Super Tech Powerhouse

Chapter 88: Battle of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou

Xundian, the southernmost point of Yunnan's sphere of influence, this is an ancient county with a modern atmosphere. Although viewed from a distance, this is still a small county town surrounded by vicissitudes of ancient city walls and mountains, but the machine sounds are heard in the county town.

It was half a year ago that Shusheng Company had set up several primary raw material processing factories under the leadership of Xundian out of using some basic resources in southern Yunnan, such as cotton and linen. In order to benefit the people, and considering the actual situation in the local area, Shusheng Company did not personally operate these raw material factories, but adopted a method of encouraging local enlightened merchants or gentry to set up factories on their own. In this way, not only can ordinary people obtain economic resources through entering the factory or entering relevant business links, but also can attract those enlightened gentry and businessmen, which is very helpful for deepening and consolidating the dominance of the people's league.

Of course, on the one hand, if these businessmen who want to set up factories lack money, they can use the factory buildings, equipment, and even land and real estate to obtain loans from the Dongchuan Bank established by the Mindan League. Ordinary workers or small vendors can rest assured to join the army of earning money. The militia has a thick brick labor code to protect the rights and interests of workers.

"Booming ..."

At midnight, there was a sudden low car sound on the road outside the city, and the Xundian defensive team immediately struck twelve minutes. The city gates were closed for the first time, and the heavy machine gunners on the fortifications also tightened the grips of Mark Qin's heavy machine guns.

The sentry post on the city wall has long swept three high-power searchlights into the distance. Under the bright lights, the situation ahead is clear. It was a long list of cars that could not be seen. Uniformed army green and dense militias soldiers sitting above. The guards in front of the city gate immediately took out a red reflective sign and waved to stop.

"Xundian heavy, come and stop!"

The first heavy military card slipped and stopped, and a young soldier opened the door and walked down, accompanied by another officer with a small age difference. On both shoulders was an extremely dazzling sign, a rank of major general of the militia group, and a rank of colonel major of the militia group.

"Jiaolong, take the team to negotiate with them."

On the once battlefield of Xundian again, Chen Jun still sighed. It seems that the cannons of the past can still be heard in the valley. Today, he led the Second Brigade back to this place again.

Despite this expansion, he was not entrusted with the task of becoming a division chief, but remained with Ye Yilong as the military and political officer of the Second Division of the First Division.

Already a major general, he certainly knew how important this planned battle would be. His second brigade will serve as a fist force, and on the day the battle begins, it will become the general vanguard of the entire Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi campaign.

Looking at the trucks in front of them heading into the city one by one, Chen Jun did not move, but joined Ye Yelong after the transfer, watching the army entering the city. 5 tons of military cards, all the cars are dragging large-caliber heavy artillery guns, including 105mm field guns, and even 120mm heavy guns.

At the end of the convoy are a dozen strange vehicles that are different from big trucks. They have shorter bodies and thicker models. There is a long gun barrel in front of them. There are also two machine guns on the track. After driving across the ground, there are always two deep gravure marks.

Chen Jun pointed at those strange vehicles and said to Ye Yonglong with a full of anticipation, "What a beautiful tiger style. Xiao Long, would you like to sit up and fight in person?"

"Never mind, my body is too weird. As soon as I get into the tank, half-kung fu will faint and stun, oh, I really envy the brigade commander." The problem of motion sickness makes Ye Xunlong very helpless, otherwise, he can often Get into the tank and enjoy the feeling of armored assault.

"Oh, what a car sickness. These iron guys saw Tang Jiyao, but they wanted his life." Chen Jun reached out to signal the last Tiger-1 tank to stop and climbed in through the open top window. Lao Ye, go in a small truck yourself, haha ​​... "

Ye Xiaolong smiled helplessly, and only boarded a distant command vehicle. Such a small command vehicle was far worse than a tank.


"... Xundian, the defense change in both directions of Xuanwei has been completed secretly. Of the five strategic reserve warehouses, warehouse one has been opened. Considering the battle of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou, the main battlefield will be concentrated in the city Moreover, the traffic conditions are also basically available. We have added new 24-year infantry guns, 18-year 105mm field guns, and 22-year 120mm heavy guns for the troops. The arrangement of the armored units is that the main brigade-level troops are combined with a tank battalion. Among them, 20 Tiger-1 light tanks, 22 Tiger-2 medium tanks ...

In terms of infantry fire support, a new rocket launcher of a battalion was secretly released for use in battlefield experiments. It is worth mentioning that the new machine gun CH24 machine gun has already been issued to the main force, and the eliminated Mark Qin heavy machine gun will be added to the reserve force according to the plan ... "

A combat staff in the war room of the corps is reporting to Zhang Shusheng on the preliminary preparations for the battle of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou. Zhang Shusheng is not some leader who will only nod his signature in future generations. No matter what military terms the young staff member speaks, he will simply Some new weapons and equipment, he can be familiar to the point.

More than two months have passed since Tang Jiyao first received intelligence from the enemy to sell the country. The militia's war machine in the mountains has been fully activated. Zhang Shusheng personally ordered that the Air Force and Armored Forces be prepared for the final battle, and the battle will be put into battle at the beginning.

