At first there were no signs of life to be seen. Then, a mound rises from the sea near the cliff. The huge tortoise shape can stretch out several flat members through suction cups, and these flat members stick to the vertical white wall. Surprisingly, the thing turned over and walked forward from the depths of the pitch black, spewing out from the concave side, a group of furry brown bipeds. The body of the organism is swollen, the head and body are closely integrated, and they are almost indistinguishable from each other. The two rotating legs are unstable in balance, and the elongated arms are waving and coiling like tentacles. Spider-like creatures ran on the smooth dark sea, as if it were solid ground.

"!" Li Huai raised his head from the eyepieces, blinked, and looked at Tom Parker's triumphant smile. "You mean to tell me these creatures are real?" he demanded. "Living here, around us, on another plane, would we not see them without your machine?"

"Strange things. This is just one of many such aircraft."

"They can't get through, board our plane?"

"Lord, man, how can they?"

A harsh thunder sounded overhead, and Tom Parker suddenly turned white. Outside, the sky is cloudless.

"That-what is that?" Li Huai remembered the warning from the old man in the village and Joan's obvious fear.

"This is just a physical manifestation of the force I use to gain visual contact. This is one of the things that worries Joan. But I can't find the cause of any alarm..."

The voice of the scientist is technically endless. But Li Bai knew that Tom didn't understand something, and he was trying desperately to explain it to himself.

The thunder sounded again, and Li Huai moved his eyes to the instrument. Directly in front of his field of vision, a group of spider-men marching on the rough sea with strangely constructed cages of woven transparent materials, they are placed so close that if he stretches out his hands, he seems to be able to touch them it. hand. The illusion of physical proximity is perfect. The evil eyes of these creatures are bound to him. The tentacles stretched out, as if to break the barrier separating them.

Then the screams penetrated into his consciousness, causing him to reconsider his surroundings. The door of the laboratory opened suddenly, and Joan became pale and dressed and rushed into the room.

Niubi yelled, ran forward to intercept her, and saw a 10-foot circle of blue and white metal sleeves on the floor that he had never seen before, and illuminated from the ceiling of Tom's machine above the reflector through the axis of light.

"Joan-military area!" Tom yelled. "keep away!"

Tom met the distraught girl and was struggling with her on the other end of the disk.

The air around them was rustling, and Li Huai saw Tom and Joan on the other side of the force area. Their white faces were blurred, like a heat wave in between. The rumbling and cracking above the head became stronger and stronger, until the old house was torn down due to a concussion. The hazy form appears on the luminous disc-the transparent basket cage-with black spider-like forms inside. Creature from another plane!

"Joan! Tom!" When Li Huai tried to yell, Bate's voice was silent. When he tried to throw a muscle at himself, his muscle was paralyzed. The bluish-white light spread out and formed huge bubbles of white brilliance, and the transparent elastic solid knocked it back when he attacked in vain with his fist.

Within its range, he saw Joan and her brother, under the caress of the Spider-Man, tore the tentacles that surrounded them, and pulled them into the woven basket mercilessly. There was a huge blow, and the entire universe was distorting them. Li Bai Redmond's body was tortured by unbearable torture and was thrown into the infinitely deep black abyss.

He is not dead or dreams will be awakened from him. After the mental pain and terrible physical pain at that moment, after running dizzyly in the darkness of nothingness, Li Huai suddenly knew that he was still alive. If he loses consciousness completely, it has been a long time. However, there is a strange feeling around him, a feeling that he has been transported to the unnamed space. He knelt down, but as the ordinary teacher returned quickly, he jumped up.

A tall stranger faced him, a fat giant with bronze skin and solemn appearance. His strong body shape and smooth cheeks and chin contour make him a man who is not yet middle-aged, but his uncut hair is driven white like snow.

They were standing in a silver spherical metal chamber, Li Huai and the giant, the soft vibration of the delicate balance mechanism made themselves feel in the structure. There is no sign of Joan and Tom.

"Where am I?" Li Badi demanded. "Where are my friends? Why am I with you without them?"

Sympathy was attracted by the eyes of a tall stranger. Sad pain was full of brown eyes, looked down at Li Badi, and then resigned from the unexplainable mysterious fate.

"Trust me," he said in a soft voice. "No matter where you are, you will learn quickly. You are safe. Your friends will also be discovered."

"They will be found! Don't you know where they are?" Li Huai put his hand on the big man's wrist and shook him impatiently. In the face of this huge event, the stranger was too calm to move.

"I know where they were taken, but because time is still, there is no need to hurry in three-dimensional space. We will find it easy to get to where their captive Baddx plane is. Your friend gets there. In a few seconds, my aircraft isolator-this sphere-will be completed in due course."

Trumpet, Li Huai believes him. The pause talk about size and plane and time is incomprehensible, but somehow his restless nature conveys the calm and serenity of a white-haired stranger. He looked at this person more closely and found that there was an alien expression around him, which marked that he was different from the earthlings. His only clothing is a wide breech, with silver things on it, and it shimmers with ever-changing colors, which is not naturally available on earth. He is a superhuman perfection of muscle development, with an indescribable blend of gentleness and harshness in his behavior. At first, Li Huai noticed that his fingers and toes were webbed.

Li Badi said loudly, "Go ahead, who are you?"

The stranger made himself the cutest ghost in the smile. He said: "You can call me a wanderer." "I am an infinite wanderer."

"Infinite! Don't you belong to my world?"

"but not."

"You speak my language."

"This is one of many things I am familiar with."

"I-I don't understand." Lee Bad Redmond was like a man, completely attracted by his amazing master personality.

"Only a few people know." The wanderer fell into silence, crossing his arms on his broad chest. With hundreds of years of human care, his big shoulders bend down. "But, I want you to understand, because this story is a weird story and it weighs me down."

The strange thing is that this wanderer should call him by name. Li Huai was very excited about the new sense of awe.

"But," he objected, "my friend is in Spider-Man's hands. You said we would go find them. Good lord, man, I must do this!"

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