Only the glass box in our arms is like a living heart that can empower us. We deceive ourselves. We did not build this box for the benefit of the brothers. We build for ourselves. It is higher than all our brothers, and its truth is higher than their truth. Why is this weird? We don't have many days to live. We are walking towards the tooth, waiting for us somewhere in the quiet tree. There is nothing to regret behind us.

Then a burst of pain hit us, our first and only one. We thought of Golden One. We thought of the golden man who would never meet again. Then the pain passed. Best we are one of the damned people. The best way is for the "golden man" to forget our name and the body of that name.

Part Eight

This is our first day in the forest. It is really an amazing day.

When a ray of sunlight fell on our faces, we woke up. We want to jump up, just like we have to jump every morning in our lives, but we suddenly remember that there is no bell ringing, and no bell ringing. We lie on our backs, stretch our arms, and look up at the sky. The leaves have silver edges, and green river water floats high above us, shaking.

We don’t want to move. We suddenly thought that we could lie as long as we wanted, and we laughed out loud. We may also rise, run, jump or fall again. We thought these were unreasonable thoughts, but before we knew it, our bodies had leapt. Our arms stretched out our will, and our bodies whizzed past until it blew the wind and rustled through the leaves of the bush. Then, our hands grabbed the branches and tied us high into a tree, learning the miracle of our physical strength without reservation. The branches snapped under us, and we fell on the moss that was soft as a mat. Then, our bodies lose their minds and toss over the moss, coat, hair, dry leaves on the face.

Then, we picked up the glass box and walked into the forest. We moved on, through the branches, as if we were swimming on a leaf, the bushes were rising, falling and rising with the waves around us, and the green spray pounced high on the treetops. The trees parted in front of us, calling us forward. The forest seems to welcome us. We move on without thinking, without care, and no feeling can save our body.

When we felt hungry, we stopped. We saw birds flying on the branches and the sound of footsteps flying. We picked up a rock and shot it at the bird as an arrow. It is before us. We made a fire, we cooked the bird, we ate it, and no meal would taste better for us. It suddenly occurred to us that we can find great satisfaction in the food we need and obtain. We hope to be hungry again and again so that we can know this strange new pride in eating again.

Then we move on. We came to a stream, which lay in the woods like glass stripes. It is so still that we can't see the water, but the ground is cut open, the trees are cut down and upturned, and the sky falls to the bottom. We knelt by the river and bent over to drink. Then we stopped. Because, in the blue sky below us, we saw our face for the first time.

We sat still, holding our breath. Because our face and body are beautiful. Our face is not like our brother's face, because when we look at it, we do not feel a pity. Our body is not like our brother's body because our limbs are straight, thin, hard and strong. And we think we can trust this existence watching us from the stream, and we have no fear about it.

We keep going until the sun goes down. When the shadows are in the bushes, we stop in the hollow between the roots, where we will sleep tonight. Suddenly, today is the first time we feel we are damned people. We remembered, we laughed.

We are writing these on the paper we hid on the Chinese tunic suit and the written pages we brought to the World Council of Scholars, but we never sent them. We have a lot to say to ourselves, and we hope to find the answer in the days to come. Now, we cannot speak because we cannot understand.

Part 9

We have been writing for many days. We don't want to talk. Because we don’t need any words to remember what happened to us.

On the second day in the forest, we heard the sound behind us. We hid in the bushes and waited. The steps are closer. Then we saw the folds of the white coat and a hint of golden folds in the woods.

We stepped forward, we ran to them, and then we stood looking at Golden One.

When they saw us, they clenched their fists with both hands and pulled their fists down, as if they wanted their arms to be held when they were shaking. They cannot speak.

We dare not get too close to them. We asked, our voices trembling:

"Why did you come here, Golden One?"

But they only whispered:

"We found you..."

"How did you come to the forest?" we asked.

They looked up, their voices proud. They answered:

"We have been following you."

Then we could not speak, they said:

"We heard that you have been to the mysterious forest because the whole city is talking about it. Therefore, on the night we heard, we fled the farmer’s house. We found your footprints on the plain where no one had walked. So we follow them, into the forest, and then walk along the path where the branches were broken by your body."

Their white coats were torn and the branches cut their arms, but they never seemed to notice it when they spoke, neither tired nor fearful.

They said: "We have been paying attention to you, no matter where you go, we will pay attention to you. If danger threatens you, we will face it. If it is death, we will die with you. You **** it, we Hope to share your curse."

They looked at us with a low voice, but their voice was full of bitterness and victory.

"Your eyes are like flames, but our brother has neither hope nor flame. Your mouth is cut with granite, but our brother is soft and humble. Your head is high, but our brother cringes. You walk , But our brothers crawl. We want to be cursed by you, not blessed by all our brothers. Do your best with us, but don’t let us stay away from you."

Then they knelt down and bowed to us.

We never thought of what we did. We bent down and lifted the Golden One to their feet, but when we touched them, it seemed crazy. We grabbed their bodies and pressed our lips against them. The golden men breathed once, their breath groaning, and then their arms closed around us.

We stood together for a long time. What we fear is that we have been living for 21 years, but we never know what happiness is possible for men.

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