In terms of armored forces, through various investigations and trade-offs, the Tiger 1 light tank and the Tiger 2 medium tank were finalized. The former battle weighed 19 tons, which was similar to the data of the later US M24 Xiafei tank. It is just that the special group ’s special alloy steel technology has made a breakthrough, so that the Tiger 1 tank is not covered with a thin iron skin, but a new type of armor. Similar technology in the West is still being tested in military laboratories, which is smaller than Japan's Type 97 thin iron coffin tank was too strong. The main weapon is a 76mm tank gun, which uses a single body tube, a semi-automatic horizontal wedge bolt and a concentric reverse recoil device, as well as a side-by-side CH24 machine gun and a 22-year-old anti-aircraft machine gun. The latter retains the original basic design, with a combat weight of about 28 tons, using 88mm tank guns, which is more powerful and has stronger armor defense capabilities.

In addition to the light tanks, which were based on the later American M24 tanks, these two tanks were designed separately. The Tiger-2 medium tanks were designed separately, which fully took into account the maneuverability and firepower, defense, and fire of the tanks in the early battlefield of World War II Control needs. It can be said that these two types of tanks are a little stronger than the same type of tanks in western countries at present, but they are basically in the middle of the middle class compared to the advanced tanks being designed in various countries.

Originally Zhang Shusheng was hesitant about whether to use advanced weapons for the battle of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guizhou. After all, this incident involves the Japanese. If the Japanese find out the existence of these advanced weapons, there will definitely be some variables in the future anti-Japanese war. However, it is now the end of 1924, and it is about to usher in 1925. In addition to the Japanese in the northeast, the Japanese have also remembered the southwest, which is a historical butterfly effect caused by Zhang Shusheng.

If Zhang Shusheng hides advanced weapons instead of putting them into actual combat, the training of new forces such as armored forces and air forces will be seriously delayed, and the process of new weapons from research and development to the entry into actual combat equipment will become more severe. Long. The most important point is that Zhang Shusheng could not guarantee that the Japanese would obediently launch a full-scale war in 1937. If the Japanese launches a full-scale war ahead of time, and Zhang Shusheng is not ready yet, he will regret it all his life.

So he chose to use advanced weapons. If the secrecy work is done properly, the problem will not be great. It is true that the strategic reserve of advanced weapons is correct, but the armored forces and air forces need to be prepared for combat in advance.

"Okay. All aspects of preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. When I go back, I will look for problems in coordination and cooperation in all aspects. This is a rare large-scale military training. All departments can detect problems before they can be resolved early."


One morning's work was finally completed, and Zhang Shusheng also felt a little hungry, so he notified Mao Yunxian that the lunch break was finally here.

Back at home, Lu Yunyan, who heard the sound of a car, was standing behind the door with a beak, waiting for him.

"Well, promise, it's almost 2 o'clock, why don't you go to eat?" In the eyes of Zhang Shusheng, the young lady of the Lu family estimated that she was waiting for her own meal and waiting for her hungry. No guard was present, he wanted to bite up.

"Master Dao doesn't come back, why dare slaves dare to eat." Lu Yunyan snorted and took Zhang Shusheng's coat with a grumpy voice, murmured: "I won't come back early, and said He Ning would come over for dinner today."

Zhang Shusheng heard the words a little stunned, and then he remembered that before going out in the morning, Lu Yunyan told himself that He Ning would come over for lunch today. Although He Ning's family moved to Lishuping New City, he was reluctant to come and live, and occasionally came to eat. Just to say to this future sister. Zhang Shusheng couldn't help but often wanted to call her to have a meal together.

"He Ning." Zhang Shusheng suddenly pointed at the corridor on the right and shouted. Lu Yunyan heard the words quickly replaced his grievances and looked forward with joy, but there was nothing He Ning "Woo ..."

I just felt a hot thing sticking to his lips, Lu Yunyan felt annoyed for a while, this guy took advantage of himself again, but was kissed warmly by him, he felt his whole body was soft, his hands naturally held his neck. Ministry, took office he picked.

"Woohoo ... Zhang Shusheng, you are really a hooligan ..." It wasn't until he could no longer breathe that Lu Yunyan broke free, breathing heavily, blame him angrily and bully himself. "Okay, okay. He Ning came early in the morning alone, and I couldn't call you. I sat with her for a long time without saying a few words."

Zhang Shusheng then realized that it was this little Nizi who felt embarrassed. However, this girl He Ning has always been like this. Unlike Lu Yunyan, although He Ning has gone overseas for a few years, her character has not changed at all. Usually, she is a faint look for anyone. Only when she sees Zhang Shusheng, A little different.

"Don't be angry, if I work overtime next time, I will let someone inform my secretary Lu."

The whole lunch was rushed, Zhang Shusheng was too hungry, chopped rice, and the two women stared at him with big eyes and small eyes ~ ~ After eating, Lu Yunyan used the excuse to clean up, leaving the opportunity to be alone here Two people who can't see each other yet.

"Ninger, when you were just eating, what did you seem to want to say?" Zhang Shusheng landed and promised to make post-meal tea after brewing in person, while slowly blowing the leaves floating on the tea, he asked.

He Ning smiled lightly, came over to sit next to him, and whispered:

"Dad asked me to ask you when you plan to marry me ..."


Came back on the 9th, stood for two days on the train, and finally came back. Full recovery update. Brothers, I'm so sorry.

Qianling mother was worried. She went home once and spent 10 days with her parents. She felt relieved. This year will definitely work hard, and this book will become more and more exciting.

Special thanks also to the third new reader of this book, the reader's brother: Shengshi Zhonghua, Zhenwei ’s support, and also to other readers for their persistence. The fishermen will definitely refuel. 3671, gossip is free. (!)

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