According to my calculation of time, I was in this state of unconsciousness for several days or even weeks. When I recovered, I was in a strange room, and my host and all his family gathered around me.

"What do you think?" she asked.

After a while, I was able to overcome my surprise to the point of faltering: "Do you know my language? How? Who and what are you?

My landlord smiled and gestured to one of his sons, and then took a few thin metal plates from the table with pictures of various characters carved on them, such as houses, trees, birds, people, etc.

In these designs, I realized my painting style. Under each character is written my language and written name. Under the other handwriting, there is a word that is strange to me.

The host said: "So we started; my daughter belongs to the Sage Academy and has always been your teacher and our teacher."

Then, I placed other metal plates in front of me, and in my writing, words were engraved on them, and then sentences. There are strange characters on the other hand under every word and every sentence. Brainstorming, I understand that therefore a rude dictionary is already in effect. Did I do it when I was dreaming? "It's enough for now," said in a commanding tone. "Take a rest and eat some food."


In this huge building, I allocated a room to myself. It is beautifully furnished and wonderful, but it hasn't displayed any gorgeous metalwork or gems in more public apartments. The walls are hung with variegated mats made of plant stems and fibers, and the floor is covered with weeds.

The bed has no curtains, and the iron support rests on the crystal ball. The covering is a thin white substance similar to cotton. There is a shelf with books on it. A curtained recess is connected to an aviary full of singing birds. Except for the beautiful species of pigeons, I did not find a bird that is similar to the birds I have seen on earth, even though it is different from our pigeons. It is a tall blue feather crest. All these birds are trained to sing proficiently, and greatly exceed the skills of our bull-bellied birds, which rarely can play more than two sounds, and I believe they cannot sing at the same time. Some people have heard the sound in my aviary, maybe they are self-righteous in the opera. There are duets and trios, and quartets and choruses, all arranged in the form of a piece of music. Do I want the birds to be quiet? I had to draw the curtains on the birdcage, and when they found themselves in the darkness, their singing quietly disappeared. The other opening forms an unglazed window, but when it touches the spring, the shutters rise from the floor. The shutters are made of something opaque than glass, but still transparent enough to soften the scene. There is a balcony attached to this window, or a sky garden, in which there are many beautiful plants and gorgeous flowers. Therefore, the characteristics of the apartment and its appendages, even if the details are a little strange, are generally familiar with modern luxury concepts. If found in the apartment of the Duchess of England or fashionable French writers, it will arouse Great admiration. Before I arrived, this was the room. She enthusiastically assigned it to me.

A few hours after waking up as described in the previous section, I lay alone on the sofa, trying to think about the nature and genus of my abandoned person, when my host and his daughter entered the room. My landlord still speaks my mother tongue, and very politely asked me if I would like to talk or if I would rather be alone. I replied that I should feel very honored and obliged to provide me with the opportunity, which made me thank me for the hospitality and civilization I received in an unfamiliar country, and fully understand its customs and habits through ignorance.

When I spoke, of course I got up from the sofa; but what puzzled me was that I was simply ordered to lie down again, and her voice and eyes were somewhat as gentle as his, which forced me to obey. Then she sat unceremoniously on the foot of my bed while her father put him on the sofa a few feet away.

"But which part of the world are you from?" My master asked: "We look so strange to you and you to us? I see individual specimens of almost all races that are different from ours, except for primitive savages living in In the most desolate, most desolate, uncultivated depression, do not understand other light other than volcanic eruptions, and are content to fumble their way in the dark, there are many crawling, crawling and flying things. But, of course, you can’t Become a member of these barbaric tribes, on the other hand, you don’t seem to belong to any civilized people."

