take for this rocket to land. Why go back to a place that doesn't exist there?"

Said: "This is where we started the reconstruction mission."

"What to rebuild?" Larson demanded.

Li Badi said firmly: "There is still something." "You are already underground. You will always be like this. Keep fighting for several years. After you leave, raise some children to keep it going." He felt very firm and I'm pretty sure about what I'm talking about.

"You are hot everywhere," said the red dog Jimmy Thurman.

"Besides, you are planning other things," Nedra said. "You want to get rid of us so that you can-"

"West!" Li Huai shouted.

"Yes, Kurt."

"Take them away!" Li Bady shouted. "They are trying to fight me. Let Nedra go before she can read my thoughts."

West replied: "I'm doing my best." "The instrument must be tuned to the individual's body frequency. Ah-"

"I know what's going on-" Nedra started. And disappeared. Li smirked. He gave the impression that she was giving him a name and that she should not speak when she left. If there is time, time can heal. In the room, an Asian was stirring.

"Lee Bad, old man, what are you doing?" Grant asked.

"Take this," Kurt ordered. Grant looked reluctant, but resigned as he disappeared.

Li Bad is alone in the big room. Smoke hovered from the ceiling. An Asian has stood up, and a guard is sitting.

"I have put them all here." The voice spread all over the distance.

"it is good."

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