I was a little frustrated by the last observation, and replied that I am honored to belong to one of the most civilized countries on earth. As far as light is concerned, although I admire my master and his compatriots for trying to illuminate the areas that are not penetrated by the sun, I am smart and do not spend money, but I cannot imagine ever seeing that the celestial sphere can transform people The necessities of the invention of artificial light are on par with its luster. But my master said that, except for the poor barbarians he mentioned, most of the race specimens he saw were different from his own. Now, maybe he has never been to the surface of the earth,

My master was silent for a while. His face showed a certain degree of surprise, and people of this race rarely showed it under any circumstances, no matter how special. But he was smarter and shouted: "My father, you know that there is truth in the old tradition. At any time, in every tradition that all tribes generally believe, there is always truth."

My host said gently: "You belong to the Sage Academy and should be smarter than me. However, as the head of the Preserving Council, I have a responsibility to not take anything for granted until I get my own sensory evidence. ." Then, he turned to me and asked me a few questions about the earth's surface and celestial bodies. According to this, although I have answered him as best as I can, my answer does not seem to satisfy him or persuade him. He shook his head quietly, then suddenly changed the subject and asked me how he came down from happily calling one world to another. I replied that there are many minerals or metals under the surface, which are vital to our needs and our progress in all arts and industries. Then, I briefly explained that while exploring one of the mines, my ill-fated friend and I caught a glimpse of the area where we fell and how the descendants killed him. The ropes and grappling hooks that attracted the children to take it to the house where I first lived, as a testimony to the authenticity of my story.

Then, my host started asking me about the habits and lifestyles of the upper races, especially among the races considered to be the most advanced in the civilization. He happily defined "the art that spreads throughout the community." ". The peace and happiness of a virtuous and orderly family. "I naturally hope to use the most advantageous color to represent the world I come from, but despite this, I still caress the old and declining European system lightly, hoping to explain the current grandeur of this glorious American and the future. Distinguished status. Europe seeks its model enviously, and tremblingly foresee its doom. I use the fastest-growing city as an example of American social life, indulging in vivid descriptions of New York’s moral habits. Depressed for the audience’s face, I improved my themes; focused on the excellent performance of democratic institutions, the political party government’s model of promoting peace and happiness, and their way of favoring the cheapest citizens through the exercise of power and gaining honor, thereby spreading this happiness throughout the community. , Education and character. Fortunately, I recalled the content of the speech,

When I came to the conclusion, the master shook his head slightly, fell into the pensive study, motioned to me and his daughter, and remained silent as he reflected. After a while, he said in a very serious and serious tone: "If you say that, although you are a stranger, you are helped by me and me. I ask you not to reveal anything to anyone else. . Our employees respect the world you come from, and unless you consider it, I allow you to do so. Do you agree with this request?" "Of course I will promise," I was a little surprised. I stretched out my right hand to grab him. But he gently put my hand on my forehead and his right hand on mine. This is the habit of this race in all promises or verbal obligations. Then turning to his daughter, he said: "You,, will not repeat what a stranger said to the world outside of us, or anything that a stranger might say to me or you." Ze stood up and kissed her father on the temple. , Said with a smile: "Ji’s tongue is wanton, but love can make it shrink quickly. And, if my father, you worry about lest a word of me or yourself will make our community eager to explore the world outside of us. Faced with danger, will not squander the “virus”, not be properly driven, or even wash away the memory. Have we heard of words read from the brain by strangers?” Stand up, kiss her father in the temple, smiling Said: "The tongue is unscrupulous, but love can make it fast. Moreover, if my father, you are worried that one chance for me or yourself would wish to explore the world outside of us, thereby putting our community at risk, there will be no lingering waves of "evil", or even washing. Have we ever heard of words read from the brain by strangers? ""Standing up, kissing her father on the temple, smiling and said: "My tongue is unscrupulous, but love can make it fast. And, if my father, you worry about me or your own One chance will hope to explore the world outside of us, thus putting our community at risk, that will not be the lingering wave of "evil", and it will not even wash away the memory of what we have heard of strangers reading out of our brains ?"

"What is?" I asked.

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